#TidbitsThursdays for January 10th, 2014

Some of these things are promotions that I will receive some type of compensation for, but as usual that does not impact my decisions about them. Nor will I promote anything that isn’t worth your time and money! 

I know, I know it’s been weeks since I’ve done a #TidbitsThursdays blog post. I hope that you forgive that I actually took a blogging break in some regards.

For those who are new here, #TidbitsThursdays has become the day of the week where I share with you the things I learn about blogging and other online money making tools and resources. Well, like usual I have found some pretty awesome things.

I’m going to start off with a new forum that I’ve had my eyes on for quite some time now. It’s the Rich Mom WAHM Forum with a University membership.  Mind you, I have many resources at my disposal already but Renae’s YouTube videos have got me totally hooked on wanting to be a part of her forum group. I absolutely could sit and watch her videos for hours on end. She is absolutely fun and entertaining to watch. She’s so good, my boys insist on me putting her videos up on the big TV in our living room so they can watch too.

The Rich Mom University comes jammed packed with so much stuff! When you sign up you get a huge list of things included with your membership to the forum. The reviews on it are outstanding. Every hangout she’s had, she has some pretty loyal fans (myself included since I found her!)

Rich Mom WAHM Forum Signup Is Loaded with Freebies including:

  • 25 Unique Stay At Home Mom Business Ideas Ebook
  • Rich Mom – 1,000 Icons
  • Rich Mom- Home Business Digital Inspiration Wallpapers
  • Rich Mom- Newly Expanded Pinterest Success Kit
  • Rich Mom- 6,500 Font Pack
  • 942 Photoshop Actions
  • Color Palette Generator (Software)
  • Rich Mom- Home Business Facebook Branding Kit
  • Rich Mom- SEO For Beginners
  • Etsy Premium SEO and Automation Tutorial
  • Rich Mom- Banner Ad  HTML Generator Software

The University Itself Contains:

The University is comprised of step-by-step tutorials, webinars and lessons to help the following business models:

  • Service Industry
  • Product/Handmade
  • Product Retail
  • Product Wholesale
  • Information/Bloggers/Magazines
  • Multi-Level Marketing
  • Affiliate

She also ensures that she gets discounts for her forum members from various companies.

Renae’s Personal Guarantee:

“I promise you will find the tools and support you need to properly expand your business with the exact same steps I used on my OWN businesses or you can have our money back and keep all the freebies you like!”

The price for the first month is $350.00, but I do feel that if you’re serious about becoming an online entrepreneur then that price will not scare you away. After the first month, the month fee is $9.95 a month. I know for a fact that Renae is working on adding many more resources and freebies for her community every day. So, that monthly fee may increase as she has more stuff to offer.

Now, I’m willing to bank you’re wondering why the hang I’d be interested in her program after finding so many free resources online myself every week. Plus I work with a very well known blogger too. The reason I personally am interested is because it’s all rolled up into one special location and I know already that if I have a question Renae is more than willing to answer it. Her community is also made up of  a great group of people too.

Plus as I mentioned, Del is going to be really giving his woodworking business an honest go of it this year. I personally need to learn how to sell his products far and wide, and I believe her system is going to help me do that!

Not Forgetting About the Forum Groups I Already Love

That is NOT saying I’m not a part of other great forums already! Because I am, I’m an active member of MomDot.com Forum and have grown to LOVE the bloggers in that group a lot!!! I have also been getting reactive with my SITSGirls Forum, and again there are some pretty amazing bloggers in that group too. I’m also getting reactive in the Bloggy Moms group. Plus I am enjoying getting to know the people in the Solo Masterminds group too.

Blogging Tips

Yes, I have some blogging tips for you this week. The first one that comes to mind is the a plugin that I found out from MomSpark Media hangout called CoSchedule . This handy dandy plugin allows you to schedule your blog posts, social media promotion all from a neat little calendar dashboard within your WordPress account.

The second one that I wanted to tell you about was ViralTag ,this was mentioned in one of the #learntoblog hangouts that I love so much. This program allows you to schedule out Pinterest pins. You can literally also go to a blog hop page and pin all of those fellow bloggers pictures with a few simple clicks at one time. It’s totally awesome and time saving as well.

Blog Love

Since it’s tax season and many bloggers have tax related questions. I wanted to share this amazing bloggers list of 101 Tax Deductions. It is a very helpful list to go through and make a check off list as you’re doing your taxes. I personally have a huge Excel workbook that I have created to help keep up with everything.

Oh yea, speaking of Excel workbook. I have created a very nice workbook that literally will allow you to keep track of major things in one Excel Workbook. If you’re interested in getting it feel free to email, tweet me, or Facebook me for it. Please note that I’ll have to have your email address to give it to you. (I will NOT add you to my mailing list. That is your decision to make on you’re own, and I don’t want to anyone to do it. Even though, I only send out monthly emails (if that.) )

You may also want to check out Daily Blog Tips 10 Blogs Every Blogger Should Check Out in 2014. Some of those bloggers I have already been following and have learned a lot from them!

The last thing I wanted to share was another blogger created The Ultimate Linky website, and it’s really awesome and well worth checking out!!

Blogging Services I Can Offer YOU!

I have also created another virtual assistant page of things I can offer you. If you don’t see something you would really like to have done for you, please feel free to email me. I may be able to do it for you at a reasonable rate. Just let me know what you’re willing to pay in the email when you contact me. I had a hard time coming up with my rates, and if you think they are crazy and off the wall, please let me know!!

What other tips would you like to know about? 

P.S. Do you like the new theme? 





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “#TidbitsThursdays for January 10th, 2014”

  1. You shared some really great information in this post. I’m going to check out a few of these links. Thanks!



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