A Review Of Online Homeschool Science With Science Shepherd

Science is a subject that is well loved by Jimmy, but at the same time, it is equally disliked by Delbert. So, I have done my best to try to find all the different kinds of ways that I can make Science engaging and unique for him through the years. We’ve done a lot of field trips and outside lessons to help him to learn many of the basics. However, now he’s reached third grade and I feel I needed to step up my game concerning the things he’s learning. For that reason, I was pleased when I got selected through the Schoolhouse Review Crew to review the Science Shepherd online homeschool curriculum Introductory Science program.

About Science Shepherd Introductory Science

Science Shepherd Review
The Science Shepherd Introductory Science curriculum is an online homeschool science curriculum. It is well suited for kids ages 6-11 (but my 12-year-old took it too.) The short 2-5 minute videos are online based, but you do get to choose between Level A or Level B workbooks. With each video, there is the option to do some hands on activities as well. The topics that are covered include, but are not limited to, creation, biology, astronomy, oceanography, and meteorology.

Our Review

The kids and I watched these videos together. Then I had Delbert do the workbook portion. I had Jimmy grade his work using his memory from the lessons and his own personal learning background. Once they were done, I took the answers guide and checked them both to see how they did. For the most part, they both did rather well.

The videos were just the right amount of length. I believe if they were any longer my kids would have lost interest, but they kept my kids attention since they knew the videos were short and filled with lots of important information. Each part of the Level A workbook that we got only had a few questions for each section! They enjoyed the video activities the most out of these lessons.

This program provides your children with quick easy to digest bits of Science information. They get the chance to create many things that help them to feel physically involved with the learning process. (Don’t worry the mess is small compared some of the Science projects I’ve seen!)

As a mother who teaches, I see how this curriculum can help almost any kind of student. This online Science curriculum covers every kind of learner there is because you have videos, reading, and hands-on activities. I know my kids have retained this information more because it is provided to them in little chunks. You can easily do a lesson within 30 minutes so they don’t get the chance to get bored. I would recommend it to any parent who is looking for a new engaging Science curriculum. You can get the entire video course with 12-month access for $35.00. The students workbooks are $12.00. The answer keys are $3.00. It’s an affordable homeschool science curriculum.

Find out more about Science Shepherd

Science Shepherd Review

You can find out more about Science Shepherd by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.


Do you feel your kids would grasp Science easier with this kind of curriculum? 

Find out what other Schoolhouse Review Crew had to say about their Science Shepherd products by clicking on the image below.
Science Shepherd Review

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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