Being Normal Again After Baby Delivery

I feel normal again. I’m fully enjoying being able to wear jeans again, and even do laundry on my own and dishes and cooking. It is amazing how much we treasure the ability to be able to do those things when we haven’t been able to do them for so utterly long!! Grant you, after this week, I’ll be wishing I had an excuse to not have to be the one responsible for it all again. 🙂
Zeva is definitely on a schedule, and wants to be fed at those times for sure. Her umbilical cord came off today, and I was utterly surprised by that fact. I’m so use to it taking two weeks before it even thinks about coming off. I’ve been keeping it clean with alcohol, and it looks pretty good. She gets to take an official bath now too. 🙂 So, that should be fun. Especially since I’m a HUGE fan of Johnson & Johnson Bed Time Bath stuff, that works WONDERS!! That stuff calms a baby and gives them a nice long period of peaceful sleep for the baby and for the parents. I do declare, I’d love to do a commerical for them, that’s how much I LOVE this product!!
We were able to get all the presents for the boys out of layaway today. So, this is going to be their best Christmas yet. I do declare, this year has been full of many blessings for us!! I can only imagine what 2012 is going to bring us. I’m so utterly grateful for EVERYTHING.
The boys and I made cookies last night, and I let them make the cookies pretty much on their own. Boy did those cookies taste interesting!! They tasted more like little chocolate chip cookie shaped cakes. I don’t know exactly what we did wrong, but it definitely made for an interesting memory. Especially when Del went to try them.
Peppermint is still being gentle with the baby, but she is completely curious about her. She acts like “what is this strange creature that is getting all the fuss and attention?” She is making me so utterly proud!!
I don’t have much else to ramble about at this point. 🙂 What are your plans for Christmas?? Are you ready for the holidays??




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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