The Truth About Homeschool Organization

I’ve been a homeschool parent for over four years now. I started out homeschooling using the simple Connections Academy approach. They would send us all of our material we needed for each of the kids. I could easily just place their textbooks and supplies into a bin for each student right over their work area. Now, though, we have been on the independent route of homeschooling our children. As a result, homeschool organization as I knew it has since gone completely out of the window!

I’m constantly finding new and amazing free bits of homeschool material to use with the kids all over the web. Some of it I have to print out NOW in order to have access to it when I truly need it. As a result, I have binders filled with the curriculum that I will use when we get to that point. I also couldn’t begin to tell you a number of school supplies I’ve been stocking up on.

When I see images like the one above I truly want to laugh because although my stuff all has a special place, the reality is it’s ALL OVER our house in various locations. We have tried to create a homeschool room  and classroom many times over. We’ve finally accepted the fact that we are just going to do schoolwork wherever the mood strikes us even if that means taking lessons outside.

The Truth About Homeschool Organization

I have learned that homeschool organization is not a one size fits all by any stretch of the imagination. We all have to find a system that works for us. Some families thrive on one set curriculum per grade for each year. Others are like ours and we like to dabble in a bit of everything at once. If you’re a dabbler then you have to make room for all of the things that go with it.

We love [easyazon_link identifier=”B018TVV7BW” locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]fabric bins[/easyazon_link]!! We have fabric bins filled to the rim with all kinds of things from our Science project kits to our various kinds of pens and markers. We also have our textbooks in them. We also have shelves in almost every room filled with books and binders of curriculum we’ve gotten online

I’ve also learned that if your house is small like ours is that taking away the living room and turning it into a classroom doesn’t work. I shared our room when we set it up like that and I’ll never forget some of the comments I got when I did that. I honestly thought they were wrong. Yet, they weren’t!! By doing that, I was practically eliminating my chance to bond with my kids outside of our lessons. Regardless how our homeschooling journey goes I’m still their MOTHER FIRST!

By doing that, I was practically eliminating my chance to bond with my kids outside of our lessons. Regardless how our homeschooling journey goes I’m still their MOTHER FIRST!

Regardless which homeschool organization system your family chooses remember your home doesn’t have to look Pinterest ready. Your organization method may be completely off the wall according to our society standards. However, if you know where everything is and you’re keeping track of the important paperwork and your kids are learning that’s all that really matters!

What homeschool organization truth and method do you have? 





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

11 comments on “The Truth About Homeschool Organization”

    • Thank you so much for your kind words of blessing. It honestly is one of my biggest blessings in life.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  1. I don’t home school my kids, but it’s great that you do. You’ll always know what they’re learning and you all have much more time bonding. #ProductReviewParty

    • Sometimes I think that bonding time is challenged because I am their teacher too. However, I do love knowing what they are learning or not learning.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  2. Hahaha, my stuff is all over our “school room” which is also the laundry room! I do have little buckets for art supplies and a bookcase for curriculum, but yes, perfect schoolrooms are far and few in between. Thank you for co-hosting the #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup with me!

    • It’s very hard to tame the homeschool supply organizational beast. This is especially true when you have small spaces.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  3. Um, yeah… my house will never look like that photo. Our homeschool stuff is confined to a ROOM, but it’s all over that room (and actually my oldest prefers the kitchen table so she has two “bins” in the kitchen that need “taming” often).
    Found you at #SmallVictoriesSunday

    • I’m glad to know that the bins needing taming are a normal thing! It’s so hard to keep our homeschool stuff well organized. Don’t even get me started on keeping all of the sites and resources I find online organized.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon. I do hope that you’ll come back to the #SmallVictoriesSunday next week.

  4. We have stuff everywhere— organized; but everywhere. We have bins in our kitchen pantry for art, messy science experiments, and math manipulatives since my boys create and do math the most at our kitchen table. We have books in all of their rooms, our playroom, our living room and textbooks on the bookshelf near the computer. We have games tucked in various closets and places and there’s just about always something on our dining table; this week it’s seeds in cups that we’re germinating.


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