Rinse.Recycle.Reimagine Campaign and Sweepstakes

This is a sponsored post all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Earth Day is behind us, but that doesn’t mean we need to stop thinking about how well we take care of our planet as a whole. I don’t talk about this much because I consider it to be a “political” topic. However, I do feel that we as Americans take way too much for granted. We assume that we have all the time in the world to “fix” the problems we’ve created. I feel we are creating significant problems with the amount of waste that we produce. Unilever and Keep America Beautiful and the Ad Council have created a new campaign called “Rinse. Recycle. Reimagine.”  The idea behind this campaign is to make small changes that create a significant impact.

Help be a part of the change by sharing this post across your networks.

Be the Change You Want To See

Unilever shared with me some astounding statics. “One in five (22%) Americans wouldn’t walk across their home to recycle a bath or beauty bottle. In fact, Americans are more likely to go the distance to get a drink when thirsty, charge their phone, or answer a phone call than walk an empty plastic bottle from the bathroom to the recycling bin.” I know I don’t think much of my containers that hold my beauty products. When I’m done, I just throw them in the closest trash can. I think to remember to save my soda cans and other plastic containers I may use. For as much as it provides me comfort to know I’m not alone in doing this, it also makes me feel sad that I’m a part of the growing wide problem.

I must say that I’m increasing the percentage of Americans (42%)  who don’t know which bathroom product items are recyclable. I am always afraid the chemicals in the products I use far more dangerous than the plastic containers would be. I feel that part of the landfills job is to ensure that there isn’t much waste in our world.

Some More Astounding Facts

These facts are courtesy of KRC Research:

  • More than a quarter (27%) of Americans are not convinced their recycled items can become something new.
  • The average American has 8 products in plastics bottles in their bathroom at a given time, yet only 34% of Americans always recycle these bottles when empty.
  • Amazingly enough, more men 80% reported recycling their empty bathroom bottles than women 74%.
  • Beware the product hoarders: 1 in 5 Americans (20%) have more than ten bathroom products in plastic bottles in their bathroom at a given time. (I’m guilty of this one.)

Join the Fight to Fix The Issue

“Unilever who is the creator of many of the products I love and use such as Dove®, Suave®, Caress®, and more are working to get Americans to clean up their act in the bathroom.” I want to see US get on this bandwagon. We need to get creative on ways to use these products in a new way. At the very least we need to take the time to put them in recycling bins.

To join this mission and even get rewarded for your efforts with the chance to win recycled, reimagined prizes, you need to share a photo of your bathroom empties being recycled on Twitter and Instagram using #ReimaineThat and #Sweeps. You can view the official rules and regulations by clicking here. I can’t wait to see your creativity too.

Gain more information

You can gain more information by visiting Unilever’s website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


What do you think about this idea? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “Rinse.Recycle.Reimagine Campaign and Sweepstakes”

  1. I’m always happy to see posts like this. It’s so important to be doing these things. I think people don’t realize how important recycling is. I love repurposing things too!

    • I don’t think people realize the significance all of this has our lives and our well being. This topic is near and dear to me, even though I don’t even do as much research and actions concerning it too.

  2. Over the years our recycling has become larger than our “garbage.” Some cities don’t even require their residents to recycle yet which is surprising to know.


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