Potty Training Help With Me-ify Potty Star! App

I was given the chance to review this app in exchange for an honest blog review. In no way did that shape my opinion of this app.

Me-ify Potty Star! App is an app that was created with the intention of helping parents with potty training their kids. I personally was super excited to try out this app since we are in the process of potty training Zeva right now. She is doing pretty well all things considered! On some days I wonder who is really in charge of the potty training because Zeva really takes control with her training.

There are a few pros with Me-ify Potty Star! App, but there are also a few cons to it too. We downloaded it onto Del’s iPhone and iPad because I no longer have an iPhone. So, that meant he had first bids to check it out. Let me tell you the man’s perspective of this app was quite funny at the time. (Once I can figure out how to get his recordings on my blog I’ll add it to this blog post! That may take me some time though.)

The Pros

This app is sure to entertain any child while they are using the toilet with the games and songs. Zeva for example had the chance to choose between books, coloring pictures, games and songs to keep her mind off of using the restroom. She was more inclined to stay on the toilet and attempt to do number 2 as a result. This comprehensive app features a personalized eBook starring your child, 5 interactive potty games, 5 original potty songs, a reusable star rewards chart and helpful potty training tips.

The Cons

During the initial setup, the parent is asked to record their child’s name. That recording is later used in the books and activities. However, hearing that recording during those activities just to me takes away from it’s effectiveness because she gets to excited about hearing Daddy’s voice.

The other thing that disturbed us was the fact that some of the choices that were given as terms to be used when talking about the whole potty situation was quite funny and I don’t really see many parents using them. Who walks around saying, “I just peed out of my vagina?”

What happened to the number codes?? Like I did number 1 or number 2? That’s what we use with our kids. Don’t you think we should use small words with our kids. We’d love to have the option of adding our own words.

Yes, as a parent you need to be prepared for your child singing these potty songs in public and totally embarrassing you! It’s a good thing every parent has to go through the whole potty training process. It’s no worse than me embarrassing my Mom yelling across the store, “Are those what you use in your body?”, when she bought Tampons.

Also, using it on the iPhone was not very user friendly for the interactive portions of the app. It works great for iPad use, but it caused more frustrations on the iPhone than enjoyment. 

I know it seems like we’re more critical of this app than positive. However, in all honesty, it is a great concept. Kids love anything to use as an incentive to do something. Zeva definitely loves playing with technology any way she can. So, for her she’s tickled pink over it all. Plus she doesn’t actually talk yet, so I really don’t have to worry about her embarrassing me. It does get her using the bathroom more. She loves to listen to the music and hum the tunes. It’s worth getting if you are having a hard time keeping your kids on the toilet for extended periods of time.

Twitter Party

Join us for a Twitter party for your chance   to win one of  five (5) Me-ify Potty Star prize packs throughout the party, which include a $25 Target gift card and a complimentary code to download the app.

Me-ify Potty Star Twitter Party

Date:       Wednesday, January 29th

Time:      8-9 p.m. EST

Location: #MeifyPottyStar

Host:       @MomTalkRadio  @ResourcefulMom and @MomSelectAmy

What is your favorite tool to help teach your kids to be potty trained?

Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored campaign with Me-ify Potty Star and Mom Select. All thoughts and opinions are my own.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

10 comments on “Potty Training Help With Me-ify Potty Star! App”

  1. I think I’d be fairly concerned if I ever peed out of my vagina! Yipe! lol Still…. we are potty training our boy and it has been…. uhm… challenging. He is our 4th so it’s not like we’ve never done this before but the others all had the general idea within a few days. This boy has been resisting for MONTHS. Mostly because he hates being still long enough to use the potty. Maybe this app would help!

    • I totally understand you! I have three kids, and Zeva has shown a great interest in it. However, she doesn’t want to be actively doing it everyday for some reason. My middle son took until he was 4 years old to get fully potty trained and it frustrated the tar out of me!

  2. I so needed this when my youngest three were potty training. Maybe it would have been easier but it says vagina? Really?

    • Really. It also says other terms that I know we personally wouldn’t use. My husband’s podcast was way funnier and gave a whole lot more details. However, I couldn’t get the same effect as his message gave. I really need to learn how to get them on this page.

  3. What did parents use prior to the electronic age? Oh yeah I remember Patients and understanding and praise. Just saying do we really need potty training app’s? Or am I just getting old.

    • That’s a really good point! I honestly have no clue what parents did prior to the technology age. I know I personally used the music induced potty chairs for all of my kids. My mother-in-law was a HUGE help with getting my first two kids potty trained.

  4. My daughter is just getting into the potty training stage and she loves ‘her’ ipad. I will have to check out the app though I am not sure I would let her use it on the potty.


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