I Want to Be a Better Christian

As a Christian mother, I often find myself reflecting on my faith and my relationship with God. I want to be the best version of myself, not only for myself and my family but also for the glory of God. This means constantly striving to be more Christ-like in my thoughts, words, and actions. It’s a journey that requires effort and intentionality, but one that is ultimately rewarding and fulfilling. In this article, I want to share some of the steps I take to be a better Christian and hopefully inspire others on their own faith journey.


Prayer is an essential part of being a Christian and one of the most powerful ways to draw near to God. Through prayer, we can come to God, confess our sins, seek His guidance, and ask for His help in every area of our lives. The Bible also teaches us that prayer is a way to express our thanks and praise to God. Through prayer, we can develop a deeper relationship with God and grow in our faith.

Pray for guidance

One of the most beneficial things we can do for ourselves is to pray regularly for guidance. Praying for guidance gives us the opportunity to talk directly to God and ask him to show us our path and help us overcome any challenges we might face on our journey. When praying, try to focus on what you’re asking and how you want God to help you. You don’t need a specific prayer or even words – just a simple request asking for assistance, wisdom and strength works just as well.

God is always there, eager to lend his hand and answer our pleas – no matter what kind of guidance or support we are seeking. Through prayer, the answers arrive in their own time and they will put us back on the path that was made solely for us. We can take comfort in knowing that he has been with us from the start—helping us discover who we are supposed to be and what direction we should take.

When praying for guidance, it helps if we are open-minded about possible solutions or paths that He might suggest – even if it doesn’t make sense at first! We have free will so you can reject advice that doesn’t fit with your own feelings or experience but remember that sometimes He will provide different solutions than those which previously occurred to you – so keep an open heart as God reaches out in guidance through prayerful reflection. Ultimately all guidance comes from Him so surrender your thoughts and seek his clarity as He lovingly reveals your answers within yourself.

Pray for strength

When you are trying to become a better Christian and more closely follow the teachings of Jesus, prayer is an invaluable tool. Pray for strength to fulfill the Lord’s will and the courage to accept His guidance over your own desires. Through prayer, you can ask for forgiveness where needed, humility when needed and encouragement when your resolve begins to weaken.

In addition to praying for strength, it is important to also pray for understanding. Ask God for an open heart that understands and follows His commandment, even through seemingly impossible times. Offer prayers of thanksgiving for God’s merciful protection and provision as you strive to become a virtuous Christian. Finally, ask Him for guidance on decisions large or small by praying specifically about what you need help with along your path towards righteousness.

When we turn our worries over in prayer rather than worrying in our own strength, we build trust in the Lord’s grace and mercy. Prayer can bring comfort during challenging times as well as peace when anxiousness sets in so that fear does not lead us away from God’s path. Prayer can bring hope where there is despair and remind us that we need not surrender because Lord will go before us & provide direction no matter what situation presents itself before us.

Pray for understanding

As Christians, we are encouraged to have conversations with the one true God, our Father. The Bible gives us many examples of people in prayer, including Jesus himself.

When praying for understanding of how to be a better Christian, you can use many different types of prayer. There is no right or wrong way to talk to God—you just need an open heart and mind. Here are some tips on how to pray effectively:

  • Begin your prayer by thanking God for all that He has done in your life and how He continues to guide you.
  • Acknowledge the problem you are facing or the area you would like help with and ask God for guidance and wisdom.
  • Spend time meditating on His presence and contemplate His will in the situation.
  • Pray out loud so that your words will be heard. This helps create a more sincere conversation between yourself and the Lord that is not clouded by doubt or fear caused by anxieties about what other people may think or say if they were around when praying out loud.
  • Remember that anything is possible in prayer and ask God for whatever you need His intervention on, including salvation from sin, guidance from feelings of loneliness and depression, forgiveness from anger towards others, strength during times of difficulty, even praise for what He has done for us throughout our lives!
  • Finally, end with an expression of gratitude towards Him for hearing your prayers and giving back abundantly as only He can do!

Bible Study

Bible study can be an invaluable tool for improving your understanding of the Bible, and for growing your faith. It can help you develop a closer relationship with God and gain a greater understanding of Christian teachings. Bible study can also show you insights into God’s plan for your life.

