Taste of Nature Granola Goodness #RealTastesGood

I was given the chance to try these granola bars in exchange for an honest blog review. That in no way shaped my opinion of these bars.

I have not jumped on this whole gluten-free and 100% organic food yet. I love food from the farmer’s market and from my mother-in-laws garden. That is honestly as close as I’ve come to jumping into the whole organic ordeal. I don’t honestly see the benefit of paying extremely high prices for something that may/may not really be organic.

Taste of Nature is challenging Americans to stick to their New Year’s Resolutions. These bars are completely gluten-free, vegan, 100% organic and certified non-GMO. They taste completely homemade. They even feel it when you hold them. My kids even enjoyed eating them and that was a bit shocking. I got to try out there current flavors of Brazil Nut, Almond, Canadian Maple, Goji, Pomegranate and Cranberry. Of all of them I liked the Canadian Maple the best. You can buy them for only $1.99 a bar.

These little bars are definitely jammed packed with fiber and healthy carbohydrates. I can see one huge benefit from eating 100% organic. Considering I have irregular bowel syndrome (all of my life) this was a nice change of pace for me!

Now you can take your next step of sharing with yourself and the world that you are determined to eat more healthy this year by Taking the Pledge with Taste of Nature’s Facebook page. You’ll also be entered to win a fantastic prize pack including a Yoga mat with carrying bag plus a box of Taste of Nature bars.

You can gain more information about these bars on Taste of Nature’s website. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

What is your favorite organic food to eat? Oh yea, if you have a list of gluten-free food please share that with me. 





Food & Drink

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

16 comments on “Taste of Nature Granola Goodness #RealTastesGood”

  1. Granola is one of those foods that the kids will eat if they don’t know it is supposed to be good for them. If they know that, all of the sudden it starts to “taste weird”.

    • Honey is still considered pretty healthy just as long as you don’t eat an extreme amount of it. I use honey instead of many things.

  2. Granola is one of my absolutely favorite foods! I LOVE eating it on top of greek yogurt. Yum!

    I’ve seen these bars but wanted to hear what someone else thought of them before I tried them, and now I can do just that!

  3. I want to start following the Environmental Working Groups list of foods to buy organically grown. I believe they are called the Dirty Dozen.

    • Interesting. I’m starting to get more interested in these details too because I notice a big difference in how I feel based on what I’m eating.

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