What Happened to Bourbon and Boots?

I remember reading about Bourbon & Boots back in the day. It was a handcrafted merchandise company that specialized in rustic lifestyle items. But over time, the company transitioned from selling merchandise to creating a rustic lifestyle blog. Now, Bourbon & Boots is a full-fledged rustic lifestyle blog that offers up stories, tips, and advice about living a rustic lifestyle.

In this article, I’ll take a closer look at the transition from merchandise company to blog and what you can expect to find on the blog now:

My experience with Bourbon and Boots

When I first discovered Bourbon and Boots, I remember reading about the unique handcrafted items they showcased. The collection of one-of-a-kind merchandise made me nostalgic for a past age that seemed to have lost its way somewhere in the present. Since then, the company has transitioned from a purveyor of beautiful merchandise to one of my favorite rustic lifestyle blogs.

bourbon and boots article

While serving up informative and practical ideas for living a rustic lifestyle, Bourbon and Boots also addresses more personal topics, such as religion, family unity, and hobbies. They have found ways to speak to my soul through inspiring articles in problem solving and home décor tips. One thing I can always count on when visiting their site is that it will be full of fresh content that motivates me towards living intentionally and with purpose in my life.

I am thankful for the team behind Bourbon and Boots who strive daily to provide us with high-quality content centered on meaningful living in line with its rustic ethos. It’s nice knowing there is an online community out there whose goal is to create a more connected way of life among people whose passions lead them back to nature again and again.

What is Bourbon and Boots?

I remember reading about Bourbon and Boots many years ago, when it was a handcrafted merchandise company, before it went through a transition and became the rustic lifestyle blog it is now. I have been following it for a few years now and have grown to love the content that it puts out. It has always been a source of motivation for me, and now, I want to understand a bit more about the blog. So, let’s dive in and discover what this rustic lifestyle blog is all about.

History of Bourbon and Boots

Bourbon and Boots is a rustic lifestyle blog, but it started out as something else. Founded in 2012, Bourbon and Boots began as a handcrafted merchandise company that sold unique and interesting items that reminded people of the American south. The company focused on providing customers with products that celebrated the history and culture of the south, focusing particularly on products made with locally sourced materials from places like Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, and North Carolina.

They soon realized that there was much more to the southern experience than just products – there was also a culture. Thus, Bourbon and Boots made the transition from a handcrafted merchandise company to a rustic lifestyle blog, providing readers with stories related to southern culture. Through their blog they presented all sorts of southern-related topics such as recipes, travel tips, home improvement ideas, gardening tips and so much more.

Now Bourbon and Boots is one of the most popular rustic lifestyle blogs on the web today. They provide their readers with amazing content related to all things southern lifestyles, which makes them stand out from other similar websites in this niche. If you’re looking for some great content about living a rustic lifestyle then make sure you remember reading about Bourbon and Boots!

Transition from a handcrafted merchandise company to a rustic lifestyle blog

Bourbon and Boots started out as a company that designed and sold hand-crafted merchandise with a rustic feel. It made items like leather wallets, handmade signs, jewelry, furniture and more for people looking to get back to the roots of their lifestyle. They became popular for their handmade, craftsmanship-oriented products.

In 2019, Bourbon and Boots went through a shift in their business model and moved from being a handcrafted merchandise company to becoming a rustic lifestyle blog. The owners decided to focus on bringing stories of real people who live the rustic lifestyle – people who find time to get away from the hustle of modern life and connect with nature and each other. They also decided to share recipes, personal stories, stories about rural living and experiences associated with living off the land.

Nowadays, Bourbon & Boots is a leading rustic lifestyle blog with great ideas for delicious food recipes such as pulled pork sandwiches or Louisiana gumbo mixed with great advice on home decorating while maintaining an element of naturalness. Their website features farmhouse plans designs so people can create some space log cabins at home or build campsites out in the wild that still have style without compromising comfort or convenience. Remember reading about how one man turned his family farm into something bigger (complete with custom wood furniture) by following Bourbon & Boots’ instructions? If not you should definitely check it out!

