Victus Study Skills System Review

I was given the chance to review Victus Study Skills System through Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for an honest blog review. Victus Study Skills System is a program created to help primarily 5th to 12th graders the fine art of knowing how to study and actually learn materials they are taught. This system is made up of Teachers Edition and/ or a Student Workbook. You can obtain the Teacher Edition for $40. The Student Workbook is $20.00.

Victus Study Skills Review
I personally was never really taught how to study anything when I was going through grade school because I literally could just pay attention in class or just read the textbook if the subject matter interest me and pass them with flying colors. I graduated high school with honors (even though my Mom was adamant that if I ever cracked a book and applied myself I could have been higher up in the ranks.) She may have been right, but I was never taught the fine art of studying and really taking notes.

Victus Study Skills Review
Victus Study Skills System is a program that was created as a means of teaching our kids a “way of life.” Their hope is that this program will install in our kids the ability to not only study better in school, but also become better prepared adults when they are older.

Victus Study Skills System Concepts

Zeal without knowledge is not good, but zeal with knowledge bears fruit.

Results come from the process.

Any system will all of its components must have an aim, or purpose.

A unique and effective system of study has the greatest likelihood of aiding in success.

There are three main sections to these workbooks:

  1. Where am I now? In this section it literally helps teach your child how to determine what their learning style is, what their strengths are, and some suggestions on how to improve their learning using their strengths.
  2. 2.       Where do I want to be? How many times have you had people ask your kids what do they want to be when they grow up? I’ve heard it a thousand times, and I remember hearing it when I was growing up too. (Here’s a side note, I actually spent from the time I was in the 5th grade all the way up until my first year of college becoming a teacher. I did it ALL in preparation for that ultimate goal.) So, it was nice to be able to go through these steps with Jimmy. Even though, Jimmy is adamant that he’s going into the Air Force. However, even with that goal in mind he knows he has to graduate high school in order to get there. The more skills he has the higher ranking he can possibly get into with the Air Force after he takes his entrance exam. That brings us to our last section.
  3. 3.       How do I get there? This section is all about teaching our kids how to make their goals a reality. What type of time management methods are they going to use? It teaches them the fine art of creating a schedule and becoming organized. Now this section here, is one I think many adults could benefit from taking again.


My Opinion

I personally expected this to be a program that would just teach the kids about how to study. I didn’t expect to get as much from these workbooks as we received. There is a lot jammed packed into these workbooks, but it’s an easy system to teach in 30 minute stretches over a two week time period. Granted, it’s geared towards 5th-12th graders, but Jimmy soaked up the knowledge. He really seemed to be enjoying learning these things about himself. He enjoyed making future plans and having it in writing. His favorite part seemed to be making a mission statement. (He made it sound like a game, but yet, he took it seriously too.) I would certainly recommend it for any homeschooling family. You can gain more information by viewing their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget to read the other reviews from the other Schoolhouse Review Crew by clicking on the banner.

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Out of curiosity, were you ever taught how to study growing up?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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