Top 9 Blogging Newsletters You’ll Want!

By now, you already know I’m a blogging educational junkie. I love to learn how others became successful with blogging and read their tips. I have a nine blogging newsletters that I get daily, and I may not read hardly any other emails I get but when these newsletters hit my inbox the first chance I get I read them. I try to implement as many tips as I physically can into my blogging routine. However, when you’re only one person you have to pick and choose what holds priority at that given point in your life. I’m still learning that happy balance in what needs to be done versus what doesn’t! (I think many bloggers who do it by themselves can highly relate to that issue.) Here’s one of my biggest blogging tips yet…


My Top 9 Blogging Newsletters

1.) ProBlogger– If you really want to go into the professional realm of blogging you’re going to learn who Darren Rowse is pretty early on in your blogging educational journey. He’s well known for his book ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Incomeir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1118199553. I have read it and found it to be very insightful. In fact, I listed it as one of my top five blogging books bloggers should read.

2.) Smart Passive Income (AKA- Pat Flynn) – I know you’re thinking, he’s a podcaster. Trust me when I say that he’s an Internet Guru that you want to know and know well. He gives us online marketers (which in many ways that’re what a professional blogger is in my book) very detailed and through advice both on his blog and in his podcasts. He’s also famous for his book called Let Go by Pat Flynnir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00CFAGZBG, which yes, I own it too. I haven’t finished reading it completely because when I got it I had a HUGE stack of book reviews due too. However, I will get back to reading it in 2015 I’m sure because what I did read of it was very interesting and enjoyable to read.

3.) BlogHer Publishing Network – As a part of their Social Media Influencer Team I get their emails from them filled with many blogging tips and upcoming blogging events too.

4.) SITS Girls– I am an avid SITS Girl fan! The ladies in this group are awesome, and there are many bloggers in this group who LOVE to help each other out. Their newsletter is filled with valuable blogging tips that can really help you grow. They do strive to do their best to help you grow and learn on your blogging journey. Don’t forget every Saturday they host a Twitter party at 10AM EST using the hashtag #SITSBlogging. It’s an active, but very fun Twitter party.

5.) Daily Blog Tips – This blogging newsletter is an LOT of fun to read because I never know what kind of blogging advice they are going to share with me. Plus many of them are filled with a whole bunch of tips worth implementing in your daily blogging journey.

6.) Amy’s Useletters (From Amy Lynn Andrews) – Amy sends these out weekly every Saturday. I totally adore these newsletters because they are quick and easy to read. She gives valuable tips on blogging and other small little things related to the online world. I can’t begin to say how many tips of hers I have used through the years.

7.) Blogelina – She gives out pretty good blogging advice. Sometimes it is repetitive stuff, though. She is well known for her Blogger to WordPress packages she offers.

8.) 5 Minutes for Mom– They have started giving their blogging advice and tips in their newsletters. It has been really fun to learn their journey and blogging advice.

9.) Bloggy Moms– This has been a lot of fun to read. They give blogging advice and they also share many blogging opportunities in their newsletters.

There you have my favorite blogging newsletters that I eagerly open and read each time they hit my inbox.

What is your favorite blogging newsletter?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

51 comments on “Top 9 Blogging Newsletters You’ll Want!”

  1. Some of these I have read or subscribed to and some I still subscribe to. I’ll be resubscribing to these and Thank you so much for such a great list.

  2. I am subscribed to some of these. Love Amy Lynn Andrews! I couldn’t find the subscription area to daily blog tips or bloggy moms. Thank you for your list!

  3. I am subscribed to some of these newsletters, but am looking forward to following a few more. Blogging is constantly changing and I feel you can never learn everything, but you can always try to learn more…Thanks for sharing!

    • I agree that blogging is constantly changing and that’s one of the reasons why I love these newsletters because they help keep me in the know.

    • I’m glad you found this list to be helpful. I didn’t get your website address so I couldn’t go visit you in return. If you’d like to share that, I’d be honored to be a guest on your website as well.

  4. I found this post on Pinterest. I do get most of those newsletters, or I’ve got them set up in my Feedly reader. Another one that I really like is Jeff Goins; he writes a LOT about blogging, writing and life.

    • That is a yikes move. The iBlog Magazine is really filled with some powerful and detailed information that is really useful.

  5. I only receive 3 of these newsletters. I’ll have to check them out. My favorite newsletter is from OurBestBites, but it’s more what I am going to make for dinner then how to blog better.

    • That’s just as important isn’t it. My husband’s first question of the day is always, ‘What are we having for dinner?’ He knows if he doesn’t ask that question everyday we’ll be having whatever I can scrounge up in a quick manner that night. I am NOT a meal planner by any means!

  6. Thanks for this list! I have been subscribed to SITS for as long as I can remember and I have heard of ProBlogger but the rest are all new to me. I have some signing up to do!

  7. I think my favorite is ProBlogger. They give out such good info! I follow Pat Flynn’s blog but have never signed up for his newsletter. Fixed that!

    • ProBlogger is a great newsletter for sure. I am sure that Pat Flynn’s newsletters will be quite helpful to you as well.

    • I’m glad you found it to be a great list of choices. I have a hard time reading all of the ones I get too, but I still love knowing that I have these resources available to me.

  8. I’ve heard of a few of these, but not all! Pinning this one on my Becoming A Better Blogger board 🙂

    Visiting from this week’s Inspired By Me Mondays; hope you come back & link up with us again 🙂

  9. Thanks for linking up at Motivation Monday! I know about some of these newsletters. I’m signing up for the rest.

  10. Thanks for sharing these! I am signed up for a few, but added a few others to my list after reading! I also love Blog Clarity and get a ton out of that one as well. Thanks for linking up to Motivation Monday!

    • Blog Clarity is an awesome resource for sure!! I’ve written about her stuff before in other posts. Thanks for mentioning her too!

    • I’d love to know what your thoughts are after you’ve started getting them. I hope you find them as beneficial as I do.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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