In this article, we’ll look at the different types of Bible study and how to get the most out of each:

Read the Bible daily

To grow as a Christian, being rooted in the Bible is essential. Making time to read, study, and meditate on Scripture on a daily basis should be part of every believer’s routine. Doing this can help us discern God’s will and plan for our lives and will provide us with valuable insights into who He is.

The Bible is divided into two main sections – the Old Testament and the New Testament. Each section contains 39 books in the Protestant Bible and 44 books in the Catholic Bible. The size of these books can range from just a few pages (like Obadiah) to hundreds of pages (like Psalms). Depending on your daily schedule, try to set aside at least 20 minutes each day for reading the Bible. This could simply entail reading one chapter from each book or studying one book from start to finish. Taking notes or highlighting verses that you find especially meaningful can also be beneficial for future study.

Additionally, there are helpful resources such as study Bibles that offer inspiring introductions to each book as well commentaries which provide deeper insight into their spiritual message. There are also various Bible-reading plans available which provide an outline of how you can read through all 66 books over certain periods of time – many churches offer group studies based on these plans so you can join others in your journey too!

The most important thing is that you make it a priority in your life – developing an intimate relationship with God through scripture should become a cherished practice, one which brings peace and joy to your day-to-day life!

Join a Bible study group

Joining a Bible study is a fantastic way to grow in your faith and gain insight that you may not have on your own. By joining a group, you allow for the sharing of opinions and knowledge, which can lead to deeper understanding and awareness of God’s Word.

A Bible study group typically consists of a leader overseeing the discussion and members who contribute to conversation with their own interpretations and understandings. Questions are encouraged as it builds deeper connections between members.

A Bible study should be an accepting atmosphere, free from judgment or discrimination of any kind. It is a chance to ask hard questions in a safe environment and learn from others who are on the same journey towards spiritual growth.

In addition, having a group brings support outside Sunday services – you will then have people that you can turn to if you need prayer or encouragement during tough times. Finally, it gives people an opportunity to express their thoughts openly and negotiate points amongst each other while still learning more about faith.

Memorize Bible verses

Memorizing Bible verses is an essential spiritual discipline for Christians of all ages and backgrounds. Being able to recall Scripture quickly and accurately can build up one’s faith, increase spiritual discernment, equip us to share the gospel with others, provide lasting hope in the midst of suffering and difficulty, and so much more. Memorizing the Word of God will enable us to better stand firm against temptation, trials, and situations that can lead us away from a Christ-like life.

The key to memorization is repetition – simply keeping exposure to Scripture frequent enough that it seeps into our hearts. Here are some tips on how to effectively memorize Bible verses:

  1. Read the verse several times in its entirety before breaking it down into smaller portions
  2. Repeat the verse out loud until you can say it without prompting
  3. Write it down
  4. Make flash cards with the reference on one side and Scripture text on the other side
  5. Visualize: while repeating or writing a verse down imagine yourself saying or hearing it
  6. Choose challenging yet meaningful passages such as 1 John 4:19 – “We love because he first loved us.”
  7. Find creative ways to remember passages such as substituting words with visuals or creating a tune/song
  8. Recite/review your memorized Scriptures daily/weekly—whatever works best for you!

With consistent practice, your memorization skills will improve over time – even if you only focus on one passage at a time. Once you have mastered a Bible verse by heart, move onto learning another one! The benefits of this spiritual practice are timeless— equipping all Christians with lifelong remembrances from God’s Word.


One of the best ways to become a better Christian is through fellowship with other believers. When we come together in unity, we can grow in our faith and learn from one another’s stories, struggles, and successes.

Being part of a Christian fellowship can provide us with an invaluable support system as we walk our faith journey. Furthermore, it can be a great way to deepen relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let’s delve into the significance of fellowship in our spiritual growth:

Attend church regularly

Developing an active fellowship with other Christians is a vital part of cultivating a strong Christian life. Attending church on a regular basis is an important step towards building relationships with fellow believers and moving closer to God.

Through local worship services, you can learn about ways to live for God as well as opportunities to connect with other Christians. This can include:

  • Joining Bible studies
  • Attending prayer meetings
  • Helping with local outreach ministry programs

You will also be able to hear teaching sermons that will help strengthen your own faith walk.

