Lets Talk Sponsored Posts

I’ve been blogging for well over three years, and for the past 2.5 years I’ve been making money with the blog. I haven’t made as much as I possibly could have made due to being stubborn and insisting on doing things my way. I haven’t listened to bigger bloggers who have gone before me. Now, I’m here trying to tell you not to make the same mistakes I’ve made.

Here’s the mistakes I’ve made:

  • I accepted to many cheap sponsored post opportunities.
  • I did product reviews of cheap items.
  • I did too many sponsored/product reviews.

Didn’t Realize My True Blog Time Worth

I took on sponsored posts too soon. When you’re a newbie blogger eager to make a buck from your blog, you think it’s an excellent thing to make $20, $40, and even $50.00 a post. As a result, you end up devaluing yourself and your blog.

Accepted Cheap Products in Exchange For Review

I was so excited to get products for free that I didn’t worry about the value of the products. Doing product reviews are very time consuming if you do them correctly. You have to use the products, take quality pictures and/or videos of the product in use, and then write up the review on your blog and/or another site(s). I never paid attention to the amount of time I spent doing product reviews until this past Christmas when I became overloaded with them.

Did Too Many Sponsored/Product Review Posts

As a result of doing these little-ended posts, we got into the habit of me writing a lot of sponsored posts a week. In the process, my blog got overrun by sponsored posts and very little quality content for my readers. Our pockets were full, but my soul was empty. All the reasons behind why I started Tidbits of Experience went out the window. My readers weren’t blind or stupid, and they stopped coming by as much.

If you liked this post, please Pin it. Thank you so much for your support.


Realize YOUR Worth

I’m writing all of this to tell you to realize your worth. Blogging is an enjoyable hobby. Yes, you can get a lot as a result of blogging. However, in order to be able to work with the big companies and be given the chance to make the big bucks YOU have to appreciate your worth.

[tweetthis]You teach others how to treat you. Show the world your blog time worth.[/tweetthis]

The recent Learn to Blog Hangout with Tiffany Romero  was very enlightening. I learned to be able to work with the companies that I value and really want to work with that I need to be more selective. I also need to stick to my guns about my worth. The magic number for pageviews is at least 50,000 a month.

You’ll notice that in most campaigns that come from other blogging programs the average rate of pay is between $100-350.00 (or even higher) per sponsored post. I feel it’s safe to say that if they can offer that price point then we should be able to ask that too.

What If You’re NOT There Yet

If you’re not at that magical 50,000 pageviews mark, then I would suggest that you spend more time creating quality evergreen content with noticeable images. Also, work on building relationships with your followers across all of your marketing channels that you’re active on. Be sure that you’re 100% wherever you are online.

I also HIGHLY recommend you that you consider taking the Pinning Perfect Class from Blog Clarity.

If you do take on sponsored posts be sure that you only take on 1-2 a week at max. Make sure that you do it at the amount you’re truly worth. Don’t short change your Internet impression rate.

Keep in Mind

When you truly reach the point of making an impact with readers across the world the sponsored post opportunities will come knocking on your door. If you don’t want to wait for the that day, here is a list of 100 places to sign up for sponsored posts.

Am I Making These Changes?

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed it, but since 2015, I have cut back on the amount of sponsored content I’ve placed on the blog. I’ve invested in a new design from Engine 1 Media because I wanted you to know what we’re about. I also did it because I want us to have a clean slate. There WILL still be sponsored posts, but we are going to be way more selective on who sponsors us.

What Tidbits of Experience Is About

We’re also going to be your go-to resource for encouragement for marriages, parenting topics, traveling, homeschooling, blogging tips (as I have them), and entertainment reviews (movies, video games, and books—based on the ones we are interested in.) I will still remain an advocate for helping those who have been abused or are dealing with an abusive situation. If it can’t fit into those realms then chances are really high you won’t find it here anymore (unless it’s already on the blog.)

What is your blog time worth to you?




Photo of author


I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

232 comments on “Lets Talk Sponsored Posts”

  1. Good advice! I am very new to the money making side of blogging. It is not my main purpose or goal with blogging. But, a little extra financial income for our family right now would be a huge blessing! I love to share about products that we love, and I am looking to do more sponsored reviews. I also need to get in gear on writing ebooks. That is something I am really excited about, but I need to put the time into it!

    • I agree that getting into the ebook writing is a wonderful way to earn income online. I need to do the same thing! I’m glad to see you came by and commented. I love having your company.

  2. Great advice Crystal! You really give us something to think about here. I think too many bloggers are accepting sponsored post for the cash which is understandable but not good for their credibility. Awesome post especially for the newbie!

  3. I like how you pointed out not to do too many sponsored posts for less money and to be more picky and only do quality products. These 3 points are refreshing to read about.

    • Jen,
      Thank you for your encouraging words and support. I appreciate you coming back and commenting again. It’s always a pleasure to have your company.

  4. Great advice! I’m still not to the magic 50K, but that’s my goal this year. I do quite a few sponsored posts (that pay well) and this year I’m cutting back on the cheap reviews that aren’t benefiting me or my readers. I’m also working on creating more of my own evergreen content and working toward better work/life balance. Transitioning to a full business with my blog is time consuming and a challenge, but it’s been so worth it to get back to my vision and start seeing things grow now that I’m focusing more.

    • I’m so glad to hear that you see the value of my advice.
      You’re right it is a challenge to turn a blog into a full-time business. This is especially true when you add in kids and family into the mix.
      Evergreen content is always a good thing to have on your blog. I am working on having better quality evergreen content myself.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  5. So funny, I actually started out thinking I wanted to make money blogging, but I’m finding that what I really want to do is create a special place on the internet for people like myself. I have a hard time fitting in with other people, maybe because of my age. Maybe because I don’t have kids. Or whatever the reason. And so I’m starting to find myself a lot more, and that means not caring about monetizing my blog. But maybe someday I’ll change my mind. For now, I’m just writing a lot, and searching high and low for people like me!

