2014 Winter Blogathon Wrap Up

As usual, I have totally loved the Blogathon event! I learned a lot and made even more connections this time too. We were able to enjoy quite a few laughs and share ideas.

I focused on lots of promotion of my blog this past weekend. I also cleaned up SOME (still have about half of my posts) categories and tags. I didn’t realize how many of my blog posts have gotten lost in the fact that they were not properly categorized. You’d never be able to read them because technically they weren’t live anymore for you to read. I found that fact to be interesting and definitely something that was hurting me. I had a lot of good personal blog posts in those hidden places.

No wonder everyone felt that this blog was nothing more than a big huge advertisement. My personal posts weren’t being highlighted. They weren’t even showing up on any of the major listings. So, I feel better knowing that you can read more about me like I ‘thought’ you were doing.

I can’t say I got a weeks worth of blogging posts done like I had originally planned on doing. However, we had a nice family weekend together so that also slowed down my productivity, but it was worth every bit of it.

If you did the blogathon, what did you get accomplished?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “2014 Winter Blogathon Wrap Up”

  1. I am glad you were able to get so much accomplished! I have a huge list of updates and changes I want to make to my blog and every little check mark feels a little better.

    • So true!! All the small differences make a world of difference in how well our blog does and how we as the blogger feel. I still have many more things I need to do, and I feel like my to-do list only gets longer. Hey, that keeps me busy though.

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