Love Don’t Make Any Accidents

Love is truly the most powerful emotion alive! I’ve already told you Del and I’s true love story. Lately, our marriage has been strained because of his back issues, but our love is just as strong today as it was many years ago.

As I was watching One Starry Christmas on Hallmark I was reminded just how much our love story is a rare thing in our world today. Many people (Unfortunately, I’m just as guilty.) get married for all the wrong reasons. True love is not the main reason why they get married. They get married for convenience or because it’s the next logical step to take in their relationship.

Marriage with your true love is totally utterly different compared to being married for the wrong reasons. Del and I have our fights and our battles. There have been times while we’ve been married where I’ve wondered if we’ve made a mistake getting married too. Yet, the minute I get in his arms or close to him, all of those feelings of doubt are washed away in an instant. I’m right where I belong!

I can feel his presence even when we’re not even in the same room. I feel how he’s feeling. Seeing him smile with delight warms my heart even if I’m not the person to give it to him. I yearn for him to be happy and pain free.

He loves me just as completely. He has always made me feel like the most cherished person in his life. He shows his emotions with great intensity. He gives our relationship just as much as I do, and in many cases more than I have.

When I watch romance movies like One Starry Christmas, The Notebook, and a couple others I am reminded how blessed I am to be with him. I’m reminded that I am living a true love story. I can only pray that my kids find their soul mates. A relationship with your soul mate is the most remarkable thing in the world to have.

My wish for those of you who are single is that you find your soul mate. For those who are married to your soul mates, may you continue to cherish each other and nurture your relationship until your dying day.

What is your true love story?





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

21 comments on “Love Don’t Make Any Accidents”

  1. This is a beautiful post . . . you had me at love (and Hallmark movies). This is def my fave time of year to watch Hallmark and see all the love stories between couples, families and friends.

  2. Wonderful to read this story of you and Del and I’m heading over to the other link now too. I am a sucker for Hallmark movies too.

  3. What a sweet love story! My husband and I have been mRried 25 years now, and although we have definitely had our wild and stormy years, we have pressed on. I am more in love with him today than I was at 20, and that’s saying quite a lot.

    • Congrats on being married 25 years in our society today. You’re right being in love with him more now says a lot. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.

    • Thank you for all the compliments. I know we’ve had a rocky road to get to where we are, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything now.

  4. What a heart warming post. Have you thought of maybe printing out your “lovey dovey” posts on gorgous paper and gifting them to your hubby? I’m sure it would be better than any store-bought gift!

    • No, I haven’t thought of that before, but it definitely is a great idea for sure. Thanks for the suggestion. (I’ve stressed many times over that I’m not overly crafty at all.)

  5. That is awesome. I am so happy for you. Me myself I do not believe in soul mates really. So happy to find you today via #Throwback Thursday linkup

    • Susie,

      That’s the good thing about the world we live in, we don’t always have to agree to get along. I’m glad that you stopped by and shared your opinion.

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