Friday Field Trip At Congaree National Park


This past Friday the kids and I almost weren’t able to go on our Friday Field Trip. However, we got to go fairly late in the day. We made an impromptu trip to the Congaree National Park. We got there only a few hours before dark.

Congaree National Park is the first and only national park in South Carolina. It is a park dedicated to preserving the wildlife. Their trails are filled with trees and true natural settings.

I personally have a passion for going on nature hiking adventures. Congaree does not disappoint. Every time we’ve gone there we always get to travel across a new trail filled with many old-growth trees and masses of animals.


I thought we had to rush to get back out of the park before they closed and we didn’t stay and enjoy it as much as we could have. I didn’t know that this park was openly available to the public for free 24/7. By the time I found out that I was wrong, we were already almost back to our car. However, I am planning on going up there again in the near future. I told Del I wanted to go on a night that there was a full moon.

The kids compete each other to see who can see the most animals. They also do a lot of racing along the trails. It is a sure-fire way to ensure your kids are worn out when they get home.

There is plenty of educational value in going to Congaree National Park. In fact, they host Nature Discovery Walks. “On these walks, one of the park’s volunteer naturalists share about the amazing plant and animal life of the Congaree River floodplain, and how they adapt to survive in this dynamic environment.” I like the fact that they make these walks accessible for strollers and wheelchairs so that everyone can take part in them with ease.

I didn’t take a whole lot of pictures on our last quick trip here because we were buried in the woods to the point that we had no cell phone service. Plus, we were immersed in peace and quiet with real woods. It’s such a serene place that even the kids seemed to naturally accept that it was time to walk peacefully and enjoy the surroundings around them.

I hope that you like these photos from our Friday Field Trip to Congaree National Park.

She kept giving me silly faces instead of proper poses. She was being a little comedian. This is the best one of the bunch.

I hope if you ever come to Columbia, SC that it will be a place that you will consider adding as you go to a destination. It’s also a prime location to go camping for free. Be sure you take with you all of your camping essentials.

Does this look like a place you’d enjoy traveling to?

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Please pin this image so others can check out these camping trip essentials.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

21 comments on “Friday Field Trip At Congaree National Park”

  1. What a beautiful National Park Congaree is! We like camping and nature hikes, too. I’ll be sure to remember to include it in travel plans to South Carolina.

  2. How fun! This looks like a great day out for a lovely hike. I cannot convince my husband to go camping…ever! But if i work hard enough on whining, we will do a hike – the kids are starting to love hiking too – especially when there are lots of animals to be found

    • I would like to go camping too, but that isn’t going to happen for me either. I feel your pain. I take my kids to go as many nature walks as I can, though.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

    • I’m sure you would too. It’s a beautiful place.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  3. that looks so nice. im in the charleston area and have been to zoo in columbia…maybe ill check that out next time we’re up there!

    • I’m sure you’d enjoy it. It’s neat to know you found me and we live so close to each other. I’m always open to meeting people. 🙂

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • This place is a lot of fun. I can’t wait to go back. Our plans to go back got interrupted by the rain.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  4. I love a good walk but have never tried hiking as such, to be at one with nature is one of earths last natural delights so we must take advantage and respect our kingdom.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more. Hiking is such a wonderful thing! I love the ability to be in buried in the woods with the animals and all the natural surroundings. It’s a perfect calm inducer.
      Thank you so much for coming by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • I’m not nearly as outdoorsy as I use to be! I actually miss having a good reason to spend more time outdoors like I did when I was growing up. There are so many benefits to it.

      Thank you for stopping by and hosting such a wonderful linkup. I hope to see you again soon.

    • You’re welcome. If you do decide to take your boys I’d love to meet up with you all and we can walk together??

      Thank you for having me as a co-host.

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