Crafty Wannabe Momma

This is a sponsored post for Oriental Trading, but that in no way shaped my opinion of these products. 

I was given the chance to work with Oriental Trading. I have been eagerly awaiting the chance to dig into the paints we got from them. We have been using our other goodies a lot too. My mother-in-law fell in love with some of my products that I got that she had to run and get some of them for herself too. This company has something for EVERYONE on their site.

I went in figuring I was only going to get crafty projects since I am a “crafty wannabe Momma.” I want to be great at crafts and do actually enjoy digging my hands in creating things. However, I don’t do it very often at all because my energy and time is always spent on something else. I wanted to create a project that would really highlight how great these paints were. In fact, I’ve literally done several different projects that I won’t even dare to share with you. (Yes, that’s how much they embarrass me!) So, please don’t laugh at my attempts.

The kids and I took a rainy day last week and went to Dollar Tree to get some ideas of something else we could attempt to do because I didn’t want to have this post delayed any longer. Low and behold they had several different types of stencils and pretty shades of glitter to go with them. I figured with my paint from Oriental Trading and these tools, we were set. Let me say, a six year old and a two year old with glitter on their own does not make for a good combination. I now have a glitter covered kitchen. Which lead to my husband and I having a huge debate. He was griping and I told him when he’s 80 years old he’ll want his glitter filled kitchen floors back because he’ll miss having the young kids running around the house making life interesting. (He disagrees with me now, but I know I’m right!!)

So, without further ado… Here are our works of art.


I thought I had lost these pictures from our Valentine’s Day truck kits we got too (hence, why we had so many project attempts and delay in post being live.) I just found them just now. Yea!


We also got to get some get some education tools to make life a bit better. I got the dry erase worksheet covers. These are a wonderful creation when I want to have them do worksheets that I know going in that they are most likely going to make mistakes on them. This way I’m not having to waste excess ink costs and etc. trying to get them to understand the concepts. My mother-in-law also uses them for her quilting (I’m not exactly sure how she does that, but she LOVES them!)

We got these cursive writing sheets to help Delbert learn to write in cursive. He loves them a lot. Within a few days, I can honestly say that he is writing in cursive quite nicely too with the help of these dry erase writing sheets.

Zeva has her bed covered in stuffed animals, but according to her she can’t have too many of them. So, I got her this cute adorable bear with her name on it so that she sees her name every day in hopes that she will learn the spelling of it. This bear is so cuddly it’s perfect for her.

We also got a lot of other awesome things. I felt like it was Christmas for us. All of the items we got were of excellent quality and very well made. They also withstood the wear and tear of my kids being a bit too rough with them. I can say that if a teacher were to want to get products from this site it would be a wise inexpensive investment worth doing.

Oriental Trading has many products ready for Easter too. They offer quick shipping and exceptional customer service. There is a wide range of products to choose from for all types of events that you may have going on in your life. I love that I can get a lot of different things for very little money out of my pocket.

You can learn more by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube.

I dare you to only find ONE product off their website that you want. I’d love to know if you were able to just pick ONE?





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

19 comments on “Crafty Wannabe Momma”

  1. I love Oriental Trading and make huge orders from them several times a year. They have awesome party and crafts stuff!

  2. I’ve only thought of Oriental Trading for party knick knacks. I’ll have to peruse their current offerings. That truck is so cute and it looks like you did great at getting your ‘craft’ on 🙂

    • I did a great job of just having fun with the kids. That really is what mattered. 🙂 I love Oriental Trading, and they offer so much more than what they did when I was growing up.

  3. Wait, what…dry erase worksheet covers….my goodness I wish I would have known about this when we started homeschooling! Now mine is ready to graduate this year – still those would be great for menu planning and for my freezer list!

  4. I have to look into that dry erase worksheet covers.That’s a whole new concept for me.I love the posters your little artists made.This is really a fun looking project to do with kids.

    • Aren’t they just adorable?? I can’t help but smile when I look at their pictures of their finished artwork. Even Delbert is proud as can of his, and I’m still trying to figure out what rulers has to do with an Easter theme.

  5. I actually just ordered from them the other day, we have a “treasure box” that my son gets to pick from after school & we needed a new toy assortment for it. They really do have so much cool stuff!

    • That’s really cool. I really didn’t think about making one of those. That would have been an amazing thing to add to my homeschool “classroom.” It may make a difference in the results that I may get from my kids.

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