Reflection of God’s Love

Today I went to go see a couple whom I consider my adoptive grandparents since I was nine years old. They have loved me from a distance and only offered me advice when I’ve asked for it. They have always let me know they were there for me when I needed them. When I did need them, they were there with bells on and were truly an enormous lifesaver for me during a hard time of my life. However, it’s their Godly love for each other and for others that have always been the thing that I’ve admired and respected for them most.

Their Bibles are well used. They have notes from every sermon and Bible study they have attended. I can remember being a young girl looking over her shoulder reading in awe as she took her notes. I watched her, and her husband pick on one another with total love and devotion. I have watched them go through the good and the hard times of life never wavering in their desire to be together. They have been married to over fifty years, and to them it feels like they only just got married.

I yearned to have a marriage like theirs. Due to their marriage being a reflection of God’s love honestly is the reason I started reading the [easyazon_link identifier=”0310916100″ locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20”] Couples Devotional Bible New International Version[/easyazon_link] when I was in my teens. I was determined to have a marriage that would last a lifetime. If I had followed my heart the first time, I would have had that. God made sure that I am with my true love in the end though.
Today they said something to me that really struck me to the core. They told me that they could tell that Del was a good man and a keeper. Mind you, in all the years that I’ve known them and Del both, they have barely seen each other but a handful of times. I looked at them and said how can you say that? They said, “the way you carry yourself and act now say he’s a good man.”
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I looked at them puzzled at how my demeanor and actions could tell them that I am married to a good guy. They stated that I am happier now. I am also considerate of how he feels at all times. I have never said a bad thing about him to them. They can tell I’m free to be me. It was nice to hear them give their blessing upon my marriage like they did.
It made me ponder whether or not other women could gain the same reaction from those around them. After all, the saying is that our marriage is the first reflection of God’s love. I know many women who get together and downgrade their spouses.
I have been guilty of it until a dear friend of mine put a screeching halt to it. I love her to death for teaching me that valuable lesson. Now when I was around other’s I don’t say anything negative about Del. The reality is that they can’t fix what annoys me about Del. Only through prayer and profound heart to heart discussions with Del can that happen. Many times, just like in my parenting role, there are times when I have to change my outlook first before any real change can take place.
I think we all need to take the time to realize that our marriages are a reflection of God’s love for us. Many times others look at how we act towards our spouse as a way of knowing what love looks like. I know my kids always notice how Del and I act with each other. I’ve had other friends comment on it. I’ve failed to take into account how others are viewing it too.
I am NOT sitting here saying that I’m the perfect wife or mother. I am striving to become that person daily. I have MANY shortcomings that I’m working to fix with each passing day. I do believe though that with God’s love and power that can happen.
Are you striving to have your marriage be an accurate reflection of God’s love?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

17 comments on “Reflection of God’s Love”

  1. What an endearing story Crystal. I got married at a very young age and never thought about how I wanted my marriage to last forever…but it is..and I know it will be after 39 years married to the best man I know. I just took one day at a time and made sure I was the best person I could be for him and my children. None of us are perfect. Lord knows I’ve made my share of mistakes, but I made sure to learn from them. You have some good role models in your life too…I made sure I took lessons from those around me who were beaming examples of who I’d hope to be. With prayers, and love, anything can happen!

    • I’m so happy to hear that you’ve been blissfully married for so many years. We all do make mistakes, and as long as we learn from them then we are doing good.

    • That’s great news. I’m so glad to hear that God’s love is a part of your marriage. Marriage is hard work regardless.

  2. Here is a good tip: If you’re newly married and having a big fight perhaps one throws around the D word. Just say: That’s not an option.

    • That’s a good tip. I’ve had to use that line a few times throughout my marriage. Del and I have played the yo-yo game so long that it’s easy to say it, but now that we’re married I told him the yo-yo game is OVER. He’s stuck for life, which is really what he wants too, but in the heat of the moments of fights it’s easy to long for those long breaks.

  3. Lovely post! May our marriages be a reflection of Christ’s self-sacrificing love for the church and for the church’s submission to His will! Linked up near you at Inspire Me Mondays — hope you’ll stop by for a visit.
    God bless,

    • Laurie,

      I’m glad that you enjoyed this post. I noticed from visiting your blog that we share very similar beliefs and values.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  4. I always look back and see how God has been a part of my life before I even knew it. He worked miracles in our lives and is always at the center!! Love this post!

    • I’m glad to hear that God is the center of your life too. He does have a plan for us long before we even know what it is.
      Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. I really appreciate your company!

  5. It’s so true: our marriages really are a reflection of God’s love for us. It’s a good thing to hold on to, for sure! Thanks for joining us at the #HomeMattersParty – we hope to see you again next week! Feel free to bring a friend with you 🙂 Happy Friday! #TGIF

    • Kristen,

      I’m glad that you agree with me that our marriages are truly a reflection of God’s love. There are still many who don’t feel that way, and it saddens my heart to hear that.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Your company is appreciated a lot.

  6. What a great post and I am glad that your marriage is reflecting in your life. It is such an important thing to remember to not to put each other down in front of others. It is important to remember to honour our husbands as the head of our families and our leaders. Thank you for sharing this with us at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

    • These are some wonderful points Terri. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate having your company and input.

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