    • Katrina,

      I’m an oddball myself, and can certainly understand wanting to find other people like yourself. Honestly when I started this blog I thought it was going to be all about sharing about my abusive past. I thought I was going to be connecting with others concerning that history. Low and behold, it turned into something totally different. That’s the funny thing about finding our own space on the Internet world, you never know what it’s going to lead to.
      I’m glad that you’re enjoying just writing and connecting. That to me is still the best part of blogging!!

      I’m so glad that you stopped by today and shared your thoughts on this post. I hope that you’ll come back by. I appreciate your company!

  6. Good advice! Also, it sounds as though you’ve made some excellent changes at your blog, based on your experiences. That’s wonderful! So nice to meet you via the SITS Sharefest.

    • Pam,

      I’m so glad that you stopped by and commented. I am definitely working diligently to make these changes. I’ve learned a valuable lesson, and I don’t want to make the same mistake twice. I’m taking that huge leap of faith, but I feel God will provide. He continues to show me the way. I’m hoping that I have fixed the error of my ways before it’s too late.

      I’m so glad that you stopped by and commented. I really appreciate your company.

  7. So much useful (and truthful!) advice here. I went down this path, too, and sadly lost a lot of followers because of it. Of course it’s always tempting to use our blogs as another source of revenue, but it’s important to stay authentic to who we are and not just accept every opportunity that comes along.

    Thanks so much for this–stopping in from SITS Sharefest this morning 🙂 Hope you’re enjoying your weekend!

    • I’m glad that you came to Charlotte. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us too. I’m happy to see that we’re both working on improving our ways so that we can maintain keeping our souls in the process.

  8. Thanks for some great advice; one thing in particular–I need to realize my own worth. I’m great at selling myself short. This is a great reminder to keep my eyes on the prize! Stopping by from the SITS Sharefest.

    • Ann,

      I’m so glad you stopped by. I’m glad that you found value in what I had to say today. You’re right keeping an eye on the prize is very important and one that I often time forget about when I see a decent amount of money flashed in my face.

      Thank you for taking the time to comment. I hope to see you again.

  9. Thanks so much for the great advice – I have not done any sponsored posts for my blog, but I really appreciate learning about them if I do choose to go down that path in the future.

    • Laurie,
      I’m glad you were able to learn about them. If you do go down it please heed my advice because it will save you a lot of heartache in the future.
      I’m glad you stopped by and commented. It is a pleasure having your company here. I hope you’ll come back again.

  10. Blogging has changed a lot since I started in 2007. The only thing I’ve “earned” is books for review. I’ve been curious about how others are making money. I dont’ even know how to get one of the modern looking sites put together. I just use the free Blogger template.

    Thanks for sharing.

    • Laura,

      If you would like to upgrade your site to WordPress with a basic theme I can help with that. I just can’t do the fancy stuff all that well. I did put a link in this post for you to go sign up for over 100 places that work with bloggers on doing sponsored posts.
      I’m glad that you were able to gather some information while you were here. If you’re interested in turning your blog into a business I do have a lot of tips on my .

      I’m headed to your site now. Thank you so much for stopping by mine and commenting. I hope to have your company again.

    • I’m glad that you were able to glean something from this post. I just hope it keeps other bloggers from making the same mistakes I did.

  11. So true. I made these mistakes, too. I am doing way less sponsored posts now myself – and those that are, are for quality products and are well paid. My time is precious and my work is good. I should be compensated fairly for it. Spot on!

    • I’m glad that you felt that this post was spot on. I hope that you’ve taken the time to check out my other #TidbitsThursday posts. I now have a Facebook Group too that may interest you. I’m also glad to hear that I’m not alone in making this mistake. You’re right we are worth more!

  12. Crystal, you have hit the nail on the head. I think we do under estimate our worth when we first start blogging, and selling ourselves short does more damage than good. Visiting from #smallvictoriessunday

    • I’m glad you were able to read it now too. Hopefully, you’ll not make the same mistakes I did. I hope you’ll take the time to read my other and maybe join our Facebook group too?

      I’m so glad you stopped by and commented. I love having your company.

    • I’m so glad to see you came by to see me. 🙂
      I’m glad that you are in agreement with me over the sponsored post ordeal. I’ve learned my lesson, and I’m going to be way more selective about what I post and share. If I it doesn’t fit in with my blog niche that I’ve finally narrowed down then it’s not going on here. It’s not worth the heartache of losing my lovely readers (who I do like seeing!!)
      Thank you for commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Jenn,

      Even though you’re not at those numbers yet, it’s still very important to keep this information in mind. I’m glad you stopped by and commented. I hope to see you again.

  13. visiting from lake shore drive linky…thanks for the advise..but…if you are far away from the 50page views..I think that is kind of stupid for them to not allow a blog with less to advertise their product. Just cause you don’t have alot of views…doesn’t mean your blog isn’t getting to those that use their product. Maddening it is! Seems to me they’d want to kind of do it the other way around now..those with tons of page views…are now kind of slacky….but get those with less page views to offer the product to those that aren’t as popular and see where that would get htem….new buyers! just cause someone clicks on a site and generates a “page view” doesn’t mean they have looked around the site especially to ads on the site!!!Just my rant! I’ll follow you to gain info and progress with my blog! Thanks for the help

    • Cheri,
      That is the sweet spot for working with big companies. There are many businesses who work with bloggers who have smaller pageviews each month. I also understand your viewpoint on this issue! I have noticed a trend though that companies are starting to see that pageviews do not necessarily mean loads of traffic for them. Until it becomes the norm across the board though, we still need to strive to reach higher numbers each month.
      You’re welcome for the help. I hope you have checked my .

