My Top 5 Chrome Extensions

I really don’t know why this is burning a hole in my brain, but it is! Maybe it’s because I’m so pressed for time now on getting everything done that is on my to-do list. I figured maybe, just maybe you might be interested in knowing about the  Chrome Extensions that I use that make my life totally utterly BETTER! If it wasn’t for these Chrome Extensions and the other ones I have I do declare I wouldn’t get half of the things on my to-do list done.

The first major love of mine is the One Tab extension. This bad behind little extension literally takes all of my fifty tabs I usually have open at one time and combines it into one neat little list. I can set it up to keep my links or get rid of them as I click on them. There are a few other settings that I can do too, but that’s the main one that matters to me. Just a hint for those of you who are like me and have to watch your Internet usage, if you only have two tabs up at a time it uses a lot less data than having 50 up at a time.


Now, for you PicMonkey lovers. I didn’t know PicMonkey had a Chrome Extension for a long time. This little extension allows me to capture my screen and just start editing it accordingly. (I did that for the picture above.) That comes in really handy if you’re creating an eBook trying to explain how to do something online. It is just fun.

RiteTag Twitter Hashtags Grader is an awesome extension that helps you gain the right hashtag to gain the most interaction on Twitter. If you know me at all, then you know I have a strong love of Twitter. When I use the right hashtags, I tend to gain a lot more interaction. I love to tweet back and carry on conversations. Plus the more interaction I have on there the higher my Klout score is, but I really haven’t figured out how the hang Klout works. I just know I’ve been blessed with a pretty decent score most of the time. Honestly, I believe it’s because of my Twitter party passion too. Not to mention the more traffic that I gain on the sites I’m trying to direct traffic too.

Viraltag is actually a service that I pay for each month to make pinning onto Pinterest much easier and quicker. They have an extension with their service too, and I use it a lot! The more comfortable I become with this program the more I find myself using it.

ColorZilla has become my best friend! I have been trying like crazy to get my themes right on both of our blogs. (Yes, we finally launched Simply Experienced Life.) In the process, I’ve had to get the right colors to create headers and so many other things. Plus when I see color schemes I like on other blogs, I can quickly grab their HEX code and find me own creations with ease.

My last favorite I’m going to mention that I haven’t seen announced all over the place is the Send to Kindle extension. I love my Kindle. If I’m not on my computer or my phone it’s in my hands. I enjoy the luxury of being able to relax with it everywhere I go. Now when I get those free eBooks or PDF files I can quickly just send them from my computer to my Kindle.

What are your favorite Chrome Extensions that you use that aren’t always highly mentioned? 



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

30 comments on “My Top 5 Chrome Extensions”

  1. I JUST discovered that picmonkey extension on Friday by googling just to see if there was one. I about fell over when there was! I’m adding a couple more you suggested now too!

    • There are some pretty cool things on Chrome. I love that I can log onto any computer and have my information on it just like I do on the other computer. So, I don’t have to start over or try to remember the last thing I was doing when I switch to my outside computer.

    • I actually use to use Firefox the most, but then I found out Chrome had so many extensions that were more beneficial to me that didn’t slow down my speed of productivity. Whereas, on Firefox (it seemed to me) the more extensions I added the slower it would run or it would crash on me. Now, that has been over two years now that I’ve made the switch. I installed Firefox again on my computer the other day and I did notice they made many upgrades since I’ve last used it so it may be top notch again. (I use to be a die hard Firefox fan too.)

  2. I am going to have to start using the PicMonkey and Send to Kindle extensions. The only extension I use now is the Google Hangout one which I really love.

  3. This is awesome!!! Sooo helpful! OMG–i totally need that tab extension. i always have a hundred open! lol
    Thanks for such a great post!
    Shana from Technotini


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