Choosing Him All Over Again Book Review

I’m blessed to be a part of the book tour who is reviewing Choosing Him All Over Again book. The actual full book tour will be taking place in January. Like usual, this in no way shaped my opinion of this book.

Choosing Him All Over Again ir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00Q75RSR0 is a book about the journey of Mikel’s personal experience of separation from her husband and their ultimate reunion. This is an honest harsh look into the journey that Juana went through. It shows the impact that having a relationship with God can have all aspects of your life.

At first this book was rather boring, and very hard to get into. However, if you read the book from start to finish, you can literally FEEL the impact God has had on her life and within her relationships. It has the ability to move you in ways you least expect.

Juana shares her prayers, passages of the Bible that have helped shape her beliefs, and she shares many personal feelings from her own struggles and journey. I love how she made it so that we could take part in her journey with her throughout the entire book from the prayers to the Bible readings. She made it clear she was sharing her story, but she wanted us to be a part of that journey with her.

How I Related To This Story

I’ve shared my true love story with you, but I didn’t mention that I Del and I shared our vows with each other when we were teenagers in his bedroom with great intensity and sincerity. To this day, I wonder if that act ever really did make him my official first husband. In my heart of hearts, I feel like it did, but I failed to be a proper wife for him until we got back together in November 2006. Even then, I still had plenty of room to grow as a wife. I’m still growing and learning how to be the kind of wife he deserves.

That is where this book really helped me out a lot. It helped me to see many errors in the way I handle my husband’s down falls. For as much as I brag about how great he is, he has some short comings too. I tend to add fuel to the fire instead of being the calming spirit that puts out his flame of anger. I have my other faults too that make our marriage volatile. However, we do work together to make it work out.

This book is filled with resources to help make our marriage stronger. I love that it shares how her husband and her both found their relationship with God and Jesus. I can only hope that will happen in our home as well.

I do highly recommend anyone to read this story. If you’re struggling in your marriage or even if your marriage is strong, you will still be richly blessed by reading this book. You can also get this book here and on Amazonir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00Q75RSR0.

Do you agree that for a marriage to last a lifetime both spouses need to be willing to work at keeping it alive? 



Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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