Spectrum Workbooks Review

For as much as I detest workbooks, I know their value when it comes to teaching my kids their lessons. Since I’m not overly fond of them we have Spectrum Workbooks Mondays in our house. Every Monday the kids go through and do their workbooks for each subject. I have to admit for them it tends to make them learn their lessons with complete ease. Judging by how well they do on their workbooks, I know how much time I have to spend on each subject matter for the week too.

Spectrum Workbooks Review

When I was given the chance to review Spectrum® workbooks I was completely thrilled because I knew they would present the material in a different manner. Honestly, I figured they would be more challenging for the kids than what they are getting from their school books.

I was right. Spectrum Workbooks make my kids have to really think about what they doing instead of going through the routines of being able to answer questions in the same format with just more advanced words. Since we started using Spectrum workbooks has added some more surprises into lessons.

I relish the fact that for the lessons in Science for example, they take the information and turn it into a story for the kids to read. Then they answer the questions using the story they just read. It’s a more engaging way for kids to learn in my opinion. I appreciate the fact that they also give kids the chance to do some type of research or experiment at the end of most lessons too.

All of the workbooks we got to review are made to give kids the chance to master “state standards-aligned lessons.” They are not meant to be used as workbooks to teach the kids the subject matter at hand, but rather as tools of enrichment. I can testify to the fact that these workbooks offer a lot in each one.

Spectrum Workbooks Lessons

Spectrum® Series offer over 60 titles for Pre-K to Grade 8 which are up to date to meet current state and national standards in the key subjects like Math, English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and even test preparation. I personally can see why this series has been trusted by parents and teachers for over 15 years.

You can check out the workbooks that Spectrum® has to offer your child by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Which subject workbook would you try from Spectrum® for your child?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “Spectrum Workbooks Review”

  1. Workbooks like these are especially helpful for younger kids who need practice in hand-eye coordination, like matching pictures from one side to another. I prefer to use notebooking, where you can pick and choose pages and cut out what you want and do more writing and creative activities.

    • I like the idea behind the notebooking too. I have done similar things myself like it, but I am not a creative person worth a dime so I feel like we end up lacking more than we gain from me trying to do that method.

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