What Happened to Bourbon and Boots?

I remember reading about Bourbon and Boots back when they were still a handcrafted merchandise company. I was immediately drawn to the idea of a rustic lifestyle blog that celebrated all the beauty and heritage of the American south. I was a big fan of the company, so when I heard that they had transitioned from a handcrafted merchandise company to a rustic lifestyle blog, I was eager to check it out.

Reasons for the transition

When I was first introduced to Bourbon and Boots back in 2012, they were a handcrafted merchandise company based out of Nashville, Tennessee. They sold handcrafted items like bourbon barrels and leather jackets – all high-quality products with a rustic appeal. What was once just an Etsy store quickly rose to popularity, leading them to eventually open up an online store offering custom-made and vintage items.

However, in August 2019, Bourbon and Boots made the decision to transition away from selling handcrafted merchandise. This shift occurred for several reasons: the team wanted to focus more time on crafting content that could bring value to their audience; they also wanted more tangible experiences with their readers; and finally, they wanted the blog to align more with its mission of helping people “live confidently in a world that too often demands conformity” without resorting to a mass market solution.

Today, Bourbon and Boots is now a rustic lifestyle blog covering topics related to bringing more warmth, comfort and joy into peoples’ lives with its articles written in first person style – practical tips on how one can meaningfully create memories through activities such as home cooking or outdoorsy trips; motivational things you can do when life gets tough or when you simply need some inspiration; religious reflections; personal tidbits about interesting people doing interesting things; or even pieces about nature that deserve our recognition. Since making this shift away from selling products towards creating content, Bourbon & Boots has gained over 24K Instagram followers, with engagement rates five times higher than before.

It’s been an amazing journey watching how far Bourbon & Boot’s has come since their early days as just an online store. I remember reading about their transition back in 2019–it inspired me then as it still inspires me now!

How the transition has benefited the company

To the surprise of many, Bourbon and Boots transitioned from being a handcrafted merchandise company to a rustic lifestyle blog. The decision to move from handcrafting products to becoming a blog was beneficial for the company in a myriad of ways.

  • First, by focusing on their niche and core competencies, they were able to better connect with their target audience and develop content that appeals to them. Their blog has become an invaluable source of information that helps readers learn about the rustic lifestyle and apply it in their own lives. One can find all sorts of interesting pieces, ranging from fashion tips to cooking recipes, outdoor activities, house remodels and more.
  • From an operational standpoint, the transition provided opportunities for cost savings as the operations that enable a blog require much less capital investment compared to creating handmade products. In addition, running a blog is much more flexible and adapts quickly to changing market conditions; this was critical during such unpredictable times as what we have seen with COVID-19.
  • Finally, having built expertise in ‘social commerce’ over the past few years (as documented on the Bourbon and Boots social media accounts), Bourbon & Boots has created a loyal following that is engaged with its content – resulting in long term financial stability and an opportunity for future growth – allowing them to form meaningful relationships with other brands. The upshot is that owning a rustic lifestyle blog has offered paid partnerships with other brands through sponsored posts or video campaigns – an opportunity they may not have had pre-transition.

Reflection on the Transition

As I remember reading about Bourbon and Boots a few years ago, it was a handcrafted merchandise company that sold chic, Southern-inspired items. However, lately, I have noticed that Bourbon and Boots has become a different entity altogether – a rustic lifestyle blog. This transformation piqued my interest, and I wanted to learn more about the transition and what had happened to the original company.

My thoughts on the transition

The transition from a handcrafted merchandise company to a rustic lifestyle blog took me by surprise when I saw it happen a few years ago. I had followed the company, Bourbon and Boots, for some time – I was definitely an avid fan of the products that they were producing and had a few of them in my home. When I first heard from the owners that they were transitioning to become a rustic lifestyle blog, I was very taken aback by their choice.

