TidbitsThursday Social Media Management Tips

This year sure is flying by on us. I can’t believe we are only a few short days away from Christmas. Today’s #TidbitsThursday blogging tip post is done in a video form again. It’s all about how I make my social media management easier to manage. However, I wanted to add some personal notes concerning the transformations planned for Tidbits of Experience in 2015.

 Two Programs For Social Media Management

I have become a huge fan of the Tailwind App and also Buffer Pro App. Combining both of these programs along with the Robovy app has made my life in the social media trenches a lot better and easier to manage. I feel confident that you’ll find the same thing to be true for you if you use them. By using these programs, I just have to make a quick round around to the social media outlets and just respond to comments and check out what everyone else is doing and jump into a few conversations.

I created this video for you last night showing my latest change in my routines and how it has made my life much easier. I hope you find it beneficial as well. It’s a bit longer than my normal videos, but it gives you a tour and break down.

Personal News

I am in the process of trying to land a job outside the home that I’ve wanted since 2005. I’m praying with all of my might that I land it. However, regardless as to whether or not I do achieve this mission, I will still be implementing these changes on the blog.

Blog Expected Changes for 2015

Every year I like to evaluate what I’ve done with my blog to see what has worked and what hasn’t worked. This past year I have taken on a whole lot of product reviews and sponsored posts. I feel like this blog has lost its personalized touch that I wanted it to have. I want to connect with you and build lasting relationships.

Here’s What You Can Expect:

1.) Faster load times – We live in a society where everything needs to be fast. I know my site has loaded quite slow compared to other sites for some time now, but I couldn’t get it fixed. I’m back on MomWebs hosting. We have also invested in the VPS server. Which means my site should load faster, and I have the help of their wonderful technician managing my site and keeping it safe and sound. I don’t give out my trust easily, but I feel so much better knowing I’m in the hands of MomWebs Hosting again.

2.) Less Product Reviews & Sponsored Posts – I’d be lying if said we wouldn’t do them. My goal is to be doing no more than three a week at max. It may not always happen that way around the holidays, but I’m going to do my very best to keep it down even then.

3.) More Content worth Sharing – We literally have a LONG list of post ideas that I’ve been itching to share with you but we couldn’t do it due to the fact that I had so many other obligations that I promised to fulfill. Judging from the reactions we’ve received from our many posts that we have shared that weren’t sponsored related, I feel pretty confident you’ll enjoy these posts that have been floating around inside our minds.

I may do away with the #TidbitsThursday blogging tips on a regular bases. If I do have something awesome to share with you though, I’ll be sure to add another one. I just can’t guarantee I’ll have something awesome to share each week.

The reason for that is because I’m going to actually USE and put into action all of the things I’ve learned throughout the years. I’m NOT spending another penny on blogging training throughout 2015! It doesn’t do me any good to invest in all of these trainings if I’m not going to do the work I’ve learned I should be doing. Wouldn’t you agree?

That’s the news and plans for 2015 for Tidbits of Experience.

What are your blogging goals/plans for 2015?

P.S. If you want a quick laugh be sure to check out Delbert’s little video.




Photo of author


I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

14 comments on “TidbitsThursday Social Media Management Tips”

  1. Sounds like you have your ducks in a row for 2015! Great vid too…very helpful. I love Tailwinds and Buffer too…they are both awesome and your vid helped a lot with tips and tricks! Thanks much Crystal!

    • You’re welcome. They have become my lifesavers for sure. They both are easy to use too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I noticed your other comment too. Delbert will be pleased that you liked his video.

  2. Delbert’s video is so fun! I have to say I agree that Tailwinds is super awesome and the best to use for Pinterest. Nice to see how Buffer Pro works too. Thanks for the video Crystal.

    • You’re welcome Sue. I hope you found it helpful. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Delbert will be glad that you liked his video.

    • I’m glad you stopped by and checked out the blog. I sent you an email reply already too. 🙂 You’re welcome for the hosting information.

  3. I love hearing people’s goals for a new year! It gets me thinking and excited to plan my year ahead too! I too, am going to try and focus my blog in a more personal direction. Hopefully I can do that and still make some money being me 🙂

    • I’m hoping that I still make an income doing this too. Of course, that is also part of the reason for finding work outside the home too. I want to be able to ENJOY blogging again.

    • Thanks, Terri for stopping by the blog. I appreciate the encouragement. I am praying that I headed in the right direction. Thanks for hosting the link up.

  4. Quick question: I was using Tailwind for a long time with no problem, but decided to try Robovy. Within days, my Pinterest account has been locked!!! Has anyone else run into this problem? Pinterest support isn’t responding to me. Anyone know how to solve this!?!? I don’t want to lose all my pins!!!!!!

    • I haven’t heard of that problem, but it is definitely scary for sure. I would reach out to Pinterest directly and see what they would suggest you do to fix it. I have heard from other bloggers that their support group is really nice. Here is the direct link to their help center.

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