Homeschool Classroom Ready

Del has finally had the chance to get our classroom completely ready for me to start teaching the boys. We still have to move our big huge fan out of our living room, but we should have that done by today. Once that’s moved, I’ll be able to use both sides of my dry erase board.

Our living room is now officially cramped to say the least. At least it makes it easier for me to keep up with what my boys are doing while they are doing their independent work. I still want to do some final organization touches to our set up, but that can be done tonight after the kids go to bed.

I have them already starting school work because they need something to occupy their minds and keep them out of trouble. I think we’re getting our hot weather late this year because we’re getting our July temperatures now in August. At least that’s what I think is happening.

Plus this will be the first year that I have to really teach both Delbert and Jimmy different lesson plans. Last year, I was blessed because Delbert already KNEW all the material given to him so he could whiz through his work and then just pay attention to Jimmy’s lessons for the most part. He’s been a part of all of Jimmy’s lessons since we’ve started the homeschool bit. I just don’t know how much of it he’s retained since we’ve never tested him along the way. Yet, last year when Jimmy was given tests, as long as someone was reading the questions to Delbert he was able to answer a vast majority of them correctly! I’m a bit concerned about how I’m going to manage teaching both of them two different grade levels this year, but I have noticed that a lot of the materials are the same. They do cover different materials though. It just means that Delbert will be advanced in his knowledge. 

Jimmy is still able to work in his room, but his desk is now turned towards the living room so I can see him through our shelves on my desk. I’ll be able to see him more once I get done with my organization. Of course, he’s still lacking working with earnest speed. I wish I had a way of lighting a fire under his tail end. Any suggestions??? 

Let Pre-K Start Early

Zeva is being like Delbert was, and is getting all involved in having her own assignments given to her. I had to let her have her own notebook and access to the crayons to do her own “work.” Just like the boys she would rush to me when she was done whatever she was trying to do, and show it to me with complete pride.

I decided not to put up the posters we’ve had on our walls for years this time around. The kids really didn’t pay them much attention when they had them up. Jimmy still has the map of the United States on his wall for us to refer to as needed. However, the rest of them aren’t going up. We use many forms of electronic devices to help them learn those details without having visual reminders all over my house that I’m suppose to be in teaching mode all the time.

How have you set up your school zone in your home? I’d love to see it. If you don’t have any pictures, what have you found that works for you?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

1 thought on “Homeschool Classroom Ready”

  1. This is great! I was wondering how it would work teaching the different grade levels at the same time. I love that Zeva is excited and wants to do her own work as well. I hope lessens are going well!


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