#TidbitsThursday 8 Podcast to Enhance Your Blogging Career

I mentioned in my last post that my word for 2015 is “smarter.” I have also stressed that I won’t be spending any more money on “blog training” throughout 2015 too in my last #TidbitsThursday post. Fortunately though, there is a LOT of resources for learning at my disposal that don’t cost me any extra money. I plan to share some of them with you too. That way we can make 2015 our best blogging year yet! Remember I stated, I was going to put to use every bit of training I’ve invested in.

While Del was in the hospital, I was taking advantage of the podcasts that I have been longing to listen to, but couldn’t due to not having quality unlimited Internet at the house. Today I’m sharing 8 podcasts to enhance your blogging career that will help you transform your blogging career in 2015 and beyond. I gained a lot of valuable information from all of them. I feel confident you will as well.  The best part is they are all FREE to listen to.

Podcasts to Enhance Your Blogging Career

These are not in any particular order. They all cover a variety to things, but they are all interrelated when it comes to blogging. As you know, blogging professionally is far beyond than just writing quality content and publishing it on the Internet. There is a wide variety of blogging tips available for you in these podcasts.[egg id=”10″]

1.) The Dollar and Roses Podcast: Blogging- Jeff and Mandy Rose share their blogging experiences and tips with us. They cover a lot of detailed bits of blogging tips that are well worth listening to. They also share their blogging income on their blog so we can get a full run down of how they are doing it. It’s fun and entertaining to listen to them.

2.) Smart Passive Income– If you’ve been blogging for any length of time then I’m confident you’ve heard about Pat Flynn. His blog Smart Passive Income is such a remarkable place to learn a lot of valuable ways to earn passive income. His podcasts share his personal tips to making your own passive income. I love learning those little extra bits of details about him in his introductions too.

3.) This Is Your Life with Michael Hyatt – This podcast was actually introduced to me from a fellow blogger in one of my Facebook groups, and I jumped right into listening to Michael’s podcast. I have to say he provided quality content worth listening too. Michael Hyatt’s blog is well laid out and full of inspiration that goes against the crowd in many ways.

4.) Blogging Your Passion– This is a very educational blogging podcast because these blogging instructors treat their podcast as a part of their class in a sense. You can actually take their blogging class that meets your needs. Just by going off of their podcasts I’d be willing to bank you’d learn a lot about blogging. I’m actually personally interested in their BYPU 301 class.

5.) Brilliant Business Moms – These sisters interview other well-known bloggers and business moms. It’s rather interesting to hear the responses and tips that they glean from these women. There is something to be said about gaining information through interviews. It seems secrets have a tendency to come out interviews that aren’t usually mentioned elsewhere.

6.) Coffee Break Blogging: Blogging – Dave Risley, from Blog Marketing Academy, shares little tidbits of blogging advice that really makes a positive difference. I love the fact that he makes it really easy to understand.

7.) The Blogging Show – This is a podcast that gets straight to the meats and potatoes of blogging and technology educational market. You can also check out The Blogging Show website and subscribe to be a part of their Blog Ignite Academy too.

8.) Solopreneur Smarts – Kelly McCausey is the mastermind behind these podcasts. Her Solosmarts program has helped me a lot throughout the years. However, I haven’t really tried to implement many of the lessons from her program until recently. Solosmarts offers a wide range of lessons to make anyone successful throughout the Internet world.

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Now, if my list doesn’t convince you that there are some quality podcasts that can enhance your blogging career. You can also check the Internet Marketing Ninja’s top 10 blogging podcasts lists too. They have some different ones that I didn’t mention.

What is your favorite podcast to listen to enhance your blogging career?




Life Advice

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

56 comments on “#TidbitsThursday 8 Podcast to Enhance Your Blogging Career”

    • I’m glad you find this list to be helpful. I am confident that once you listen to the podcasts that you’ll learn even more.

    • I’ve been wanting to find that time for a long time now. I am actually glad I was forced to do it this past week. I learned a lot and in many ways got the kick in my behind that I needed.

