Don’t Let the Innocent Face Fool You

This face may look like the face of an angle, but let me assure you she is

anything but!!


You know I told Del several times that raising a girl was easier because my first born was truly easy as pie compared to the two boys.  The only issue I remember being a major pain in the tail end when it came to my first born was her lack of wanting to sleep in her bed at night. Other than that, a simple “no” would get her to stop anything she was doing wrong. She was a true “aim to please Mommy” type of child.  We had fun together, and very seldom did I get upset with her.

Now this little child.. the one I couldn’t wait to have… has definitely been giving us all a run for our money.

I think there is some where that should have been written .. “Be careful what you name your child because they very well may act out the meanings of their names.”

Zeva means “the sword” in Greece, but it can also mean popularity. Her middle names mean Faith and Gift (yes, she has two of them.) She must be the popular sword that will give us the gift of faith. She definitely has to be the center of attention. She will strike you with her temper tantrums. Yet, she also strikes you with a load of love as well. She definitely has all the faith in the world that she can conquer ANYTHING she sets her mind to.

I may complain about her and Jimmy all the time. However, those two kids of mine remind me so much of me!! Delbert has a lot of his Daddy in him. Delbert has the power to usually calm me down or make me laugh when I’m ready to pull my hair out. The funny thing is when the other two are being good as gold, that’s when Delbert is the one making me want to scream.

I pick on my kids all the time and tell them that they must wake up each morning and decide before I get up who is going to be the one to misbehave the most throughout the day. They literally take turns!! Do your kids do that??

Zeva has been sleeping through the night for about a week now, and tonight she woke up at 3:00am, and refused to go back to sleep. She is now (after I decided I wasn’t staying with her, but instead was going to be productive) curled up in bed with Delbert and going back to sleep. She could have done that without waking up the household since they share a room together. He definitely has no problem with her joining him. He just moves over to his side of the bed and puts up barriers between them to protect himself from her flying legs and arms.

I do declare every mother has their moments of fussing about their kids, but we love them just the same. I just had to vent because it’s nerve-racking to not be able to stay in bed with my husband that I don’t get to see as much as I use to. However, the good news.. I got to be productive longer without interruption because she ended up going back to bed.

Of course, Delbert had to go use the restroom so the peace is over with. 🙁 By the time, she goes back to bed now it will be time for them to get up. Go figure.

Oh the joys of being a mother! Would I trade it? Not in a million years. I’ll take my sleepless nights any day of the week. The joy they bring me far out weigh all the headaches, lack of sleep, and constant sense of concern I have for them. They remind me why life is so precious and worth living. They definitely give me so much to live for as well. They are my little blessings, and I praise God that I am their mother.









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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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