      I’m glad you stopped by and commented voicing your opinion on this issue! I hope to have your company again.

  14. I haven’t accepted sponsored posts for awhile now. First, I don’t have the numbers for it and second I don’t blog often, so if I’m posting a couple of sponsored posts a week my audience is never hearing from me. Now I’m planning to rebrand and build or transfer (I haven’t decided yet) to a new site, so I don’t plan on accepting sponsored posts until then.

    • I understand your logic. You’re wise to make those decisions the way you have. I have enjoyed reading the few posts I checked out tonight on your blog. I look forward to seeing what you have planned.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  15. Thanks for sharing your experience, hopefully I will keep it in mind as I have the talent of wanting to do things my way too. Pinning to my blogging board so that I can keep it in site, as a reminder.

    • I’m glad that you found it to be beneficial to hang on to. I do hope that you learn from my experiences and don’t make the same mistake I did.

      I’m so glad you stopped by and commented. I hope to see you again.

  16. Great post. I’ve done a few sponsored posts, basically for peanuts, but I think it’s given me some great experience in understand what sponsors expect and how much work goes into them. Now, I’ve cut back drastically and I’m working hard to get to that magic 50,000 number – along ways off. But i just attended yet another blogging conference – I’ve been to at least 3 or 4 of the Bloggy Boot camps and several other ones besides, but this time I am getting serious about making some major changes in my blogging empire. So I definitely will be following your advice. PS: It’s Tiffany Romero, not Tiffany Romeo. #SITSSharefest

    • I’m so utterly glad you pointed out that spelling mistake!! I such high esteem for her, I’d hate to have the spelling wrong.
      I envy you being to so many conferences. I want to go to one in the worse way. I did go to one online and enjoyed it immensely. I’ve had my eye on going to a couple blogging conferences almost since I started blogging. I was hoping to make it this year, but I didn’t land the job that I thought I was going to get. Maybe it will be a 2016 mission. 🙂

      We’re in these trenches together. I am so glad that you stopped by and commented. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Sheila,
      I’m glad that you stopped by and commented. I hope that these tips are helpful for you.
      Thank you for coming by. I hope to see you again soon.

  17. There is definitely a fine line to walk when accepting sponsored posts. There are so many that are tastefully done, but others are just….not. If you write a sponsored post you don’t really stand behind, it comes through on your blog. Thanks for sharing at Momma Told Me! We hope you’ll come back soon!


    • I’m glad that you stopped by Jen. 🙂 You’re so utterly right that if we write something that we aren’t completely behind it comes through in our writing big time.
      Thank you for commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  18. Thanks for sharing this great informative and helpful post at Good Morning Mondays. I am new to his stuff so it was great to hear from someone with knowledge of it. Thanks again and blessings to you.

    • I’m glad that you found it informative. I hope that it helps keep you from making the same mistakes I made.
      I’m glad you stopped by and commented. I hope to see your company again soon.

  19. These are great lessons and suggestions. Personally I think $50 a post is awesome, especially if you’re starting out, because you have to show examples of your work for others to want you to review/write for them, right? But I agree that too many sponsored posts makes the overall blog not as inviting, so I’m very picky about which ones I sign up for. Since I’m FAR from the special amount of page views I can’t be all that picky while I’m working my way up and getting my name out there. I hope to be up there with you pro bloggers someday 🙂

    • I’m glad that you find this post helpful for you. I have to agree that $50.00 for a post when you’re starting out is a good thing.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  20. Good tips. I do a lot of sponsored posts, but I make sure they are informative and interesting to my readers. Sometimes, I take on lower paying posts if I know it will lead to a higher paid post.

    • Rachel,

      That is smart to take on lower-paying gigs if you feel confident it will lead to higher gigs later on. In some cases that has been known to happened. As long as you’re keeping it relevant and interesting for your readers, then you have nothing to worry about. I personally didn’t stick to the “normal” topics I write about. Of course, back then I had no set niche. Now, I’ve narrowed down my topics quite a lot!

      Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your own blogging experience with us. I hope to see you again soon.

  21. Crystal, I am in LOVE with this post. I’m in my second year blogging and just started looking at reviews. I also didn’t want to “cheapen” myself by taking random campaigns and products. This was JUST what I needed to read 🙂

    • Erin,

      I’m so glad that you found this post to be helpful. I feel that you’re well on your way to becoming a successful blogger. I love the name of your blog, by the way! I read your March goals, and I feel confident you’ll reach them.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  22. This is a fantastic post. As a personal blogger I have struggled with making money off of my pretty mundane life since my blog was started to keep my family in the loop. I have had offers but it just didn’t fit with me and it’s reassuring to read this and know that I probably made the right decision. Such a helpful and supportive post. Thank you for sharing with #MommyMeetupMondays.

    • I’m glad that you found this post to be helpful. Yes, always stick to your niche and what you really believe in and what fits with your blog when it comes to sponsored/product review posts.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  23. Love this! I have also just started looking into starting reviews and sponsored posts and I’ve been being a bit choosy, as I don’t want to endorse something strictly for the money and because as a reader, I know I turn away from sites with too much sponsored content. Thank you so much for confirming that I’m on the right track and for linking up with us at #MommyMeetupMondays!

    • I’m glad to hear that I made you feel better about the choices you’ve made. Judging from what you stated, it definitely sounds like you made the right choice. I read a few of your posts tonight, and I really love how transparent you are in your posts. They are a lot of fun to read too.
      Thank you again for commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  24. I ended up getting sponsored posts way before a 50k a month page views and I certainly have made all of the mistakes that you listed above. Thank you for sharing some great tips on how to get there and change it. Stopping by from Small Victories Sunday. Have a great week.