    • I haven’t heard of that one, but that definitely sounds like a great one to get. I have my eye on some software that will help with my grammar issues. I desperately want to get it because there are so many little things that I know I get wrong, and it would make a positive difference to get it. Thank you for this suggestion!!

    • If you have an iPhone I’d suggest listening to them while you’re cleaning or exercising. The good thing about these podcasts is they list their resources in the information for the podcasts too.

  1. G+ ‘ed, tweeted, liked & now I’m bookmarking it so I don’t lose track of it! I’ll be putting these in my ear b4 bed & while I do some brain dead housework!

  2. I follow a few writing podcasts, but it’s actually never occurred to me to search for some blog-specific ones. I’ll definitely check these out; thanks for sharing!

  3. Yes! Thank you for this list. I’ve been needing something where I can keep educating myself when lying down with the kids at bedtime or doing mundane chores or even on my walks!

    • Lux,

      You’re more than welcome. I’m glad I could help you on your quest for more knowledge. I’m glad you stopped by and commented.

    • You’re welcome. The links for these podcasts is right in the post for you. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope you come back.

    • Michelle,

      You’re more than welcome. There are many podcasts that are filled with LOADS of valuable information. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. Hi Crystal.

    I found your post on the Mommy Monday link up. So nice to meet you.

    Thanks for sharing these podcasts with us. Definitely bookmarking these to check out. Passing this along!

    Have a great new week!

    • Corina,

      It is so nice to meet you as well. I appreciate you coming by to see us and commenting. Thanks for passing along the information. I hope to see you again.

    • Thank you for sharing my post. It is ALWAYS appreciated! I’m so glad you stopped by and commented it means a great deal to me. I hope you’ll come back.

  5. Wow thank you so much for sharing this. I will be checking them out as soon as I have some free times. Off to pin it now :)#ibabloggers

  6. I do enjoy listening to podcasts, but haven’t listened to any about blogging yet! Have you ever been tempted to Vlog? Not sure I would want to have to listen back to my voice!

    • I have done some videos, but not many. You can see them on my . I do plan on making more videos, but I need more questions that need to be answered via video.

  7. Crystal,
    Thanks for sharing these.

    I am a relatively new blogger and this is a list I will definitely use. I did not know that any of these exist.

    I am bookmarking this post right now.

    Thanks again!

    • Erica,

      You’re welcome. I’m glad you found something to help you. I hope you’ll check out my . Never hestitate to ask any other questions you may have too.
      Judging by the name of your link and what you just reviewed, it’s safe to say we have a lot in common! (I reviewed this movie on here too.)
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope you’ll come back.

  8. Thanks so much for all these helpful podcast links! I was seriously wondering about this just today! Thanks for linking up at Mom2Mom Mondays! Featuring you at The Purposeful Mom this week.

    • I’m so glad you found something of value when you came by. I appreciate the feature far more than I can express. Thank you for hosting the link up.

    • Thank you for stopping by and commenting and sharing. I hope you gain something beneficial from this list. I know I did from these podcasts.

    • Michelle,

      There is a LONG list of others I found in my searches. To be honest though, I found the marketing podcasts more helpful. Many times they cover blogging in their podcasts a lot too. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope you’ll come back.

  9. I am part of the NC Blogger Network and they have a series of podcasts called Blogging 411. They are on my to do list to watch/listen! Thanks for sharing with #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup. Pinned to our linkup board and my Blogging Tips board

    • Tanya,

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I’m glad that you found this list to be worthy of sharing. I haven’t heard of the NC Blogger Network, but I would be interested in getting the link from you.

    • You’re more than welcome. Thank you for hosting a great podcast.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see again soon.

    • Your podcast is well worth listening too. I even shared your The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers: A Proven Roadmap to Becoming a Full-Time Blogger book too on this blog. I really like your work. I’d love to have you do a guest post about blogging one day if you’re ever interested!

      Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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