Participate in church activities

Participating in church activities is a great way to deepen your relationship with God and become a better Christian. Activities such as small-group Bible studies, church services, volunteer opportunities, mission trips and local outreach efforts will help you build fellowship with other believers while learning more about your faith.

Small-group Bible studies provide the opportunity to learn biblical topics in more depth as well as discuss how to live out those teachings in daily life. These studies can strengthen relationships and encourage accountability. Attending church services can also be a great source of encouragement, inspiration and perspective on how to apply lessons from Scripture in our everyday lives.

Participating in volunteer opportunities or mission trips provides an even more hands-on way of connecting through service. Organizations like Samaritan’s Purse provide opportunities to travel internationally and serve those affected by war or natural disaster, while local outreach efforts may include mentoring youth, feeding the homeless or stocking food pantries for the needy. These are all wonderful ways to put our religious beliefs into practice in tangible ways that further His kingdom on earth.

Connect with other Christians

Connecting with other Christians is a core element of the Christian life. If you want to become a better Christian, one effective way of doing so is by forming connections with other people in your church, local community and beyond who share the same beliefs and values as you.

By forming connections with other Christians, you can grow in your faith together – deepening your existing understanding of God and developing a richer knowledge of the Bible’s teachings. Through relationships with others who are also striving to follow Jesus, you can have someone to pray for you, discuss matters related to faith and give each other spiritual advice. Sometimes discussions will challenge and stretch us in new ways – giving us spiritual insight that would not ordinarily be acquired through individual study of scripture or reading inspirational books on our own.

Additionally, having relationships with other believers provide us with much-needed support whenever we are facing difficult circumstances or feeling disheartened by life’s struggles. Nothing can bring more comfort in times such as these than being surrounded by companions who understand where you’re coming from and provide emotional support or practical help when it’s needed most.

Whether it’s attending Sunday school classes, participating in bible study group sessions or engaging in church-wide activities such as mission trips; reaching out for fellowship will enable us to build meaningful relationships which will undoubtedly help us on our journey toward becoming better Christians.


Serving others is a key part of living a life of faith and being a better Christian. Serving others involves selfless acts of kindness that demonstrate the love of God. It also entails setting aside your own needs to meet the needs of others.

In this section, we will be looking at different ways to serve others and how it can make you a better Christian:

Find ways to serve your community

Serving others is one of the best ways to express the love of Jesus Christ. It is a direct demonstration of His teachings and an act of obedience. Each person carries out service in their own way, but it’s important to make an effort to find ways to serve your community.

One way to serve your community is through volunteering with local organizations that provide services or support for those in need. This could include working for a soup kitchen, helping out with a literacy program, or providing other forms of assistance. Additionally, consider offering simple acts of service on an individual basis—for example, helping someone carry groceries or taking care of their lawn while they’re away on vacation.

Another great way to serve your community is by joining a church that offers plenty of opportunities for service and outreach—whether it be through evangelism efforts, providing aid and support for those in need, organizing fellowship activities and gatherings, etc. Make these activities part of your personal mission as a Christian! Finally, look beyond your local community: there are plenty of nationwide initiatives you can take part in as well (such as home building projects or disaster-relief efforts).

Taking part in service not only brings joy and peace by getting out into the world and doing good deeds but can also provide Christians with spiritual growth by deepening their relationship with God’s Word and showing them how they can be like Jesus every day. Find opportunities to serve your community today!

Offer your time and talents

Offering your time and talents to those in need is a great way to be a better Christian. Going out of your way to lend a helping hand makes it possible to show the true power of kindness and God’s miraculous love for humanity. This can be as simple as volunteering in community soup kitchens and food shelters, offering companionship or transportation for the elderly, or donating your skills to teach others a valuable trade.

Sharing your gifts with others has immediate benefits for all involved. Not only does it reward you with happiness through selfless acts, but it also gives those around you more opportunities for success. Mentoring someone over the long-term can be especially fulfilling if the individual is able to pick up new skills that have been taught and put them into practice.

As spending time volunteering can often add up quickly, finding a balance between giving and keeping yourself healthy is essential in order to properly take care of yourself while doing good deeds. This can include:

  • Scheduling activities ahead of time
  • Making sure to spend quality time with family members, friends, and significant other as often as possible
  • Just don’t forget that blessing others will one day come back around full circle too!

