7 Items Needed For Going Into Blogging For a Career

Since my blog is my business and also a family thing, it always tends to come up in conversation with anyone we come across. The number one question I get all the time is, “How do I start up a blog?” My answer is always the same, “It depends on what you want to do with it once you get it started.”

I never dreamed that my blog would become my career. I never dreamed that one day I’d have people paying me to write for them or that I would have UPS and FedEx delivering packages to my door so much that the drivers know our entire family like we’ve been friends forever.

Blogging for a career is so much more than just writing a post and slapping it across the web. Granted, there are still many posts that I do that with, but there are just as many posts that I do put a great deal of thought and effort into writing and displaying for YOU.

7 Items Needed For Going Into Blogging For a Career:

1.) Domain Name– You want your own domain which is something  you can snag from GoDaddy at really decent price for a year and sometimes they have specials for longer periods. I WOULD NOT get my hosting from them!

Some key points about your domain name:

  • Choose a name that is SHORT
  • Pick an Easy to Remember Name
  • Watch the spelling (don’t put words together that spell words you don’t want to be known for.)

2.) Hosting– You’ll want your blog to be hosted on a reliable customer friendly hosting company such as E-Designs Hosting or Moms Web Hosting. On both of those hosting companies I have had personalized service and my online rate has been reliable with both of them. Their prices are also both very reasonable for what they offer. I have heard good things about BlueHost Hosting too, but I personally have never used them.

3.) Social Media Accounts- You will want to obtain your blog name through a Facebook PAGE, Google + PAGE (even though I personally use my personal Google+ page for my promotions and interactions still), Twitter, Pinterest (make it a BUSINESS account WITH Rich Pins), Instagram (this one I use my personal account too), TSU, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, and BlogLovin’. Those are the primary ones that are currently being used in our online world right now. I still feel like I’m leaving some off that need to be mentioned. Please note: If your blog name isn’t available get as close to it as you can OR use your name.

4.) Quality pictures of you and anyone you may mention – This is something I still need to obtain! It’s on my wish list to have a professional photographer take our pictures for us. This will come in handy for making profile pictures and headers for your blogs and social media outlets!

5.) Quality blog theme – If you have followed me for any length of time then you know I have changed my blog theme A LOT! I love to play with new themes, plugins, and many other things behind the scenes. I could literally get lost in playing with web designing in a good way. I have learned a LOT about coding, but there is still plenty I still don’t know about it. Investing in a quality StudioPress Themes for WordPress is worth investing in because they are usually fairly easy to modify. Plus there are plenty of awesome people willing to help you with getting your website designed the way you want it.

6.) Basic Plugins – You will want to take advantage of using plugins. There are plenty of blog posts on my Pinterest Blog Related board that cover some of the plugins you’ll want to get. I may even write up a post about that soon on one of my #TidbitsThursday blogging tips posts.

7.) HAVE FUN! This is important. The blogging world has changed A LOT even in the last three years I’ve been doing it. I no sooner find a method that works to bring in traffic and the rules change completely. Blog for the love of it first and foremost. When you lose that I promise you will fail!

Does this help answer the question of what a person needs to do in order to go into blogging for a career? Fellow bloggers, if I’m missing something add it in the comments.





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

31 comments on “7 Items Needed For Going Into Blogging For a Career”

    • I forget it from time to time myself! There are many times that my advice is directed at myself just as much as it is for others.

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Crystal. I think these are good tips even for people like me, who aren’t trying to make blogging a career.

    • I’m glad you think it’s a great resource. I have made a blogging tips page now, so you can send them directly to it. 🙂 I hope that makes it easier.

  2. Yep! Those are the 7! I finally just bought all the studiopress package for the rest of my life a couple months ago. I don’t see me paying for a designer to make me a child theme, so that was the way to go. Great post, Crystal!

    • I love Studiopress themes. I still need a designer for some things. Every time I think I’m done, I find something else to improve upon.

  3. I’m glad you included ‘have fun’- blogging can be hard work, so it’s important to remember your passion for what you want to share and enjoy it as you learn and grow.

  4. Thanks for the tips. Especially the tips about hosting. I’m looking at going down that path soon so it’s nice to know there are alternatives to the big sites.

  5. Great tips, Crystal! I like how you revealed that blogging isn’t just slapping a post up on the web. Most people don’t realize the amount of work it takes!

  6. The last item is so important! If the passion isn’t there and blogging becomes a chore, the words won’t come from your heart. If you could ramble on about the topic all day to a complete stranger, blog it!

    • I love how you put that. I have been struggling with writing with a passion lately, but I go through this every year at this time. (However, in 2015 I am going to make sure this doesn’t happen to me again!)

  7. Loved everything you listed, and my favorite one is passion! If it’s not something you are passionate about, it will become a chore, and then it becomes like any other job that you would leave the house for. I like to think of blogging as a career as the best job. You get to work from home and spend time with your family! Stopping by from Shine!


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