  25. What great timing! I just was contacted to apply with a media company to do sponsored posts!

    I really am glad I found these tips before I got in over my head 🙂

    I’d love for you to join in on Talented Tuesday Link Party! It’s on the blog now! 🙂

    • Kristina,

      I’m glad you did too. I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment. I hope this does help you.

      I hope to see you again soon.

  26. Thanks for this post. I am a newbie in the blogging world, so how do you even get sponsored posts? Do you find them or do they come to you? Sorry for the elementary question, but thanks in advance Crystal!

    • Aspen,

      That is not an elementary question. I put a link for you to go apply for well over 70 companies to get your name out there. When you’re first starting out you have to find them, but as your blog grows, they will start to find you.

      I have many other blogging tips available on our including an invite to a private FB group where you can ask as many questions as you want. (I check it Monday-Saturday.) I’m normally quicker on responding to comments, but I got behind. Sorry for the delay.

    • I’m glad to hear I’m not the only guilty party. You’re right we do live and learn.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again.

    • I’m glad that you found it helpful. That is my wish to help us all grow our blogs together. I hope you’ll consider joining in FB private group (.)
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I am sorry it took me so long to respond. I’ve gotten really behind the eight-ball. I hope to see you again soon.

  27. I am totally excited that I am earning $25 with today’s post. It is my first paid post. Thanks for the tips though. I hate blogs with mostly sponsored stuff, so I was planning to avoid it, but even those little pay checks can be enticing when just getting started like I am! #ALIttleR&R

    • Crystal,

      They can be, but beware that you’re basically setting your pay scale by the offers you accept. I know you’re worth more than $25.00 for a post. The least you should consider taking should be $50.00. 😉
      I’m glad you’re planning on avoiding making the same mistakes I made. I thought I was going to do the same thing, but I chased after smaller paid opportunities to much. Now, I’m holding out for the bigger paid ones. In the meantime, I’m enjoying connecting with others and writing what I want.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  28. I LOVED this article. I hope I can get my blog going without doing ‘any’ sponsored posts. I’ve seen where other bloggers have made good money with just adsense and a couple of good affiliates. And that’s my plan. I want readers to always come to my blog and only find informational and inspirational blogs that will help them in some way. I’m feeling desperate to grow my blog. AND don’t really understand it because we were doing so well on blogger at 25,000 pv’s a month … only to drop to about 12,000 on WP and sometimes not even that. SAME content … and even better content … but can’t seem to reach even the amount of pv’s I was on blogger. If anyone has this answer I’d sure appreciate it.

    • I’m not sure why there was a huge drop in traffic, but it has happened to many who transfer from Blogger to WP. The fact that you still have 12,000 pageviews is really good. I think you need to STOP looking at stats and just enjoy the ride. (I can say that to you because I know what you’ve been doing to yourself.) Every one of your quotes on your post can relate to your blogging journey too. It will all even out the way it should in the end. Plus you want loyal followers versus pageviews any day of the week.

  29. I haven’t figured out how much one should charge for a sponsored post. I’m SOO happy to get $20 even. Do you have a suggestion for a minimum to charge? Is it based on page views?

    • Julie,

      I would recommend:
      $50-100 for up to 10,000 pageviews
      $100-200 for up to 15,000 pageviews
      $200 on up for anything above 15,000 pageviews.

      I have noticed that the price seems to be increasing the longer I am blogging.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Gail,

      You can click on the link mentioned in the post and sign up for a lot of opportunities to work with various organizations.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  30. Thank you so much for this information! The dollar amount for posts and the pageview numbers were the two points I was really stuck at, now that I have some concrete numbers to work with I know what to work towards & what to expect (I get a ton of sponsorship emails, now I’ll know what to look for!) Great post!

    • I’m glad you found this beneficial. You can make money sooner, but be sure to get your worth.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  31. These are such great tips for bloggers. I, too, reviewed too many cheap products in the early days. Thanks for sharing at the This Is How We Roll Link Party on Organized 31.

    • I’m glad that you found it beneficial. It’s good to know that I’m not alone in making this mistake. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • I’m glad that you liked it. I hope you found it beneficial or were able to pass it on to someone who didn’t know it.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

  32. You have some great information about sponsored posts. Yes, it’s important not to sell yourself short! Thanks for sharing at Totally Terrific Tuesday. Be sure to stop by again this week…the party is going on now!

  33. Thanks so much for this post. I have not yet done sponsored posts on my blog. I am not even sure to know how to go about it. I’ll definitely have to keep this in mind when it gets time for me to accept sponsored posts. I can’t imagine how hard it will be to turn down money because it is a cheap product.

    • Keelie,

      I’m glad you found this post helpful. I have many other blogging tips and even an invitation to our private FB group that be of interest to you on our .
      It is hard to turn down a lot opportunities when you are trying to keep things honorable and on topic with your blog.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again.

    • I’m glad you found it to be good advice. I hope that it helped you in some way.
      Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  34. Thanks for the great tips! I’m a brand new blogger and far away from the “magic page views number,” and as a result sponsored posts are still totally foreign to me. But I have been loving learning everything I can about blogging from bloggers who have gone before! So thank you for sharing your wisdom!

    • Cami,

      You’re more than welcome. I hope that you’ve taken the time to check out my while you were here. There is a lot of resources there and invitation to a group I made as well for newbie bloggers. I hope you’ll join us there.

      I’m so glad that you stopped by and commented. I hope to see you again.

  35. Hi! I am a homeschool mom too! Your insights are golden here. I will try to incorporate what you have learned. I am new to this world of blogging. If you have a moment, I would appreciate any insight you have into the memory work curriculum we are using at Cross Seven Ventures.

