Cancer: It’s a GIFT! Find Out WHY.

I’m banking my bottom dollar that you’re here ready to argue with me that it is ANYTHING but a gift. Not even three months ago, I would have totally agreed with you. After all cancer has been the biggest killer of my family members that included my Mom in June 2010. Please KNOW that I wouldn’t wish cancer on ANYBODY! So, I’m NOT saying that I want everyone to have it or to get it. I just am saying that I can see the good from it.
I was blessed with the chance to review [easyazon_link identifier=”0781412153″ locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard[/easyazon_link] from Flyby Promotions in exchange for an honest review and giveaway. This book put the cancer battles that my family members have faced into a totally different light.

Cancer It’s a GIFT! Find Out WHY.

I have been looking at cancer as the most horrible thing a person can go through. After all someone who has to endure the harshness of chemo and then has a high probability of being told that the chemo didn’t work, is no joke. Right? It’s not something that most people would look at as being a GIFT.

However, on page 114, Kara Tippetts the very woman who is fighting this cancer battle not once but multiple of times calls cancer a ‘gift.’ She doesn’t make it bold or a big pronouncement about it being a gift in her book. She just makes a simple statement and gives a very brief explanation as to why she feels that way.

Why I Feel Cancer is a Gift

I’ve already mentioned how my life made a complete turn of events when I was 9.5 when I prompted you to join in on the Purple Purse campaign. I’ve told you that sometimes it’s far easier for me to choose to forget things that have happened in my life than to remember them. What I haven’t shared with you is the fact that somewhere in those dark years of my life, I lost all sort of relationship and respect for my Mom. Our relationship was non-existent at best.

When she would try, I’d have a wall up. When I would try, she’d have her wall up. We could never get it right. There was a LONG period where we totally disowned each other completely. We had no contact at all. Then one day we finally started writing letters back and forth to each other across the states of Ohio to SC. Those letters back and forth were harsh at best. We lashed at each other as hard as we could.

Little did I know, my mom was fighting her first round of cancer. She never bothered to tell me. I just thought she was her normal strict straight to the point and bold mother. (Hence why that side of me does tend to come out sometimes.) When our letters finally reached a point where we were both ready to respect each other’s positions, and AFTER her first round of cancer was put in remission did she FINALLY decide to tell me about it.

The kicker was though; she didn’t tell me until she started having pains again in her throat. I immediately made sure I was in SC that Christmas. I flew on an airplane for the first time since I had my ear drum busted out from flying to see my Dad in Ohio. (I was willing to risk my hearing to see her.)

I’m still not 100% sure whether or not we would have ever gotten to the point of reconciliation without her getting cancer. Her getting cancer gave us the chance to build somewhat of a relationship.

She made darn certain she told everyone how she felt before she passed away. I’m so utterly glad that she gave me her complete blessing on my being married to Del before she passed. (After all, she’s the main reason I didn’t marry him the first time.)

I moved back to SC in May 2006 and spent as much time with her as I could. I gave up a good solid job that I knew I was up for a promotion in and a whole lot more. I’m still glad that cancer is a gift because it allows many people to stop and look at their lives. They see what it’s about! Now you can understand a bit more about why I agree with Kara that the big bad, ugly mean cancer is a gift.

I’ve stressed many times over on here that we’re not guaranteed tomorrow. We can replace materialistic items (ALL of them), but we can’t replace the people we have in our lives.
[easyazon_link identifier=”0781412153″ locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard[/easyazon_link] is a very well-written book about Kara’s and her families’ journey with cancer. I didn’t wait until I was finished reading the entire book to share it with you because I was afraid of spilling too many good parts in it.

Can you see why cancer would be a gift?

“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.”



Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

32 comments on “Cancer: It’s a GIFT! Find Out WHY.”

  1. I can see why you felt this way and so glad you were able to reconcile with your mother. Hugs, Cancer is definitely hard to deal with I’ve lost two loved ones myself.