Give to those in need

One of the fundamental teachings of Christianity is to give to those in need, whether it be through charity, volunteering, or other acts of service. An individual’s level of giving, whether large or small, should reflect their capacity to love and care for others. Depending on a person’s means and ability, different forms of giving can provide an avenue for servant-hood; from donating money to a charity or cause that is meaningful to them or giving items such as non-perishable food items that can help feed the hungry. Volunteering your time in a way that will make a difference in someone else’s life is also a form of service that should not be overlooked. Services like visiting hospital patients who are isolated and would benefit from companionship are often appreciated and make connections between people who may otherwise feel disconnected.

Consider exploring how you can reach out with an open heart to serve those who need us most; what an amazing way to show your love for Christ and your fellow man!


Witnessing is a big part of being a Christian, and it is imperative to use this opportunity to show others the path of righteousness. We need to show them the love and hope of Jesus Christ. As Christians, we need to practice what we preach and demonstrate how our faith has changed our lives for the better.

In this section, let’s discuss the importance of witnessing and how it can help us to be better Christians.

Share your faith with others

Witnessing to others about your faith in Jesus Christ is an important part of Christian living. It can be a daunting prospect to share your beliefs with nonbelievers and even other believers, but we are called to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Sharing the Gospel with others can stretch us outside our comfort zones, but it is worth it if the end result is providing people access to God’s love and His promises.

Before embarking on sharing the good news, make sure you have a good foundation in what you believe. It’s important to remember that witnessing isn’t only about presenting facts, but also being prepared to explain what they mean in your own life as well as in others’ lives. Establishing trust with those you speak with will help them keep an open heart and mind as they listen to what you have to say.

When approaching someone with the aim of evangelizing, the emphasis should be on opening discussion and listening attentively rather than trying to force something upon them. Utilize Scripture from both Old and New Testament books as well as stories from the Bible that may help illustrate points or provide applicable understanding. Keep conversations respectful; never push beyond where people are comfortable or attempt to establish yourself as an authority over them.

Be prayerful throughout this process so that God will guide your words, especially since every individual has unique needs when it comes to spiritual growth. As witnesses for Jesus Christ, it is also important for us not only share His message but display positive behavior that compliments it – through our actions we must further demonstrate God’s love transforming power!

Be a living example of Jesus

Being a witness for Jesus is more than just spreading the gospel or praying – it’s about living out your Christian values every day. As children of God, we are called to be a representation of Jesus here on earth. In other words, others should be able to tell that we follow Christ by our lives, not just by our words.

As Christians, we can demonstrate faith in God’s Word and love through our actions and attitudes towards others. We can be an example of humility and service by being generous with our time and resources; of self-control and temperance through how we conduct ourselves in public; of good stewardship through wise choices concerning finances and other matters. By exhibiting integrity in all aspects of life, including fulfilling any obligations or commitments we make, people will take notice.

When it comes to lifting up the name of Jesus while living on earth, it is not enough to simply tell people about Him but also do so with respect for each other’s beliefs. The Apostle Paul helps us understand this principle in 2 Corinthians 5:20 where he says “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors as though God were making his appeal through us…Be a living example today! Spread the love of Jesus through acts of kindness that don’t have personal gain attached because a true follower won’t have an ulterior motive behind their actions. Show grace even if you don’t receive it from others; seek peace rather than retribution when things don’t go your way; and cling to hope when times are tough – all qualities that reflect the love of God.

Pray for opportunities to share your faith

As a Christian, part of our calling is to be a witness and share the good news of Jesus with others. This can be intimidating, but often we have amazing opportunities in everyday life to engage with people who do not yet know Him. Praying for open doors and God’s timing can really help you take advantage of these moments when they arise.

Additionally, look for opportunities in your community to share your faith. From volunteering at homeless shelters to participating in evangelistic activities, there are many ways to show the love of Christ and introduce people to Him through your actions. Making sure that you keep “witnessing” as one of your top priorities will help ensure that you always have your eyes open for divine appointments and times when God wants you to use your story to positively influence someone else’s life.

Finally, don’t forget that witnessing isn’t just about talking – sometimes it is more powerful when done through listening. Take the time to get to know someone, their story and how they view the world before speaking into their life; this will allow them a space enough where they feel safe sharing their views with you so that you can find more effective ways of introducing them to the Gospel message.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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