    • I honestly don’t have any suggestions for memory work. My kids naturally memorize things rather easily, so I haven’t run into this issue yet.
      I’m glad you found this post to be beneficial. I hope you’ll consider checking out our . It is filled with more blogging tips and an invite to our FB private group too.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  36. This is what I’ve been learning too. I’ve had a lot of sponsored product in the last few months – which is nice! – but in October, I did a blog series on marriage (31 days of posts with only a couple reviews) and that was my best month EVER for traffic. It made me realize that people come for the organic content, not the sponsored content, so I really need to work on balancing what I’m posting. And, as you say, I’m really busy; I have to make sure that I put my time where it’s valued. I have a blog and three girls and I’m homeschooling. I can’t do blog posts for a $10 movie anymore. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your experience! I think as bloggers, it’s great to be open about what’s going on (for our readers too!) and to support each other as well. 🙂

    • Bonnie,

      You’re so right that we need to value our time. I also homeschool three kids too. It really is a balancing act to get everything done. I’ll continue to do blog posts for movies because it has been a tradition to do movie reviews on most Tuesdays, but beyond a book or movie the product has to be worth my time and energy for me to review it from now on. Plus it has to fit within the theme of the blog.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  37. I love this article! I am always looking for tips on Sponsored posts and I didn’t want to fall into the traps that many other blogs do! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  38. I have a small handful of brands I work with regularly, but I do try to keep them to one or two a month (with three total posts per week). I write crafts, so the most popular are always when I can integrate a project into a sponsored post. I don’t want to overwhelm my readers with content that feels like a big advertisement, and I don’t think it’s fair to the sponsor to write a post I know no one is going to want to read. I’d rather limit them and maintain a higher quality. Thanks for sharing the great advice and insight!

    • That’s such a great idea to keep them to one to two a month. You’re right it’s not fair to you or your sponsor.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  39. My blog is still too small for sponsored posts, but I pinned this post to refer to later. 🙂 Thanks for your honesty and reminder to stay focused on writing to my audience. Money isn’t everything (although a little to cover blog hosting fees would be nice. I’ll just be careful how I earn that money!)

    • Thank you so much. I had that done for back when it was suggested that we do it. Now many Pinterest experts say that I shouldn’t have them. I like them a lot even for my own personal usage and I did pay to have them done so I’m going to keep them there. Social media trends are always changing.

    • Jennifer,

      I’m glad that you found this post worth pinning. That means a lot to me!
      You’re right money isn’t everything. If we’re blogging for the right reasons then money certainly is just icing on the cake in the grand scheme of things.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again.

    • Jamie,

      This is a great question! The bigger your blog becomes, the less you have to chase after opportunities because your email inbox will be overflowing with opportunities for various sponsors. While you’re waiting on that day to come, you can use the link I provided in this post and go sign up to be contacted for opportunities that you can apply for. Just please keep these tidbits of suggestions in mind as you apply for them.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope you’ll also consider checking out our for more blogging tips and also an invite to our private FB group for newbie bloggers.

  40. I’ve been blogging for several years and not done much with sponsored posts – one or two total. I’ve wondered about them and am glad I ran across your post; you answered a lot of my questions. I’ll check out your sponsored posts list but I promise I won’t get sucked in!

    • Val,
      I’m glad you found my blog too. I am glad this is helpful to you. It’s easy to get sucked into them especially when your bank account is getting filled. Yet, I’ve lost my soul and the trust of my readers in the process. I’m trying diligently to rebuild that back.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Katisha,

      I’m glad you found these tips to be helpful. If you want to do sponsored posts now, use the link I provided in the post to go sign up to work with other companies now. Just be mindful of the amount of sponsored posts versus evergreen content you write. Also, be sure to get the amount you’re worth.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  41. I am new to the blogging game so I found this very helpful. I would like to monetize my blog in the near future but have no clue how to begin. Your tips have really opened my eyes. Thank you for sharing!

    • You’re welcome. I hope you’ll consider joining our private FB group so that you can ask all the questions you may have concerning blogging. is filled with loads of resources and the invite.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  42. I am new to the blogosphere so this will hopefully apply to me in the future. I love your personal experience with sponsored posts and your desire to change. Thank you for the great read.

    • You’re welcome. I hope you’ll take the time to check out our it’s filled with blogging tips and also an invite to our private FB group.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  43. It’s true that your time is worth something. I’m not sure I’d consider it a mistake, though, to jump on many different types of opportunities in the beginning. You might build relationships that will prove mutually beneficial down the road, and it gives you more practice in writing about different topics.

    • Beth,
      You’re right it was beneficial to some extent, but it cost me the trust of my readership too. That made it not worth the price! I want to stand for something and provide content my readers can appreciate and benefit from in some way. I failed to do that while I was chasing the almighty dollar. Now, if you can do both at the same time then yes, it’s not harming anyone.
      I’m glad that you shared your experience and input too. We all have different experiences that we can all learn from. Chances are high that you did it in a manner that it still fit naturally within your blog, am I right?
      Thank you so much for coming by and commenting.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you come again soon.

    • Thanks for your reply. Yes, for the most part, I stayed within my core themes. I haven’t done sponsored posts at all. I have gone down roads that didn’t work out as I’d hoped, but everything’s a learning experience.

  44. I love this article. I have definitely made some mistakes with sponsored posts. I am definitely nowhere near 50, 000 page views. I wish. Maybe one day. These are great tips for me to use in the future. Thanks.

    • It will happen if you stick with it and provide your readers what they want most. You can use these tips now. You’re able to still sign up for the programs using the link I provided. Just heed the warnings mentioned in this post.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you come again soon.

  45. This post really spoke to me! I am at the point where I am figuring out my worth and that I do not want a blog full of reviews/sponsored posts. I do have a few I need to write to catch up but when I am done I am working on more content posts and making it fun for me again. Great post!!

    • Thanks Angela for the kind words. I’m glad it made a difference in your mind.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you come again soon.