  2. My brother has battled cancer recently, and my m-i-l is a cancer survivor… I know how horrible it can be on those with it and those who love them. But, I hope if I ever get cancer (and sadly, it a real possibility) that I can think of it as a gift.

    • I feel the same way you do. I hope that I can take it with grace and style. My mom definitely did, and she lived every moment she had left to the fullest.

    • I’m glad to hear that your brother’s cancer was caught in time. Cancer has hit almost everyone in one way or another.

  3. I see your point totally. This difficult disease has touched so many families’ lives including ours. It’s really a miracle when something so nasty can bring us together.

  4. My family includes several cancer survivors and one victim. I have seen the good and the bad of cancer. This looks like a great book.

  5. I can definitely learning appreciation and getting perspective is a gift, and I feel I have those things now, so I hope I never have to deal with losing someone to cancer. I have to say that it takes a lot of strength of character to see the silver lining in it, though, because that is a tough thing to face.

    • Cancer is a horrible beast. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. There is always a silver lining to almost any situation, but it may take us a bit longer to see the lining when we’re in the midst of the storm.

  6. I can see what you mean about it being a gift. I totally get that because when my parents both went through it, it drew the family together like nothing had before.

  7. So sorry to hear you had to get rid of your dog, that is losing another family member!!
    You are so right about cancer touching all of us. Lost my dad many years ago to liver cancer, a good friend, my sister has had 2 separate cancers (renal and endometrial), but, so far is doing well!
    Would love to read the book. Thank you for the opportunity to win it!

    • Sorry to hear about all the ones in your life that cancer has hit. This is a great book. I’m glad you entered to win.

  8. Cancer is hard. My dad had it, my aunt had it, and my husband had it – twice. They all still fight complications from surgeries, treatments, etc. In fact, we can’t have anymore children because of my husband’s cancer. In the midst of it all, though, we could always see God’s grace and feel His presence. We could see blessings we never expected, and we continue to see them. It’s hard to look for the light in what feels like such darkness, but it’s there. I am definitely interested in checking out this book!

    • This book is an amazing book. I truly loved it. I had the pleasure of reading some of the other blogger’s reviews of it too since this post went live and they truly feel the same way.

  9. We lost my 10-year-old nephew to cancer, and I’m not ready to say it’s a gift (don’t think I’ll ever be). I appreciate that he didn’t suffer long and was able to go sledding with his friends one last time, rather than having to endure chemo. But I do understand that our experience is unique. Perhaps this book would help me find some comfort.

    • Let me tell you first off, I’m sorry to hear about your nephew. I can understand why you’re still not ready to see it as a gift. You’re right all of our experiences with it our unique that’s for sure.

  10. I can definitely see your perspective on this. And I enjoyed this. So, thanks for sharing this at The Southern Special.

    • You’re welcome. I hope you entered to win this book. If you enjoyed my post, then I’m confident you’ll love the book.

  11. I want to follow your blog but I can’t find the subscribe button. I want to read this book so bad. I just started following her blog and I admire her so much. I’m a cancer survivor and she’s such an inspiration. Thank you for the chance & awesome giveaway 🙂

    • It’s on my sidebar and also on the top of my homepage. I’ll add that entry in for you and also add you to my list. 🙂

  12. I’m catching up on LAST week’s SITSblogging link up and found your post. I have to agree – as a cancer survivor myself, I’ve always felt it was gift. It is an odd thing to say and one of those things that can only make sense when you’ve been affected by cancer. I’ve lost family members to cancer and had that been my only experience with it, it might be harder for me to agree with the idea. But for myself, my story, where I am now vs. 25 years ago when I had cancer, I say it was a gift.

    Thanks for sharing!

    • I’m glad you made it to see me. I am glad that you were able to see the gift from your events. I’m also glad to hear that you have lived an even longer life despite the cancer battle.

  13. I can understand your Point of view…going to check out this book more…thanks for sharing and sharing your emotions. Thanks for linking up


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