To understand why they did this, one needs to understand what was going on in their customer base. At that time, customers were beginning to move away from buying handmade products in favor of those produced with mass production techniques in factories. Bourbon and Boots saw that this shift was happening and decided to pivot by moving away from producing physical products and instead focus on being a rustic lifestyle blog where customers could come for stories, advice and tips about how to lead more rustic lifestyles as well as how businesses could use rustic elements to make their brand stand out from the competition. They realized that people were interested not just in their products, but also how living with them could improve your life – and made sure that those stories did not get lost amid all the factory-produced wares flooding the market.

I think this transition was a wise one – although it was certainly gutsy – because it allowed them to stay relevant while still providing something unique for their customer base. It also allowed them to reach more people since blogs are much easier than selling physical items at scale, especially pre-internet days when you would have needed fleets of delivery trucks traversing across the country just to get your product everywhere! The transition worked out well for Bourbon and Boots too – now readers turn into customers, which creates more revenue than ever before! All-in-all, it’s been amazing watching this business grow through such an interesting transition period over time – it’s been an inspiration seeing what can be accomplished when one is bold enough to take a risk into unfamiliar territory!

How I have been impacted by the transition

The transition from Bourbon and Boots to a rustic lifestyle blog has impacted me in many ways. I remember reading about the company in its inception—the stories of how three enterprising entrepreneurs sought to bring handcrafted merchandise to the rustic demographic. I was interested, but had no idea how far their business would go.

Since their transition to the blog, I have been enlightened by stories of the rural lifestyle and found inspiration in new artisans coming onto the scene. The weekly recipes have broadened my culinary experience and elevated my daily meal planning; articles encouraging self-care have reminded me to take time for myself amid such a hectic week; and advice for entrepreneurs seeking success has shown me that risk is necessary for growth. Most importantly, with this transition, I experienced first-hand how a brand can be shaped to meet an ever-shifting market demand and still remain true to its original mission—bringing practical, motivational, religious and personal content for audiences passionate about living the rustic life.

The Bourbon and Boots blog has offered insight into different aspects of life in rural areas around the world—from tips on throwing great outdoor parties in uncomfortable temperatures while adhering to social distancing protocols, to providing updates on small businesses that are essential during times like these—all delivered with an inspirational tone not available anywhere else. No matter how many storms we’re all forced through together or individual paths we take apart from one another, these lessons remain true: regardless of our location or situation at any given moment in life, there’s still beauty beneath it all because of an unexpected transition which turned out just right—for us all.


In conclusion, Bourbon and Boots has been through many changes over the years. It has transitioned from a handcrafted merchandise company to a rustic lifestyle blog, with the aim of providing readers with an authentic experience of rustic living. With its focus on handmade goods, antiques, western-inspired products, and stories of adventure and resilience, it has become a popular source of inspiration for those looking to embrace a rustic lifestyle. It is clear that Bourbon and Boots has taken a unique path and is now firmly established as a rustic lifestyle blog.

What I have learned from Bourbon and Boots

Through staying up-to-date with the journey of Bourbon and Boots, I have become a fan of their rustic lifestyle blog – from their transition from a handcrafted merchandise company to a rustic lifestyle blog. It was inspiring to watch their growth as a business and a brand, and observe the impact they had in their community.

The entire team at Bourbon & Boots always had amazing content ideas, especially when it came to helping the world live better through living responsibly by creating content around topics such as nature, fashion, food read more, history and sustainability. Additionally, I remember reading about how they emphasized on living true to your core values of promoting shop small business owners instead of large businesses, family brunch recipes and supporting charitable causes in the community.

The Bourbon & Boots brand helped spread meaningful messages while sticking true to its active southern lifestyle roots that its members followed so closely. The handcrafted products were an even better way for supporters to express themselves in an authentic manner rather than wearing apparel from large companies like Walmart or Target that come from overseas factories producing knock-offs of real brands.

One valuable take away was learning about how the team at Bourbon & Boots worked hard for years – sustaining themselves throughout the process – it truly exemplifies dedication and hard work regardless of struggles ultimately paying off in the long run. Overall, I’m projecting for more success for them as they continue along their journey into a more progressive style that almost anyone can appreciate!




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.