  46. Thank you for sharing these tips. These are things that I can apply to what I’m doing as a blogger since sometimes we underestimate how much we are worth as bloggers.

  47. Thank you for sharing these tips. Sometimes we underestimate how much we are worth as bloggers, so these are some tips that I can apply to what I’m doing as a blogger.

  48. This is a really important post. I pretty much am breaking all your rules on my blog. I had no idea until recently that I should be asking for compensation when I do a review. That terrifies me. And I know I’m way off on the ratio of sponsored posts to organic posts. All things to figure out…

    • Cristin,

      I used the Click To Tweet plugin. I love this plugin. It seems to get my readers to share my stuff more too.
      I’m glad that you enjoyed this post.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  49. Thanks for helping me to think about the quality of the products I’m reviewing. So far it’s been slow going, but I’d really like to increase reviews on my site to 4 a month. What do you think is a fair asking price for a review for someone who has 80-100K page views per month. Is there some kind of guide to help you know what to charge?

    • Shelle,

      I haven’t found a good quality guide to help you. However, with that kind of traffic you could easily get $200.00 for sponsored posts/review. If you have to do a craft or recipe I would charge $400.00. You just have to make sure your posts are done in a professional manner. Also keep in mind that any sponsored post you do, give them their money worth with the amount of pageviews and interaction they get.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope that you checked out my . There are many tips there and in an invitation to a private FB group for use to learn and grow our blogs together.

      I hope to see you again soon.

  50. Well spoken. No matter your profession, you have to trust that you are an expert at what you do and should be treated so. As a writer and editor, I did a lot of things in college for free or for a cheap rate just to pad my resume. Now that I’ve been done with school for a year, I’ve been bolder about how much people should pay me for my work. It helps to do your research to know how much you should expect rather than, “an extra $50 sounds nice.” Thanks for your words! Let’s get paid to do what we love.

    • I’m glad that you agree. You’re right it does require some boldness to really get paid what you’re worth.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  51. I have never done a sponsored post, yet I’ve never really signed up for anything either!! I just wanted to write and maybe inspire a little 🙂 Thanks for the great info if I ever do go thar route! 🙂

  52. What a great, honest and informative post. I am NOT at the 50K views a month and I have been going back and forth as to whether I should start doing sponsored posts. I am so glad I read this, it made me feel better about not doing sponsored posts at this time, and how waiting it out is definitely ok!

  53. I have done a few sponsored post here and there, mostly reviewing products I would have personally purchased anyways. I don’t enjoy reading blogs with to many sponsored posts, so I keep an 80/20 rule on my content of sponsored verse original content. In the beginning of my blog I did a lot of giveaways and sponsored posts to begin to grow my following. Now I do a giveaway once in a blue moon and focus on providing evergreen content and guest posting to attract new readers and to benefit my current readers. I like how my blog is growing, and totally understand your shift in the way you do sponsor content and knowing the worth of your blog by the monetary value you post on sponsored posts.

    • Thank you for the words of encouragement. I’m glad that you were also guilty in the beginning too. It’s refreshing to know I wasn’t alone.
      Thank you for much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  54. Sponsored posts, when done correctly, do not look like sponsored “ad” content.
    Many of my sponsored posts are stories, and the sponsored content is woven into the post.
    It’s really something that needs to be practiced, because if it isn’t done well, your entire website can look like a gigantic ad. However, when it’s done well, no one would ever be able to tell what’s sponsored and what isn’t.
    Of course, having to put disclosures on everything is a pain in the butt.
    I always wonder why we have to do this, when celebrities never have to PROVE they used boxed hair color they get paid to advertise in commercials. Yeah, right, Tina Fey – you’re using boxed hair color, I’m sure.

    • Staci,

      You’re so right if we didn’t have to provide those disclosures it would be so much easier! You’re also right that if a sponsored post is done correctly it will still come across as a story and relate to your blog.
      Thank you for much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  55. You seem to have learned a lot in these past few years! I appreciate all you have shared with us readers! I know I have a lot to learn from you!

    • I’m glad you are enjoying these posts. I have learned a lot, but I have failed miserably at putting into action many of the things I’ve learned. I have spent to much time on learning and not enough time on action.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  56. Thank you for this post Crystal. I haven’t monetized my blog yet but it is something I’m thinking of doing but I really want it to be in keeping with the integrity of my blog. I’m going to bookmark this page for future reference. x

    • I’m glad that you found this beneficial. As long as you keep them within the integrity of your blog you’ll be fine.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • I’m glad it was clear and concise for you. I hope you have taken the time to check out our other #TidbitsThursday blogging tips and considered joining our private FB group.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  57. These are great tips! I am trying to monetize my blog as well but since I’m under 50,000 page views I guess u should stick to content for now.

    • You can earn a solid income even under 50,000 pageviews. That is the “sweet spot” to reach for to get the higher paying opportunities with the big companies.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  58. Hello Crystal,

    I really enjoyed reading this blog post. It is very helpful. My blog is about blogging and internet marketing. I have gotten a few request and I didn’t accept them because they weren’t the topic of my blog. I couldn’t make a go of it because the topic was no where near what my blog is about. My readers would definitely know what was going on.

    Thanks for sharing this with us!

    • When you blog about a particular niche only, it makes it really hard to accept just random sponsored posts. I am glad that I gave my blog the freedom to write about a lot of different things, but even I’ve learned that I have to narrow it down more.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  59. Really very helpful – thanks so much! I agree it can be tempting when you’re just starting out to grab at anything you can, but you have to be focused and honest as to whether the product is good enough or even right for your blog at all! Great stuff.

    • I have found that many things do fit within my blog, but I went overboard with it all this past December. I truly regret that.
      Thank you so much for commenting. I hope to see you again.

