Keep Your Kids Entertained Through Spring Break

Spring Break has made it’s grand arrival already. The years just seem to be going by faster and faster the older I get. Of course, I’ve been told the older you get the quicker time goes by. Except when you’re not having fun. I definitely want to ensure my kids and I are entertained through Spring Break. I’m sure you feel the same way!

Here are some ideas to keep your kids entertained through Spring Break:

  • Make a garden: My kids always end up helping my mother-in-law in her garden this time of year. They learn valuable skills and get to see the benefits from their hard work each year. Delbert’s favorite thing to grow and eat is carrots. She even shared some of her gardening tips with us last year. [Tweet “Keep your #kids entertained #springbreak with these #kidsactivities ideas. “]
  • Take Learning Outside: This time of year there are so many natural changes that take place all around us. You can create a nature scavenger hunt.
  • Coloring Contest: I let the cat out of the bag about my other hobby. The kids love to enter into coloring contests with me.
  • Enjoy New Series: Netflix is coming out with a bunch of new series in April! They have already come out with new LEGO series which the kids were excited about getting their LEGO kits from Netflix to showcase the new series starting.
  • Build Something: One of my favorite things to do as a kid was helping my brother’s build a treehouse. Let your kids get creative building things whether that’s with nails and hammer or LEGOs. Challenge them to build their dream house.
  • Play Old but Goody Games: Sometimes the oldest games are the best to play. Be sure to check out my 10 Family Entertainment Activities Without Technology for some ideas.
  • Explore Your Town: Sometimes the best activities on rainy days are happening at your local library or free museums. Be sure to find out what is happening around you in case you get rainy weather. Often times you can have a blast for free or low cost in your home towns (or towns close to you.)
  • Plan a Playdate: I don’t know about you, but a day with my girlfriends and their kids is a day worth having for all! Plan out a potluck meal and get everyone together.
  • Help a Neighbor: There are plenty of older folks in every neighborhood that do things, and would treasure having extra little hands help them do the tasks they long to get off their to-do lists. It’s a good experience for your little ones and your neighbors.
  • Give Them a Camera: I know handing my kids a camera is like handing them a million dollars. They LOVE to take pictures. It’s always fun to see what interests them when they look at it behind the lens of a camera. You can learn a million things about them just from one picture they take.

I hope these ideas will help keep your kids entertained through Spring Break. The key is to remember they only grow up once and this is your chance to make lasting family memories together.

What are some ways you your kids entertained through Spring Break?

This post is brought to you by Netflix, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

10 comments on “Keep Your Kids Entertained Through Spring Break”

  1. Great tips!! We were blessed to go on a vacation with family and friends for Spring Break this year – so much fun! #HomeMattersParty

  2. I love the camera idea…my kiddos love taking photos! It would be fun to give them some outdoor photo challenges. I had no idea Netflix had a lego series!! We are going to check that out asap! Thank you for sharing! #HomeMattersPArty

  3. So fun! These are great for summer too. I will be needing some of these during the long, hot summer days! I love the idea to plant a garden. We did some planting with the kids last weekend and they loved it!

  4. Fabulous ideas! We love having reading time, playing outside, family walks, walking the dog, biking, skating, playing Uno, Pie Face and monopoly! We also do netflix time cause sometimes I just need a break!! #HomeMattersParty

  5. Ha! If my kids say they are bored, we either just start school up again or I give them chores! I’m such a mean mom! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday last week. I’m sorry I’m late getting around!


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