Shiloh Run Press- The Glass Castle Book Review

I am proud to say that Jimmy has finally become a book worm. I never thought I’d ever see that day come, but now it has. I’m LOVING every minute of it. I’ve always told him that reading can open doors he didn’t even know existed. That’s why I’m glad we were given the chance to review Shiloh Run Press copy of The Glass Castle by Trisha White Priebe and Jerry B. Jenkins book.

About The Glass Castle

The Glass Castle book is the story about Avery and her three-year-old brother being kidnapped and their adventure. They are taken to the king’s castle without the king’s knowledge. Ironically, all kids that are taken there are thirteen years old and unsure as to the reason why they are there in the first place. The king lost his first heir and his new wife-to-be doesn’t want that heir found. Her solution was to capture all 13 year olds into the castle hidden right under the king’s nose. This is a hardcover book, around 250 pages, with 41 fairly short chapters.

Our Review

Jimmy saw the cover of this book and he couldn’t wait to read it. He devoured this book in two days in between all of his other tasks. He said this book challenged him because he had to focus in order to follow along with the storyline for it to make any sense. He showed me the last page and griped about how it ended. He was eager to get the second book to read it, but it’s not out yet. Boy, was he one disappointed person! I laughed at his reaction.

Then after hearing him rant about how good the book was, I decided to give it a read. Like Jimmy, I finished reading it in pretty record time too. Then the ending wasn’t such a laughing matter anymore. Instead, it became a HUGE disappointment. Now, I’m waiting on the street date for the second edition. We do know that the second book, The Ruby Moon is set to be released in October 2016.

This book takes you through a bunch of twists and turns. The things you think is going to happen end up NOT happening. When you think you’ve gotten the big puzzle solved you find out that you’re wrong. It also touches on important topics for tweens and teens covering longing, pain, love, and searching.

Overall, it’s safe to say that we would HIGHLY recommend this book. It is suggested to be a book for readers between the ages of 10 to 15, but I’ll be the first to tell you that adults will savor reading this book too!

Find Out More

The Glass Castle {Shiloh Run Press Review}

You can find out more about this book by visiting the website about it. Shiloh Run Press is a division of Barbour Publishing. You can connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

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The Glass Castle {Shiloh Run Press Review}

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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