Investing In The Spanish Housing Market: Why And When?

The city with sunlight and countless beaches amazes the local and international world. There are many countries that you can visit for one reason or another, but Spain has everything you could ever ask of or imagine; beginning from the most beautiful cities and town areas; fascinating mountains, natural caves, and shipyards, amazing locations and cultural centers and mind-blowing people and culture, according to Spain-Real.Estate, Spain is the most comprehensive country for ex-pats. The weather is nice, the people are amazing, the culture is rich, and the land is green; what more are you waiting for? Start to plan a tour!

Note: You can buy two-bedroom apartments in Spain at the best prices that you will be surprised by. Surf the page and see if any of the units appeal to you.

Before you do, how about you check some of the most amazing locations to tour and make a pick?

Best Cities of Spain to Tour


Barcelona is one of Spain’s largest cities and has one of the largest pools of ex-pats. Regardless of where you come from, you will likely find your kindred or someone from your country in Barcelona. As a result, people tend to feel more at home and settle in Barcelona. If you are looking for a Spanish city with inclusivity and the opportunity to mingle with an ex-pat society, here’s an option to consider. 

If you need to reconnect with people of similar interests or origin, try the Meet Up app, which it likes.

Places to go to in the country include; the Paella Barcelona market, the Montserrat Monastery, the Casa Batllo, the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia, the Park Guell, the Casa Mila, and the Magic Fountain, etc. 

You will likely have enough places or fun things to do in Barcelona.


There are at least 179 nationalities living in Madrid as of 2023. It is currently the most populous city in the country, with an estimated population of 6,500,000 (six and a half million) people in 2023. The city has many parks, concerts, walkways, and beautiful boulevards. It has one of the best public transportation systems and a boisterous capital. Walking the streets of Madrid, one would never guess that its people do not joke with daily napping because it is always alive.

One of the major advantages of living here is the buzzing, the quiet suburbs and reach villas, and the beautiful city. One would almost think it’s a movie looking at the aesthetic street projects and the unique architectural designs.

Places to visit in the city include the Buen Retiro parks, the Plaza Mayor, the baroque Royal Palace, etc. Taking a walk down Madrid streets is a sport in itself. Being the capital city, real estate is quite expensive.


The city of modern splendor and artificial wonder. You are welcome to Valencia, the Rich Ex-pat Hive among the modern Spanish cities. Applauded for its transport system, availability of a higher quality of education, home to many restaurants with local and international servings, a digital hive for skilled professionals, and thriving real estate communities.

Valencia is not only beautiful, but it also has some of the best properties up for sale in 2023. It only became mainstream about a decade ago, and investors have transformed the area into near heaven.

Places to visit in Valencia include the Science and Culture Park, The central market of Valencia, the L’Oceanogràfic aquarium and Dolphinarium, the Valencia Bio Parks, and play parks (such as Placas de la verge & de la Reina and the Turia Gardens) to, mention but a few.


The small, quiet, charming, and mesmerizing city of Grenada. The city is hidden amidst mountains, making it an excellent place to hike and enjoy mountain climbing. It is also home to the Alhambra, an Islamic fortress named a UNESCO world site for preservation purposes.

Grenada has attracted visitor who wants peace, quietness, and serenity. It is much more affordable to live in this part of the country. The beaches make it easier; the natural habitats and waterfall ease the mind, and various iconic/historical landmarks delight visitors.

Best time to Tour Spain

Now, on to the second part of the topic for this article which is when to tour Spain. Generally, you can visit Spain whenever you deem fit. The country is considered one of the friendliest regarding the weather. However, please be informed that it could get very hot in summer, with the temperature peaking at up to 40 degrees in some of its areas. At the same time, it could go as low as 3C in winter. If you are vacationing and do not fancy weather extremism, try visiting in autumn or spring.



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I'm Jethro. I'm a carpenter, and love to build things! You can find me in the garage or at work most days of the week.My sister is Crystal, who you might know from this very blog. Her son Johnny loves video games just as much as I do - so we have a lot of fun playing together!

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