  60. This is great advice. I really want to start earning money with my blog, but right now I just need to focus on my content. If I ever do get around to doing sponsored posts, I want it to add to the content, not be a distraction.

    • Trena,

      “I want it to add to the content, not be a distraction,” is a great way of putting it. We should all strive to do that with our blogs with sponsored content we get.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  61. I too did exactly as you did. And I have also taken some time off of the sponsored posts and reviews. They burn you /out. This year my goal is to get to a ratio of 75/25 content vs. reviews. Thank you for the reminder of what is really important to our readers.

    • Kelly,

      Glad to know I’m not alone on this big change. I personally am enjoying blogging more again. I do miss the income that comes from sponsored posts too.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again.

  62. Thank you for sharing this information. My husband uses these on his blog, but I have been very hesitant to do so with my own. If I’m going to advertise on my blog, I certainly want the advertisement to be consistent with what I’m posting and would like for them to be something of value to those who visit my blog. Thank you for this helpful information.

    • Elizabeth,
      That is such a great mindset to have concerning sponsored posts.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  63. Very good tips! When I first started out I accepted low-paying post opportunities just to get my foot in the door, but these days, I am choosier about what posts I accept. I love writing sponsored posts for products I love — I get to learn more about the product and share the info with my readers, too. I think the sponsored posts help add fresh content to my blog.

    • I agree that sponsored posts can add fresh content, but as long as it can be done in a story manner then it doesn’t hurt anything.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  64. Even though it is the first month of my blog, I’m starting to realize that being selective about relevant products makes a difference.

  65. Honestly, while I’m fine adding affiliate links in my posts or maybe reviewing a product every once in a while, I’m mostly planning to blog for myself, not as a job. This takes a lot of the stress of me to provide a magic amount of content or specific images or spend a certain amount of time on social media. HOWEVER, I still appreciate posts like these because I like becoming educated about all things blogging now that I have my own blog. 🙂

    • Ronni,

      I understand what you mean. There are many times when I consider turning off the “business” aspect of it and going back to it just being a blog. Unfortunately though it’s become a huge source of our income.
      Thank you so much for coming by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  66. I have noticed that my readers respond more to evergreen content than to sponsored post. I had to take a long look at the way I post a while back and I will have to say that I too change the way I post and what I do post.

    • That they do. Evergreen content lasts longer and are the kinds of posts that will continue to attract readers.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

  67. Great point about realizing your own value. There’s a tendency to take this to either extreme. Either not valuing enough by promoting things you really have no business promoting and are just not high enough quality. Or, not realizing value by not going for promoted posts because of fear of not being good enough, having a big enough platform, etc… Nice work Crystal.

    • Thank you Gary. I have fallen into all of the various realms you mentioned in your comment. It’s one of the reasons why I wrote this post.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  68. So true! Good stuff. I’ve only recently done a few sponsored posts after 5 years of blogging. I can’t imagine having tried sooner. It’s tricky writing! Thanks for reinforcing staying true to yourself!

    • You’re welcome. I’m impressed that you have stuck with blogging for 5 years without doing sponsored posts. It is tricky writing for sure. When you do it to much, it sucks the life out of you and your blog.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  69. Sponsored posts are indeed tricky as one sometimes doesn’t know what exactly to charge. I know in the past, as you mentioned – I’ve most likely picked an amount that was either too high or too low. For me, it depends on who’s asking, whether they want me to write the post or will they be supplying it and which blog of mine. I only have one now, but had several back in the day.

    Sponsored posts have become very popular in the last few years and are an avenue for big companies to reach a specific or large audience. That’s why we have all these blogger ad networks now dedicated to connecting bloggers and brands.

    Great post Crystal – thank you!

    • There’s a lot to consider with sponsored posts for sure. However, we each have to do what we feel comfortable with doing. I’m sure you’ll find your natural price range in due time.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  70. Great advice! Last year we began to realize that the products we were receiving to review were just “junk”. It was not worth our time to try the product and write about it when the only thing we were receiving was a product that was being thrown in the trash. We have since learned from our mistakes and are much more selective about who we work with. Since making the decision to change we have had much bigger opportunities come available to us.

    • I’ve run into that problem myself several times. I’ve contacted the companies and let them know what I thought when it happened. Many times the reviews never went live.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  71. Great article – I love it and am pinning to look back at it later. My goal right now is to work on upping my reach on Pinterest so great suggestions. Thanks!

    • Your welcome. That’s a good place to spend some of your attention. Have you taken the Pinning Perfect class yet? If not, I highly recommend it!!
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  72. I haven’t yet dipped my toes into the sponsored post pool – too busy with my energetic toddler – but I can tell your post will be helpful to me, once I feel ready for that challenge. Pinning.

    • It is hard to blog and keep up with little ones. The toddler years go by quickly. Thank you for saving this on your Pinterest boards for later use.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  73. These are some great tips – thank you so much!! I have never had 50,000 pageviews/mo yet. Thanks for that number – that’s a good goal to have. I have not blogged consistently since my youngest is 6 months old and this summer I actually switched domain names, so I’m basically starting from scratch.

  74. I love posts that make me want to dig deeper into the site. This one did just that. Very informative, and I’ve already clicked on more of your links. I’m a homeschoolin’ momma too. If you were in Texas, I’d invite you to coffee just to pick your brain. You seem to have a lot of the info I would love to know more about. I’ll just have to keep reading! 🙂

  75. Good advice. I, too, learned some of these the hard way, but it’s a journey, right? Having learned the lessons, we are free to write and accept sponsorships we think represent our brands.

  76. Excellent advice! I have tried very hard to stay away from sponsored posts – it just doesn’t fit with what my site is all about. I have sometimes shared books or other things that I find useful – but I’m doing that on my own – no one is paying me for my opinion.

