Top Entertainment Suggestions #GiftReadyGuide for 2013

I absolutely love all things entertainment related from movies, TV shows, and video games. I’m so thrilled to be able to do these reviews. Many of the movies I’ve reviewed from this year have been from me renting them on my own, but I’ve also been blessed to do some reviews for companies too.

Top Movie Suggestions

1.) Grace Unplugged  – I love this story. It’s about a teenager who gets her chance to be in the limelight. She learns where her true limelight needs to be. I highly recommend this movie to others.

2.) When Calls The Heart – I haven’t had the chance to do up a blog review on this one yet because it just came out today, and I had received a copy for review. Let me tell you it’s a remarkable movie. It shares the story of two women on their journey to finding what God’s plans are for them. I love how honest and heartwarming the stories are. It is so good my kids were totally wrapped up in it with me.

3.) Pacific Rim– This is such a great scifi movie. I love the special effects that are in this movie. I love that it kept me on my toes throughout the whole thing.

4.) Rise of the Guardians – This movie is one that the kids totally love. They can watch it over and over if I’d let them. I finally got the chance to actually physically watch it from start to finish, and I have to admit it’s a remarkable movie.

5.) Angus Buchan’s Ordinary People – This movie is absolutely wonderful. I thought it was going to be to boring for me to want to continue watching it because it started out slow. However, since I road out the boring parts, I really got wrapped up in it. I literally have notes of quotes from it that I want to use in a blog post one day. It is one of those movies that never seems to leave your mind once you’ve seen it.

6.) The Intouchables – This movie is one of those that you have to read the subtitles, but it is so worth it. I can still remember the laughter and the tears from it. I can even picture the scenes from the movie still.

7.) Won’t Back Down – I love the how much this movie inspired me. I love seeing people taking a stand and making a difference in our world. This movie is all about that.

8.) Abel’s Field – This is another inspirational movie for sure. It’s not very engaging, but it’s a great movie still!

9.) Internship – This one just came out today. It’s also another good one worth having. It’s filled with loads of laughs as promised. It makes me want to go visit the Google office even more than I already did to start with.

10.) Kids Movies Galore– I have reviewed a lot of wonderful kids movies this year. It’s almost impossible to pick just one worth mentioning. My boys are totally in love with Transformers Prime.

Top Video Games

Special note: We were given some of these games in exchange for an honest blog review. That in no way shaped our opinion of these games. I’m confident that if you add them to your video game collection that you will definitely agree with my review of them! 

1.) Just Dance 2014– This hasn’t been officially reviewed on my blog. However, we LOVE all Just Dance games. There isn’t one that we don’t love.  We didn’t get the chance to have our blog review done live. I’m working on getting my videos loaded to YouTube of our kids enjoying playing. You can click the link to see Delbert playing it for a bit.

2.) Skylanders Swap ForceThis is another one that the review was coming, but it didn’t get live in time. Skylanders Anything is AMAZING! We have all of them now for our Wii U. We got one from both Activision to review, and we had already got it on opening day. So now Del has one for his man cave and we have ours for the livingroom. We LOVE them! (The link I gave you is showing how excited we were over getting the original Skylanders.) We got the Giants too. Now we get to use all of the characters on Swap Force. I love the new things that the Swap Force characters can do.

3.) Lego City Undercover  – The kids and I are totally in love with this game. I LOVE ANY Lego game. They are ALWAYS on my wish list. I love the challenge that they give us when we’re playing it. There is always so many hidden things to find and collect. It makes for great multiplayer gaming because I can pop in and out of the game without it hurting the game (like any Lego game.)

The last suggestions are from Del. He hasn’t had a chance to give me a full review on these games for me (or they haven’t even come out yet for us to get our hands on them–even though we are eagerly waiting for them.)

4.) Last of Us– He loves this game a lot. When you ask him about his favorite games from this year this is definitely top of his list.

5.) Battlefield 4- He stated this game is a nice step above Battlefield 3. He loves the graphics on it. It’s definitely a good multiplayer game. It is a short story, but one worth being a part of.

6.) Beyond Two Souls

7.)  Need For Speed Rival– This is definitely a game we are waiting on with great anticipation. We are huge fans of Need For Speed games. We turn the volume up high, put it on the big screen and take the ride of our life with the Daddy Man. It’s a lot of fun for us.

8.) Knack– We got this game with his PS4. It is definitely a cute easy game to play. I was itching to take over the controls to play it myself. However, the PS4 is Del’s baby. So, I don’t get to touch it.

9.) Killer Instinct– XBOX One exclusive. Del is itching with every ounce of his being to play this game. I can see it now Thanksgiving Day in between him cooking our feast, he’s going to be torn between which games he wants to play. It’s going to be a total delight to see him like a kid in a candy shop. (I wish I could afford to have our Thanksgiving dinner cooked for us this year. (Note: I’m not a huge meal cook, and that’s why Del has cooked every holiday meal we’ve had together!)

10.) Forza Motorsport – Yet, another racing game we have our eyes on. (Racing games have a way of becoming huge family games in our household. Del and I both love the thrill of driving way too fast  in real life–prior to kids arrivals– we were both well known for having heavy lead feet!)

There you have our entertainment suggestions for 2013.

Do you have one that you think should be on this list too? 

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

6 comments on “Top Entertainment Suggestions #GiftReadyGuide for 2013”

  1. Great list!! I love all the lego games!! They’re always so much fun. I can’t wait (well I definitely can!) until Eli is old enough to play some fun video games together!


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