Change the Way You Spend Time With Your Family

This week’s book review comes from one of my blogging tribe mates. The fact that she is my fellow tribe mate has in no way shaped my opinion of this book. Mitzi Smith from Written Reality has created Dinner Games.

This is her description of her book:

“Are you a Christian mom looking for new ways to teach values, strengthen your family roots, and open the doors of communication?

Switch off the video games and silence the phones–it’s time for an hour of family fun!
Dinner Games shares one mom’s tips and ideas for setting aside dinnertime to create lasting memories.
All games are easily varied to accommodate interests and age appropriateness with printables and extra resources to take your regular mealtime to an exciting hour of family fun.

Game variations are divided into: easy to play for anytime and anywhere, Bible verse games, trivia, and games with a few extra props to personalize your family favorites.

You can create treasured memories within everyday moments. Set the table, choose the game, and have some family fun!”

Dinner Games: serving up conversation and family funir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00LFVVZCA is a small little eBook filled with many wonder ideas for families to reconnect around the dinner table or in many cases almost anywhere. I want to joke and say that this book should be called the Family Game Changer because it is about changing the way we interact with our family members.

This book may be small, but it is jammed packed with good games for families to play together. Some of the games are ones that you may have played as a kid, but have forgotten. Then there are other games that are pretty unique.

This book sells for $2.99. For the amount of family entertainment you’re bound to gain from having these ideas it’s worth every penny you spend on it. Isn’t family connection and time together really priceless?

You can purchase this book on Amazon. You can also get to know Mitzi a bit more by following her blog.

What are some family games you play with your family that isn’t attached to a piece of technology?





Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “Change the Way You Spend Time With Your Family”

  1. We love to play board games that are age appropriate for my grandsons. Those don’t involve technology and we have a lot of fun.


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