Make the Perfect Turkey

Del has always cooked our holiday feasts! The kitchen becomes his domain bright and early every Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I get to just enjoy his delicious hams and turkeys. As much as I love his hams, his turkey is worth drooling over. I finally convinced him to let me share with you all how to make the perfect Thanksgiving Turkey. It’s not difficult, but he takes his time cooking it.

Make the Perfect Turkey

Recipe Type: Holiday Meal
Cuisine: Turkey
Author: Del Green
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
This is a rather simple recipe to get the perfect turkey.
  • 20-22 lb Turkey
  • 6 Heaping Tablespoons of Mayo
  • 4 sticks of butter
  • A bottle of honey
  • A preheated oven at 325 degrees.
  1. You need to clean out the guts of your turkey first and clean it.
  2. Then you smoother it with Mayo all over including under the skin.
  3. Once that is done, put in sticks of butter on each side right where you see my hands in the image above.
  4. Then put 2 sticks of butter in the area where you took the guts out of.
  5. Then put it in the preheated oven and let it cook covered for 10-11 hours (depending on the size. The general rule is 15 lbs per pound of turkey.)
  6. NOTE: After the first hour, I take it out and take the melted butter in the pan and drizzle it across the entire turkey.
  7. Then I do that again every two hours. About three hours before it’s done, I take an entire bottle of honey and squeeze it all over the turkey.
I hope this helps you with finding the perfect turkey recipe. It has managed to keep us all very happy. I am utterly grateful that Del does the cooking during the holidays.

How do you make your turkeys? 



Food & Drink

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

6 comments on “Make the Perfect Turkey”

  1. I know it sounds so silly, but I am so scared to ever touch a turkey. I’m hosting Thanksgiving this year and to get out of my hubby or I preparing a turkey, we decided on brunch, hahaha! I don’t what it is about the bird that oogs me out, but I know I’ll have to try it someday. Thanks for sharing at #mommymeetupmondays!

  2. I’m in charge of cooking this year so I read this just in time! Not looking forward to pulling the guts out though…that always grosses me out…LOL!

  3. That sounds yummy! Does the honey make it “sweet”? My husband would not want his turkey to have a sweet flavor. Otherwise, I may try it!
    Thanks for sharing with #WhatToReadWednesday. Hope to see you back again next week!


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