Unlock Math: Unleash the Inner Mathematician in You

Is there actually a way to “unlock math” for ourselves and learn the subject quickly? It is a universal and undebatable knowledge that mathematics is a darn difficult subject. Based on one of our favorite internet meme’s, MATH is actually an acronym to “Mental Abuse To Humans.” Do take that statement lightheartedly and let yourself have a little chuckle. We, by no means, take that seriously, but we do acknowledge its wit and quirkiness. Anyway, mathematics is definitely not a subject for everybody. However, everybody must take it as long as they are attending schools, colleges, and universities.

What’s the secret to “Unlock Math”?

The society also understands that mathematics is one of the most dreaded subjects. As such, society aims to lend these suffering individuals a hand. One of the services people can avail is Unlock Math. UnLock Math is a service that appeals to parents who wish to further their children’s mathematical prowess. Of course, the children still have to do all the studying and grinding, but the website offers wonderful resources and a fun time learning one of the most dreaded subjects.

The question is, does it hold true to its promise or is it just some money grabbing fraud?

Fun and interactive

After landing on their website, you will immediately be greeted by a funky purple website. It’s nowhere near an artwork, but it does look professional and clean. That’s just the beginning of the experience.

UnLock Math offers courses Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. Students are openly allowed access to all of these courses at once. Obviously, though, a student should pick his own starting level. After choosing a course, the course components are already laid out. The teacher, in the form of Alesia for Pre-Algebra, uses an onscreen board instead of a whiteboard. This gives off a fun and interactive atmosphere. In addition to that, the practice problems are also not merely multiple choice or input your answer. There would be times wherein the answers are required to be drawn on the screen and the like.

Credit system

UnLock Math utilizes the credit system to both motivate the student, as well as keep their fiery competitive feelings on at all times. As such, the service also uses this in various forms. In order to sharpen children’s skills, multiple types of question sets are used. One of which is an optional challenge question. This question is a one answering chance question without any do overs. On the other hand, answering it correctly will give the student extra credits and eternal bragging rights.


UnLock Math is a bit on the pricey side of the scale. However, the services it provides lives up to its price. If you do want to sharpen your child’s mathematical skills, then do consider using UnLock Math. It does an amazing job in getting the lessons across. In addition to that, the website design, as well as the video designs are obvious evidence that everything is thought critically before execution.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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