Quote That Made Me Think

One of my favorite shows is  Switched At Birth. One of the final quotes for the day on the show was, “The day before your life changes forever is like any other day.” It got me thinking.

My life drastically took a major change on February 8th, 2006. I was in a serious car accident because my brakes failed me, and I was already too depressed enough to think about using emergency brakes. Instead, I had a head-on collision with an electric pole and a tree combined after crossing four lanes of traffic. It was also extremely foggy and raining that morning. I was going into to work at a new job that I had just landed two weeks prior, and was truly enjoying it. I honestly figured that job would be the one I’d have for the rest of my career life.

If this quote makes you think too, then please PIN this image so others can ponder on it too. Thank you for your support.

That accident landed me with a broken middle finger on my left hand and a totally crushed ankle on my right leg. My ankle was shattered to pieces, and my doctor informed me I’d never be able to walk again, but he felt that he could at least keep it together. I look at him in total disbelief and FEAR. I hated my life at that point in my life! I was completely utterly miserable all the way around.

I became helpless once again in my life. This time though, I couldn’t move on my own or do ANYTHING for myself. I got mad as fire over my circumstances. Quite honestly, I lived in fear of losing everything, and at that time my first born daughter lived with me too. There was a lot of negative drama going on in my life as well then too.

However, that accident made me realize that life is completely utterly short, and I was NOT living the life I wanted to live. I prayed once again for Del to come back into my life one more time. If you’ve read our true love story then you know we had already played the yo-yo game a thousand times. We had a few more rough patches to get through, but we did end up together and this time we are going to make it for life.

My life has not been the same after that date, and it will never go back to the nightmare it was before because I learned many valuable lessons in that car crashing moment. One things for sure we are enjoying every “life’s just happening moment” we have together.

Have you ever had ONE day that was LIFE changing? Please consider sharing it with me.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

3 comments on “Quote That Made Me Think”

  1. Wow, what a story you have, Crystal! It is true; we never know what’s going to happen the next moment that may change our lives forever and we truly do need to live our lives as though we’re dying. I pray that God works through you to help others who are going through similar life changing experiences and feel as though there is no hope. Glad to be your neighbor at Weekend Brew today.


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