Mom’s Lessons First For Homeschooling Readiness

I did get the NIV Homeschool Mom’s Bible: Daily Personal Encouragementir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00BS8TLC6 from Zondervan  in exchange for an honest blog review. 

There are so many days as a homeschooling parent that I literally wonder what the hang made me decide I wanted to take on this task with THREE kids. My kids are all with me 24/6 (One night a week my in-laws get the boys from 6pm-until 9am.They can’t handle Zeva yet.) They test their boundaries all the time. They claim that kids who are comfortable being themselves will test the boundaries. Well, my three kids are way too comfortable!! 

They pout. They rebell doing their work unless they see some grand prize at the end of their efforts. They play the “I NEED help” even though I know good and well they don’t need it!! (I can honestly say that because if you give them the same assignment with something fun staring them in the face if they can get it done…they whip the answers out with lightning speed.) They fight. They get easily distracted from the slightest thing. Zeva tugs and pulls and whines. The puppy needs her attention.

That’s Why I NEED Mom’s Lesson First

I haven’t always been a Bible thumpin’ woman. I have been a believer yes, and I’ve owned the NIV Couples’ Devotional Bible: New International Versionir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0310916100 forever and a day. I’ve read it quite often and the devotionals in it have literally helped me so much with my marriage to Del. It’s actually one of the strongest reasons why I write marriage blog posts on Wednesday.

However, I knew that since I was going to be with my kids ALL day long homeschooling them that I NEEDED help. I needed God’s strength within me to get through this journey with my kids. I needed his guidance to show me how to do it RIGHT.

I was losing patience big time with my kids. I was forgetting that they are kids. I was forgetting that my number one job is to show them that I love them. (Yes, my kids know I love them, but showing it to them when they are doing all the wrong things during lesson time went out the window.) Then I remembered, I am able to show other people’s kids love when they rebell. Why can’t I do it with my own?? 

Here’s the thing though, when I’m homeschooling my kids, they don’t look at me as their mother. For some reason, they literally view me in a totally different aspect. To them, I become solely their teacher during lessons. 

The Bible has a lot to say about what we teach our kids. The Homeschool Mom’s Bible is all about helping a mother realize just how powerful of a role they are playing in the lives of their kids. The devotionals help me gain perspective on what my day and the kid’s days are suppose to hold.

This Bible to me is a God send for our home. I’m not saying it’s an end all to fix all the little issues. However, it definitely helps me gain a better perspective. I’m still not as patient as I want to be with the kids. I can say though that there is improvement being made. I can say we’re having more fun and getting a lot more done in shorter periods of time. We’re spending less time butting heads and more time working together.

The one thing I do miss seeing in the devotional parts of this particular Bible is suggested verses for a day and a yearly breakdown of reading the Bible in a year. I was spoiled with getting that in my Couple’s Devotional Bible.

What is your favorite Bible to use to help you? 

You can find this Bible and other great products on the Zondervan website. They would love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.


Disclosure: I did receive this book from Zondervan in exchange for an honest blog review. That in no way shaped my opinion of this Bible.



Book Reviews, Homeschooling

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Mom’s Lessons First For Homeschooling Readiness”

  1. Sorry I’m so late to pop over! Thanks for sharing this post at Booknificent Thursday last week! I’m so glad you’re finding encouragement from this particular Bible. I can’t say that I have a favorite Bible, per say, but I do enjoy switching versions frequently so that I really pay attention to the words. Some of my favorite translations are the NLT, the Jerusalem Bible, and the Message (which is a paraphrase rather than a translation). Looking forward to seeing what you have to share with us this week!


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