True Love by Jude Deveraux Book Review

I was given the chance to be a part of the book tour for True Love by Jude Deveraux in exchange for an honest blog book review. That has not shaped my opinion of this book in any way.

If you know me at all then you know I’m a firm believer of a true love and its existence. This title really captured my attention and I was more than eager to get my hands on it to read. I didn’t even read about it (I’m guilty of doing that. I tend to judge books by their covers and titles. It has lead to some very interesting reading in my lifetime.)

This book ended up being about a man in search for the answer as to what happened to his beloved soul mate. He wasn’t able to transition completely to his next life until he knew she was safe and well. Instead, he has been a part of many generations of his families’ lives. He had to wait until one particular woman came back to the house he resided in came to stay. In the process, another love story unfolds between this woman and another man.

It is a great little book filled with loads of romance. It touches on supernatural sci-fi effects. If you believe in ghosts, then you will treasure this book a lot. Even if you don’t believe in ghosts (like myself), but yet believe in the power of love then you’ll also enjoy reading this book.

There is a lot of things in this book that really go against everything I am taught about ghosts and love. However, I still felt it was a great read, and I devoured it in a very short time frame. (Which lately, that’s a great task with as much as I have been doing.)

Jude Deveraux’s True Love is actually the first book in the Nantucket Brides triology. It will arrive in stores and online on July 9, 2013. I’m eager to read the rest of the books in this series. I can personally say that I’ve read many of Jude Deveraux’s other books, and have deeply enjoyed them as well. The Summerhouse series is actually one of my favorites of hers.

You can read more about Jude Deveraux by visiting her webpage. You can also connect with her on Facebook and/or Twitter.

Have you read any of her books yet? If so, which one is your favorite? 



Book Reviews, Entertainment

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

35 comments on “True Love by Jude Deveraux Book Review”

    • Honestly, I hadn’t time to pick up one of her books for a long time myself, and when I got offered the chance to join this book tour I was thrilled to finally have a “reason” to read one of her books. Of course, it made me realize how little I’ve been reading for my own personal pleasure verses making sure I’m keeping up with my latest book reviews that had to be read.

    • It was. It was a very pleasant read and it made me feel like I was on Nantucket with the characters (almost like I was a female ghost watching it all transpire.)

    • I have read many of her books, and have really enjoyed them. They are always a great read. I never put any thought into her books verses my beliefs until now. I guess that’s because I’ve been reading so many places where it makes a difference. However, I never thought about that concept before.

      By the way, your book should be arriving at your house tomorrow. 🙂

    • I tend to agree that a true man will do what it takes to protect those he loves and ensure they are well taken care of.

    • Tina,
      It was a great book. I am trying to get caught up, but lately things are not going in my favor. I have plenty of great books to share with you that’s for sure.

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