#TidbitsThursday Dan Morris Program Bloggers Need

I have been blogging for three years, and I can remember when I first starting blogging that I heard the name Dan Morris almost everywhere I went. I started to find out more about his 21 Day SEO Challenge through his Facebook group. However, I wasn’t completely sold on getting that product. Then I heard about how great his Blogging Concentrated program was from many of the top bloggers that I have met through the years. Yet again, I still wasn’t sold on coming up with the funds to go to one of these events.

Then he came across a gold mine product that I couldn’t resist. It is the BC Prime membership! This program has me utterly hooked. The sad fact is I have been so utterly swamped with life and making ends meet that I haven’t had the chance to REALLY pay attention to all the wonderful things this program offers me at the low rate of $49.00 a month. (When you take into account the VAST amount of information you gain from this program it’s well worth every penny.)

BC Prime Gives You:

1.) Ten Minute Traffic Tips- This is actually my favorite thing because it’s 10 minutes worth of insight into seeing what made someone else successful.

2.) Biz Book Insights- They literally save me the time of reading some of the top business books on the market and give me the basic gist of these books for me. I may love to read business books myself, but time is of the essence for me lately.
Accomplish More Sooner336
3.) Recordings from Blogging Concentrated Events- I honestly am truly interested in attending Blogging Concentrated Events, but the cost of going, traveling expenses, and being away from my family just doesn’t appeal to me. However, what does is still knowing what I missed. Now I can still listen to recordings from the events! I gain what I really wanted to gain minus all the extra hassles.

4.) Screen Share Training- I get loads of training right in my inbox teaching me how to do many of the things I otherwise would have had no clue how to do before.

5.) Discounts- I get to have discounts on the cost of things that Dan Morris and his team create and sell. This past May I got the Sidebar Ladder WP Plugin for only $5.00.

There are many other awesome benefits as well that I haven’t mentioned. However, I assure you that you will gain far more than $15.00 worth of stuff each month. I’ve been a member for a few months now, and have not been the least bit disappointed at all.

Wouldn’t it be great to learn directly from Dan Morris each month right in your inbox and in a Facebook group where you get to talk to him directly?  


Note: Please note prices are subject to change on programs like these. So, if the price is different it just means they have added more wonderful additions to their program. Regardless, I’m confident that you’ll be glad you signed up for it.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

21 comments on “#TidbitsThursday Dan Morris Program Bloggers Need”

    • There are some pretty awesome resources. I love learning about blogging from many different avenues because they all give me something different.

  1. You obviously have some things here that I need to learn!! I am so grateful for bloggers like you that are willing to share their experience and help others out! Pinned this and now following!

    • Glad you’re following. I’m always willing to share what I’ve learned. My #TidbitsThursday posts are actually some of my favorite posts to do.

  2. There is always something to learn with blogger, I’m going to look into this more, I know that I love getting tips and advice to help me grow.


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