Gourmet Gift Baskets Something Extra For Your Events

As we enter in March, it’s time to start thinking about the spring and summer holidays coming up. I love to attend a well lead party because I am not a good host. One of the things I like to do though when I attend a party is bring something extra special to the party to feel like I’ve contributed in one way or another. I’m glad I got the chance to review Gourmet Gift Baskets because it is a perfect solution to adding something extra to an event without spending a lot of money. I feel it can add to the party, or it can be a gift to the host for putting on such a great event.

We got to review the Gourmet Gift Baskets’ Chocolate Popcorn Sampler. Since we are always reviewing movies in our home, I thought this would be the perfect basket to review from them. It came with nine individual serving size bags with different flavors. Our family had a good time trying them out. This basket came with Cookies & Cream, Coffee Berry, Peanut Butter Cup, Island Coconut, Salted Chocolate Caramel, Banana Cream Pie, Dark Chocolate Chile, Strawberry Cheesecake, and Funky Monkey. Each flavor created a new family experience.

We all liked the Peanut Butter Cup, Funky Monkey, and Banana Cream Pie. Zeva liked the Dark Chocolate Chile to the point that she took the bag and ran and hid with it so she could gobble it up without anyone else getting any. Delbert had a field day with the Cookies and Cream and Strawberry Cheesecake. Jimmy loved the Funky Monkey the most. I enjoyed the Island Coconut and the Banana Cream Pie.

I’m sorry to say the Coffee Berry flavor did not win over ANYONE in the family at all. It was the oddest character I had ever put in my mouth. It took over a full bottle of water to get that taste out of our mouths too.

If I had been going to a friend’s house to curl up and watch chick flicks together, this Gourmet Gift Basket would have been the perfect addition to our event. It gave us a variety of classy style.

GourmetGiftBaskets.com also offers a WIDE selection of other types of gift baskets. They have something for all the major holidays including St. Patrick’s Day, Administrative Day, Easter, Mother’s Day etc. They have gift baskets for special occasions. They even have them for just when you want to let someone know you’re thinking of them. Their baskets start out as small as $29.99 and work their way up depending on the amount of money you want to spend.

You can also keep tabs on what new things and specials they have to offer by connecting with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. You can even check out their blog for other gift and entertainment ideas.

 When do you generally use gourmet gift baskets?



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Gourmet Gift Baskets Something Extra For Your Events”

    • Del has been begging to eat popcorn lately, and I keep telling him no. It’s so hard to have to tell him that. This popcorn is really good though!

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