Tidbits Thursdays Week of Sept. 5th

This week has been extremely long but quick all at the same time. I can’t believe I’m already writing Tidbits Thursday’s post.

I had a lot on my plate this week between vet office visits for animals that aren’t even mine, running errands for us, and getting the kids to do school work with an attempt with a new schedule (and it failing miserably for all involved!), and Del actually being home for two days this week for the first time in forever. It has just been slammed packed. Plus I’m trying to regain my schedule I had with my blogging prior to the technical issues.

Speaking of regaining my blogging schedule, I’ve signed up to be a part of a the Momdot.com Comment Luv event that they have every Wednesday night at 9pm. Basically we join a chat session with all of the other bloggers who show up and we go visit everyone’s webpages and comment on them. It was so much fun!! I found some pretty amazing new bloggers that will be ones I’ll definitely be stalking. If you’re a blogger you need to join in on the fun. One of those lovely bloggers was Southern Kissed because she is full of personality and she is REAL.

[tbpquotable]”Come get tidbits on #blogging, #workfromhome, and #homeschooling @tidbitsofexperi”[/tbpquotable]

I’ve also been doing  The Challenge. I’d never heard of it before this year, but another blogger told me about, and so far I’m really glad that she did because I’m getting knowledge. I’m learning about other products to make my life better as a blogger. Plus I’m gaining loads of inspiration.

I also found out about new programs that give me money for doing little things. I love earning money for doing small things that give me a break from really having to think about my wording or actions and where I post something at. The best brands value your time. Thanks to Jingit, they show how much – with real, instant cash! Watch an ad, take a survey. You’ll earn cash, the brand gets your attention. Win-win. Start earning now! I’ve already been earning money with Paidviewpoints surveys, Swagbucks, and Zoombucks for a while now. Jingit is a new addition to my list of resources now. Granted, I won’t get big bucks overnight, but hey every little bit adds up.

I have also determined that Youtube is my best friend when it comes to teaching my kids. There is even a Facebook group about it where people share their favorite videos that have helped them teach their kids a new concept. We literally found a song about the Scientific Method that the boys memorized within two times of listening it. Next thing I know I have my kids dancing and singing the Scientific Method all throughout the house all day long. They passed their tests with flying colors now on that topic.

Well, that about sums the little tidbits of things I’ve learned this week in a nutshell. I’ll try to take better notes this week so that I can share more with you. As you can see on my site, I have learned a lot of coding too this week and added some pretty cool plugins. You now have the option of commenting via Google+ or Comment Luv.

We have loads to share with you this month. It’s literally slammed packed full of great things and giveaways.


What have you learned this week?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Tidbits Thursdays Week of Sept. 5th”

  1. You tube does have some great information on there if you know where to get the legit videos. Your chat groups sound like fun.

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. 🙂

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo


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