  77. Such good advice. I’m nowhere near the 50,000 views mark, but these are good tips to keep in mind while I’m getting there!

  78. Thanks for the great advice. My partner and I have been talking about sponsored posts. I want to hold off until our page views have increased and she wants to do it now. I will be sending her this article!

  79. Yes yes yes! I attended Blended Conference this past weekend and knowing your worth was such a take away. I have always just gone with the flow, but realized that myself, my blog and my time are worth so much more! I provided my first “worth” rate last night. We shall see!

  80. One of my biggest problems in the beginning too, was accepting too cheap of products for review. I didn’t think my blog was worth more than that. NOW I know that it is worth more.

  81. Very good advice! As usual, you have a lot of good info to share with new and experienced bloggers! I can see how bloggers can get caught up when they are getting free stuff! Thanks for being you and sharing your knowledge!

  82. This was a very timely post for me. I am not at the point where I want sponsored posts, but I have been thinking about paid writing content for the amount you stated. I have been at pains with putting my time and effort into a post for someone else. I have thought about exposure and getting my name out there, but this post has just made me realise I need to put more thought and research into it before I start. A great read and I take something away with me. Thank you.


  83. I appreciate your honesty in sharing the mistakes you’ve made in the past, It helps newer bloggers to learn from others. Thanks!

  84. Great post and very timely for me. I know that I need to work harder on my blog, but I also need to know my worth as a blogger. I really loved your advice.

  85. Great advice for future bloggers! When you start a blog it can be so tempting to make a quick buck, but your right in the long run it pays to value yourself and your blog and be patient for solid products and investors to come along!

  86. Great advice. I have been blogging for a while and feel that putting my efforts in the blog for now are the most important. I will add the sponsoring into the mix when the time is right though.

  87. Great Tips! On one of my blogs I found myself having the same problem I was taking on too much and often times not even charging and it turned into me going insane and getting behind in my commitments. It was surely a recipe for disaster. I think starting from a clean slate is an awesome idea. Good luck!

    • Thank you. It’s so easy to get on the wrong track.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

    • If you’re doing blogging right there definitely is a lot of time put into it. It’s not as simple as many would have you to believe.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

  88. Thank you thank you thank you for being so open and sharing this post. I think your advice will save alot of people from going down the path you did. I have learned alot from this post.

    • I’m glad that you have learned something. That’s the whole purpose behind this blog is to help people to learn from my mistakes and adventures.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

  89. There was a time when I was guilty of taking sponsored posts and reviews that just weren’t me. I quickly came to the realisation they weren’t the right direction for me or my blog.

    • I wish I had been quicker with my realization of that fact. I’m glad you learned it early in life. I loved your post with the 7 cookies and 1 dough idea. (I’m planning on using it this Christmas!)

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

  90. I have been blogging a year, and my page views are nowhere near that! I am also starting a new blog because I feel like my faith posts fit well with the blog I have now but nothing else. I agree with you that certain sponsored posts cheapen a blog. I don’t like visiting blogs that are overrun with sponsored content or that have cheap reviews. I was offered a few sponsored post opps but I have turned them down so far because they just didn’t fit with me as a person or my blog. Thanks for the advice and being so transparent.

    • You’re welcome. Taking on more than one blog is a challenging thing. I’ve tried to do that a few times and later regretted it. Best of wishes with that venture.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

  91. I am a newbie blogger, and I have been afraid to start in to sponsored posts. I worry about so many things you brought out here. I definitely do not wan to to cheapen my blog or discourage my readers from following. My time is worth a lot to me and I do not want to spend a long time on a post that only pays $20. Thanks for sharing!

    • You’re welcome. I feel as long as you stick to your topic and know your worth you’ll be fine. It sounds like you’re well on your way.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

  92. I think what’s always important is to know the reason you are blogging. I see a lot of people who blog just because they are hoping to make money. Making money has never been a reason I started a blog and so it’s really helped me keep perspective on the whole thing. Sure, I just a little tiny bit of Amazon credit here and there from affiliate links, but blogging is not like a job to me. Blogging is an outlet and a hobby for me. I enjoy it, so I do it. If I ever stopped enjoying it I would know that something is wrong.

  93. Thank you for such a great reminder to keep our own value in mind. It is so easy to get caught up in doing for our blogs that we do not always remember to value our own time. What are we trading our time for?

  94. This post is perfect timing for me!!!! I needed to read this and realize that I need to focus on creating great content before I can even attempt to make money. I better get to writing.

  95. The thing I can’t get over is how many people expect things for free. You’ve spent time and your own money and you’ve formed relationships without any financial gain in mind. But then someone comes along and wants to connect with your audience and they are baffled that you charge money for it.

  96. Great advice. I will say that I only accept sponsored posts that allow me to have evergreen content on the blog. And just casually mention the product in the post. Not basing the whole post behind the product.

  97. Wonderful advice for someone starting out and trying to monetize their blog. I hope to get there one day where my blog is helping my family financial. For now it is so new and I am just trying to get the hang of things. Right now my blog serves as my release. I love your point though on not devaluing your blog and your hard work. I was once told if I could never figure out my worth how the heck did I expect someone else to know.

  98. Thanks so much for this great advice! I admit, it seems a bit daunting but I suppose that is because I am very new to the money-making aspect of blogging. I’m definitely going to bookmark this post and refer back to it. Thanks a lot!

  99. This is great advice and very timely. I’m still pretty new at monetizing my blog and haven’t done any sponsored posts yet; and I definitely haven’t reached the magical 50,000 views yet. I just keep plugging away and growing little by little. Thanks for the encouragement!

  100. I’m no where near the 50,000 page views. I’ve been able to receive a couple of sponsored pieces in exchange for free product. All have been from companies I approached. I can’t wait to have a sponsored post that pays me though.


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