TidbitsThursdays Expand Yourself

You know I normally have a roundup of blogging tips to give you. Last week I mentioned in my 10 Blogging Tips how the blogger needs to be themselves in their blog posts. I really need to heed my own advice.

Right now, I have had a very strong topic floating through my head so hard it literally feels like my head is getting a hole burned into it. Today’s tip is to not ignore these feelings and burning thoughts, but instead to embrace them and share them.

I want to get back to the basics of writing, so I am going to jump into this SITS Back to Blogging Challenge right here in this blog post!

Here are the ten things I’m thankful for:

1.) God– Without him in my life, I don’t think I’d be as sane as I am today.

2.) My family – They might be getting on my nerves right now a LOT because I’m under a LOT of pressure right now. However, I have a remarkable husband, amazing kids, and pretty cool in-laws.

3.) My blog– My blog is my sanity. However, it’s also become a great source of release if you will.

4.) The Online Connections– I don’t get to leave my house very often for pleasure reasons. I’m always in town for one reason or another, but it’s very seldom to just hang out or goof off. So, the ability to connect and chat with other adults is always a great thing!

5.) My health– I may not be the healthiest person alive, but I am certainly in better health than I was 10 years or even three years ago. I still struggle with some issues, but it’s not as profound as it was back then.

6.) My Cat- I never dreamed in a million years that I would become a cat person. However, my cat certainly has become a big part of my life. He doesn’t shower me with a lot of attention when the kids are awake, but the minute they are safely tucked in bed he’s all over me showering me with love like he’s missed me with a passion. When he thinks he can get away with curling up with me on my desk in my arms while I work he does that too. Plus it’s fun to watch him play with the kids. Gosh knows, he’s patient as Zeva tugs and pulls on him and carries him all over the place.

7.) Good books – Books are some of my favorite things. I love to get my nose buried in a good book and escape it all. I long for the day when I can share this love of reading more with my kids. My oldest enjoys it, but not like I do. I believe Zeva is going to be my true book lover with me because she’s always got a book in her hand just admiring the pretty pictures at this point. She LOVES to be read to.

8.) Sunsets – I love sunsets. I can never get enough of looking at them. I have a beautiful view of some pretty awesome ones from my front porch. However, I do love to sneak off to other places that have even nicer ones.

9.) My Keurig machine– Oh my goodness, I knew I wanted one of these things for years, but I didn’t know what I was missing out on until I got it. Now I use my quite often! I am eager to test out new flavors.

10.) Movies– I have been enjoying watching these comedy movies lately. I do declare that they have helped me be able to continue to enjoy the little things in life.

Share a bit of yourself in your next blog post for your readers to enjoy.

What are you thankful for?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

12 comments on “TidbitsThursdays Expand Yourself”

    • I didn’t love coffee until I got this machine. Now I’m a coffee nut just like the other coffee lovers in the world. There is so many awesome flavors to try.

  1. Great list! It seems we all love your Keurig. It’s really nice to reflect about the thing we are grateful for….reminders are an awesome way to remember that!

    • I find I don’t share it often enough. I’m working diligently to get to the point where there is a nice even mixture.

    • Lol. Yea, I have to admit my cat is clever and those early morning wake ups he loves to give are not that wonderful, but otherwise he’s a pretty awesome cat.

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