Tidbits Thursdays for Sept. 26 with Link Up

Tidbits Thursdays are one day a week that I set aside to share with you all the wonderful things I learn throughout the week. Believe me it amazes me all the little things I learn in a given week. The bad thing is I really don’t spend much time on Pinterest. It’s basically my hodge podge post.

Blogging Tips

I have invested in the MomDot VIP  membership for $6.00 a month, and let me tell you it is well worth the money a month. It’s worth it for the amazing connections I get to make with the other bloggers that are a part of this forum group. I am utterly hooked on being a part of this wonderful group of ladies. Between them and the SITS girls, I feel like I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to learn and grow from.

Speaking of learning and growing from them, I have literally asked some veteran bloggers to come check out my website and give me their hard core honest feedback. I’ve done that a few times with some other online entrepreneurs, but they were more focused on how I could make money blogging than they were on building a connection with you. Although I love making money blogging, I’ll be honest I love making the connections more. I want to be able to balance out doing both. I’m sure you’ve noticed a few changes on my blog. (There will probably be plenty more as I learn and grow.) Blogging is one thing that is FOREVER changing.

[Tweet “Tidbits Thursdays is live. Feel free to come share what you enjoyed from the week. “]


One of the things that was suggested was that I take the Tidbits Thursdays and turn it into a link up because some of the bloggers really liked the idea and wanted to join in on the fun. So, if you’re a blogger and want to share a post on something you’ve learned feel free to link it up. I am not one for having to install a whole bunch of rules on something that is suppose to be fun. All I ask is that you please consider visiting the other bloggers and tweet out the message about it.

Sharing Some Blog Love

Now for some blogs from the week that have been on my mind since I read them. The first blog post is from The Dose of Reality. These lovely ladies created a blog post that will warm your heart and leave you with that feel good feeling. If you’re having a bad day like I was the day I read that, it will lift your spirits.

Another post that I read was about a father who loves his daughter enough to literally embarrass himself, I’m sure, to prove a point. I wish more parents were willing to do this and other dramatic moves for their kids. Many parents are afraid of stirring up the pot that they don’t take the time to actually raise their kids. I’ve written several posts on this issue when I first started blogging. So, I won’t bore my loyal readers by saying the same spill all over again.

Fun Things From The Week

Let me tell you, I forgot how much fun Twitter parties are!!! If you’re not doing Twitter parties, then I suggest you take some time find out when your favorite brands are hosting them online and jump on board. Who knows you might win some awesome prizes along the way! I know I’ve won some cool ones in some of the ones I’ve joined. Twubs and Tweetdeck are the way to go though to keep track of everything that is going on with them. (Notice I said both of them together.)

Life has been crazy fun here lately. My kids and I have been getting really creative with our lessons. We are doing our best together to make it fun. It’s amazing what a little bit of devotion time for me first thing in the morning can do for the whole mood for the day. I highly recommend it for anybody. It just take five minutes of devotion and prayer to make a world of difference in your entire day! God’s strength and passion within you helps out alot. Now granted, I’ve still yelled far more than I wanted to, but there was improvement. I was noticing myself doing it for a change! My kids are acknowledging my “look” far more than they have in the past.

Now it’s your turn….won’t you share with me what has been your highlights from the week? If you want to blog about it link up. If you just want to tell me… comment. I want to know about you too. 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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