Wii U Fun Lego City Undercover Review

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Unfortunately, this isn’t a review and giveaway type deal. This is just me sharing some of our own personal interests and likes. 🙂

I told you about us getting the Wii U for Christmas. This game was on the top of our list, but it didn’t come out until the middle of March. Of course, with school and work and everything else, we haven’t had too much time to really dig in and enjoy it. Well, we had time the past two weekends now to enjoy this game. I’ve been to busy and not been able to play it but two hours worth now myself. However, it’s just as good if not better than all the other Lego games created. (Yes, we have every Lego game that is available on the Xbox 360.)

We are huge fans of the Lego games.

I love them because they never get boring and there is always something more to do. Plus there is always something to work towards. We limit our video game time to during the weekends and sometimes we may squeeze in at max an hour or two during the week. However, when we have a Lego game we like it’s really hard to resist the urge to pull it out and play it.

I also have faster Internet. So, … that means we can use the Wii U to the fullest!!! We can now watch our Netflix, Amazon Prime, and even YouTube videos on our big TV now. 🙂 I’ve noticed that Amazon Prime offers some pretty recent new releases for FREE to watch right on my TV. So, that is wonderful news for me. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get back on track with the new release Tuesday reviews. 🙂 I’m suppose to be able to use Skype on the Wii U too or some type of system to chat with others live, but I have to play around with it to figure that part out. I will though in due time though.

Can you tell I’m a Wii U lover?? What about a Lego fan??

We also went on a five mile bike ride today with the kids and my in-laws. My mother-in-law and Zeva got to ride in the golf cart behind us. I found out that one of our neighbors has four horses and one of them is my dream horse. I told Del I was itching to go beg them to be able to ride their horse. It’s within riding my bike distance from me!! It would be worth it to me to be able to ride him!!!!! He’s gorgeous and I love how his ears perked up when he saw us, and he didn’t take his eyes off of us until we were out of sight. If I didn’t have the whole gang with me I swear I would have been knocking on their door right then and there.

I told Del he was worth the risk!! Del, of course, told me go ahead. The worse that can happen is they tell me no. However, I can provide them any amount of references on my riding ability. I’ve been on horses long before I could walk. Just thinking about him, has me itching to get up and go ask them.

The kids had a blast. I did too to be honest. It felt good to be able to out race my kids on a bike. Plus be able to go that far without any trouble. It is a gorgeous day outside!!!

How has your Saturday gone?? Any plans for tomorrow???




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Wii U Fun Lego City Undercover Review”

  1. wow.. this sounds very interesting! I am sure my three year old son would just love this one! He likes to solve puzzles and fix things.. he has few lego sets too…But we haven’t gotten around to getting any actual vedeo games or Wii sort of stuff for him to begin with. Too young for all that, you know? May be we should get one of these so that we can play too! :)Wonderful review 🙂

    • I guarantee you’ll gain hours of play time from this game. 🙂 It’s perfect for those rainy, snowy, and extremely hot days.

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