Working Full Time and Studying Full Time: How to Make It Work

Working on a full time basis can be demanding enough without factoring studying into the mix. If you are trying to enhance your career through learning while holding down a job in the process, it can feel like your world is caving in. The pressure is often immense. But, it is possible to achieve the right balance. Read on to discover some top tips on how to make working and studying full time work for you.

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Consider online courses – There is only one place to begin, and this is with taking an online course. An online course, such as the Online RN BSN courses for nurses, are much better for those in a full time job because they offer greater flexibility. You don’t have set hours for lectures, nor do you need to spend time getting to and from university. Instead, you can slot in studying at hours that are convenient for you, and you can do this from the comfort of your own home.

Keep your manager informed – A lot of people do not tell their boss that they are studying because they worry that it will have a negative reflection on their commitment. However, you need to keep your manager updated on your study schedule. You will find that most managers will be supportive so long as they are kept in the loop. They may even be flexible to your study hours, as long as you show them improved commitment during periods whereby your study isn’t so prevalent. So, make sure you tell your boss if there are going to be any disruptions to your work schedule, if you are going to stay late or come in early to make up for any time you have had off, and, of course, any times you are going to need off for studying.

Utilise productivity methods that have a proven record of success – There are many different ways you can enhance your productivity levels, yet it is always better to stick to proven options, as you have little room for things to go wrong. Some proven productivity methods include The Eisenhower Matrix, Stephen Covey, and Getting Things Done (GTD). You don’t have to read these books from start to finish to fully understand what is required. There are plenty of tutorials and videos online that will help you to get started.

Plan strategic study days – Plan a strategic study day to ensure you do not become overly stressed before a big test. If you are able to, you should take a day off work so you can go over the material that is covered on your upcoming exam. By taking a strategic study day before each test, you will ensure your stress levels are lowered because you know you can assign one day that is completely dedicated to studying and nothing else.

Choose your sacrifice – If you are going to work full time and study full time, you are going to need to sacrifice some other things in your life to accommodate this. Therefore, one of the first things you need to do is choose a sacrifice that will help you to achieve your goals. For example, if you usually spend at least an hour of your evening watching television, you may need to cast this aside and study instead.

Maximise every spare minute of your day – There are always going to be moments throughout the day when you find yourself doing nothing. For example, you could be waiting to pick your child up from school, or you could have come back early from your lunch break. If so, you should turn these spare moments into miniature study sessions to help you achieve more. There are numerous ways you can fit studying into very small slots of time. For example, you can watch YouTube study videos or you can make use of relevant apps that will help you to achieve your goals. You can also put relevant photos and diagrams on your phone for you to study whenever you get a spare minute. It is also a good idea to carry flash cards with you wherever you go, or at least take a photograph of them instead.

Make the most of your commute – Your commute is another opportunity you have to cram some more studying in. If you are driving, you can listen to audio versions of your textbooks while you drive. You can also record yourself saying your vocab words. If you are not driving, you will be able to use study cards and any other methods of revision that work for you. It is also a good idea to record your lectures and listen to them while you drive. You can enhance the speed to 1.5x so that you get through the details at a quicker speed while you drive.

Make the most of your holiday periods – If you still have the option of taking holiday days at work, then you should use these to study. You should check your exam schedule and book a day or two off beforehand. This will enable you to concentrate on studying without worrying about it having a detrimental impact on your work life.

Improve your reading speed – Last but not least, it is a good idea to work on improving your reading speed during this period. After all, you are going to be going through hundreds of pages per week most likely. There are many ways to improve this aspect of your studying, check out this link for more information about the different approaches you can use.

There is no denying that working and studying full time can be difficult. However, it is achievable. If you follow the advice that has been presented above, you should find it a lot easier to reach your goals. It’s all about considering your options carefully, being honest with those you work for, and prioritizing effectively. If you can do this, you will have much more success.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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