Fun Day Out at the SC Aquarium





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If you see the brusies on Jimmy’s face, they are from his event with monkey bars at the playground with his Granddaddy, and with his rush to get out of a tree to escape the bees in it.


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We had company come in from Ohio to see us today. Del had to work, but the kids and I got to go with them to the SC Aquarium in Charleston, SC. It was a LOT of fun. Unfortunately, I only had my cell phone camera with me so the quality of pictures I took weren’t that great. However, I will have more pictures mailed to me in the near future, and there are some good ones to share from that batch when I get them.

The Aquarium now has a Madagascar section in it, and it was totally neat! They have some very friendly animals in that section. I think that it is neat that have created that section to go with one of the new movies that came out this summer.

 Of course, my favorite part of the whole thing is being able to touch the stingrays. Jimmy even got to feed the stingrays. They feel so velvety soft.

They even offer a 4D theatre now. It was a fifteen minute show, but it was so much fun having the animals in the movies feel like we are in the ocean with them due to the 3D effect. Then the extra effects of the show really set it off. The kids LOVED it.

Jimmy loves seeing all kinds of turtles. It was neat to see the big one in the huge tank they have that is two stories high. They had some really LARGE fish in that tank.

Delbert loved seeing the neon colored fish throughout the entire place. He wanted to take some of them home and put in our aquariums.

It was a wonderful way to spend the day on this very hot day in SC. We got to gain a lot of memories.

The kids were so wore out from the aquarium that they sonked out on the hour and a half drive home. To be truthful, I was struggling to stay awake on the way home myself. Thank God for radios!!

I loved the fact that I got to do this entire day with some people near and dear to me!! I don’t want to post their picture on here because I forgot to get their consent to do it.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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