Online Learning With

I was given the chance to review IXL as a part of the SchoolHouse Review Crew in exchange for an honest blog review, but all opinions and thoughts are my own.

Christmas Book Review

Our kids are big on using online programs of various different kinds to learn their key concepts. I have found that it makes our life a lot easier when I can find a program that is educational and fun for them to use to learn many new concepts. I especially like these types of programs for those topics that may be difficult for me to teach them in an engaging manner. Sometimes, I can teach the concept, but they still don’t have a strong handle on it and that’s where programs like IXL come in handy.

Basic Details of

IXL is broken down into two different sections. They offer IXL Math and IXL Language Arts programs. For a yearly rate of $79.00 I can choose one topic for one child or for $129.00 I can get both subjects for one child. (If I were to get it for all three of my kids it would be $169.00 for both subjects, for each additional kid you get a savings of $20.00.) Speaking from experience, this program is still cheaper than the cost of a tutor. I am excited over the fact that this program works for kids from Pre K-12th grade for Math and grades 2-8th grade for Language Arts because this way the kids get use to the same program and benefit from it throughout their educational journey.

Benefits for Parents

As a parent and homeschool teacher, the detailed reports that I get of what the kids have done while doing online learning with are pretty priceless. They break each topic down for me into sections, and show me how many problems my child has done and what their score was for each section. As you can tell from Jimmy’s report, I know what areas in Language Arts he needs to work on and which ones I can just fly through of his lessons. If you’re a homeschool parent then you know how valuable that kind of information is to have on hand.

Kids Reaction to Online Learning With

The kids have not complained one bit while using this program. They are big on obtaining the various kinds of awards that the game offers. I haven’t seen what the awards are because the kids get into their own little worlds while they are using this program. I just hear cheers and disappointment sounds like I do when they are playing a video they enjoy playing. For me, that’s a sure sign that this program is worth using.

Take IXL With You

You can also purchase their apps for many tablets you may own. You can get these apps on iTunes. If you have other types of tablets you can gain the apps for them by visiting IXL’s Mobile apps page.

You can gain more information about IXL by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Google +.

Do you have someone in your life who would benefit from online learning with 

Be sure to check out my fellow SchoolHouse Review Crew’s review of this program by clicking on the image below.

Click to read Crew Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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