16 WordPress Plugins I Love and Why

I thought I would list of 16 plugins that I have that I treasure for one reason or another. They say that having too many plugins on your website will slow it down, and they are right. Please keep that in mind when you go Plugin crazy. Also, remember that not all plugins play nicely together. Be sure to add one plugin to your site at a time and give it time to see how it works on your given theme. Also, remember if you start to have problems with your site, start deactivating your plugins FIRST one at a time to see if that is your culprit.

Here are 16 WordPress Plugins that I love and why:

    • Akismet – helps reduce spam and trackback spam.
    • BAW Manual Related Posts– I can choose or let it choose which posts I want to feature with my blog posts.
    • Click to Tweet– I can make tweetable messages within my posts that make it easy for my readers to share my content.
    • CommentLuv Premium – I love this comment system. It allows my readers who have websites to include their latest work in their remarks. This way it’s a win-win for everyone. Plus with the premium version you can also add your Twitter profile information.
    • Contact Form 7 – This helps me make easy contact me pages. I also can add any other type of forms I want with ease wherever I want on my blog.
    • Delete-Revision – I can delete all revisions I’ve made to my posts with a few simple clicks. This frees up my database for other neat things.
    • Easy Add Thumbnail – This plugin automatically sets a featured image to the first uploaded image into that post if I forget to set one.
    • EasyAzon Pro– I love this app. I use Amazon affiliate links all throughout my blog posts because I’m a huge fan of the products and Amazon both.

  • Easy Recipe Plus – This one is not one that I use very often since I’m not a food blogger, but if you are one, you need to get it. (They are in the midst of making upgrades to this plugin.)
  • Fanciest Author Box– This plugin creates a fancy author box at the end of my posts. It gives me tabs to put our social media links on it so that readers can quickly find us elsewhere. Plus you can see our recent posts that we’ve each done.
  • Frizzly– I’m currently giving this one a try. I like it so far, and I like the different settings it has. However, I’m not saying it’s a must have just yet.
  • Google Analytics Dashboard for WP– I love being able to see my stats the minute I hit my dashboard. I can gauge what I need to do for the day right from that page on my blog.
  • NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster – This plugin allows me to share my posts across many different social media sites the minute or some of other time that I choose with a few clicks of a mouse. I can set it and usually forget about it unless I change my passwords.
  • Quick Adsense – I use this to manage my ads. I can choose where and how I want them to display. It makes handling my advertising a lot easier.
  • Revive Old Posts (Former Tweet Old Post) – This plugin will share out older posts for me based on the schedule that I create.
  • WordPress Editorial Calendar– This one is quite popular among the blogging world because it allows you to see your scheduled posts at a glance.

[Tweet “#Bloggers Find out which 16 plugins that will save you time @slm016 .”]

Also, if you want to find out what WordPress theme and plugin is using be sure to keep WhatWPThemeIsThat.com. Even if you love your theme to pieces, there is always going to be times when you want to tweak things.

Be sure to keep an eye out for my new blog theme. Greg from Engine1Media is working diligently to give me an outstanding theme. I feel confident he’ll do a fabulous job of it. There are not very many things he’s done that I haven’t enjoyed looking at. Be sure to check his work out.

What is your favorite must have plugin?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

20 comments on “16 WordPress Plugins I Love and Why”

  1. What a treasure trove of great plugins! I love your Tidbits post and look forward to each week. Bookmarked and pinned!!! oh and tweeted too 🙂

    • My list of favorite plugins is always changing, but many of these have remained throughout the entire life of the blog since it’s been on WordPress. I’m glad you enjoy these posts. They truly are my favorite to write.

  2. This is a great list about plugins- please keep updating for us. Broken Link Checker is a good plugin and Ultimate No Follow too.

  3. I don’t have WordPress but I love your post. I’ve considered changing for some time but just haven’t made the switch.
    Thanks for sharing

    • Angel,

      If you do decide to make the switch I’m confident that you’ll be glad that you did it. Since I’ve came to WordPress my blogging world has improved a lot.

    • I’m glad you found some plugins worth considering. Coming from you that’s a huge compliment to me because you’re knowledgable even more than I am when it comes to blogging.

    • I hope that you find some of them do fit your needs. To me plugins, when they work and don’t slow down my site make life so much easier.

  4. What a fantastic list! I wanted to try Fanciest Author Box but found out it’s not compatible with my version of WP. I already use CommentLuv (and I’ve added your site to my blogroll list of CommentLuv enabled sites).

    • I’m so sorry to hear that Fanciest Author Box isn’t compatible with your version of WP. I’ve got the most updated version of WP, and it’s working just fine on my site?? Do you do the WP updates?
      I’m so glad to hear that you’ve added my site to your CommentLuv Enabled sites.

      I’m glad that you stopped by and commented. I appreciate your company!

  5. This was a very helpful list. I installed the related posts plugin, but I’m a little confused about where it shows up. I don’t see anything in the add/edit posts part of the dashboard.

    Thanks for any help you can give me,

    • I’m glad that you found this list to be beneficial. I have taken a screenshot of mine. I hope I’m not to late in helping you out.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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