Homeschooling Myths About Socialization

As we get closer to the start of a new school year, we like many other parents start thinking about how we’re going to make this school year better than the last year. I want to ensure that I do all I can to make sure that my kids gain everything they need in life to succeed. I shared my truths in my Erasing Five Myths About Homeschooling post. I wanted to elaborate on the homeschooling myth about socialization a bit more.

My kids may not have the chance to play with kids on a five day a week schedule. That doesn’t seem to slow them down one bit when they do get to play on a playground with new kids. If anything, that helps them stand apart and be the born leaders I know they are destined to be. Every time I take them to a playground regardless when or where we go, they manage to form two teams with all of the kids there. Jimmy and Delbert compete against each other in some imaginary game and they always have loyal players on each other teams. They include EVERY kid on the playground regardless of age, sex, skin color, or size. All of the kids have a field day. It truly amazes me that they can do this because they AREN’T with kids on a consistent regular schedule.

Any time I have my kids handle business transactions for me on their own, I am always told how well-mannered they were. Now if I could figure out how to get them to do the same with me, I’d have it made! They are able to strike up a conversation with ANYONE with complete ease because they see all walks of life in the trips we make to town.

I assure you I don’t say all this about my kids to brag. They still make MANY mistakes when interacting with other kids, but that would happen regardless their school setting. I just wanted to showcase they are still learning the skills needed to socialize.

My homeschooling kids are not the only ones who break the homeschooling myths about socialization. I rounded up many other bloggers who shared their viewpoints on it too. They are all pretty close to the same, but most of them for different reasons and methods that they use to ensure that their kids are prepared for socializing with real world people.

Read what other bloggers have stated about the homeschooling myths about socialization:

“Many public school or non-homeschool advocates argue that homeschooled kids will not be given the chance to learn how to deal well with other people.  They won’t learn and be tolerant of others’ differences. They argue that kids need to learn how to handle being picked last, standing up to others, sharing, rules, and social norms. Public school parents also want their children to have friends, to feel included, to have fun!”  Be sure to read the rest of Katelyn’s standpoint on What’s Up Fagans!

“Children do NOT need to be in a public school setting to learn what they need to know to participate successfully in society.” Lisa at Farm Fresh has a lot more to add this topic.

“You know what I quickly realized? School is not intended for socialization. It’s not.” Crystal from Crystal and Comp brings up a valid point many people miss when they think of public school socialization. Be sure to read it.

What are your thoughts on this myth? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

6 comments on “Homeschooling Myths About Socialization”

  1. I LOVE this post! My homeschooled brothers & I have often had to deal with the stereotype of being ‘unsocialized.’ We were just the opposite, though! Our schedules gave us way more opportunities to grow comfortable interacting with a wide range of people & situations. It’s actually made me MORE prepared for college & my career!

    So… yeah! I’m so glad to see you dispelling this myth, and it sounds like you’re doing a wonderful job with your homeschool!

    • I’m sooo glad to hear that you loved this post. I also appreciated you sharing your own life experiences with us. I completely agree that it does make you more prepared because no one holds your hands when you’re in college.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  2. How ironic that I just find this brilliant post after our blab chat last night! I couldn’t agree with you more! My kids are very well-socialized-they also receive numerous compliments when we are out and about (which is quite frequent!).
    So wonderful meeting you in blab and Periscope! Looking forward to more interesting scopes, bland, & posts!

    • I wanted to share it last night, but I didn’t want to come across as solely trying to push my blog throughout the whole thing. I LOVE getting to know all of you through Blab and Periscope. I just have to be tagged for the events so I don’t miss them until it becomes a part of my routine. 😉

      We’re out and about A LOT! Especially on Fridays! It’s so nice to hear that a fellow homeschool mom has the same experience.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  3. Thank you so much for putting the time into this post to include multiple views on this topic. Every single person I might mention to that I am very seriously considering homeschool gives me this retort. And I HATE it. This was very encouraging to me – my oldest is only just over two years old but I see how much my mom and younger brother struggle with public school curriculum and it just gives me the worst anxiety. Thank you again – I really needed this to feel stronger in my consideration! You are a great mother Crystal!!!

    • Thank you for coming by and reading it. I still have to handle this rebuttal a lot, but it’s worth it! I’d much rather have my kids learning in a safe environment than one filled with loads of uncertainty. You have the make the best decision for your own kids regardless how others may feel about it.

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