Tidbits Thursdays for Sept. 12

I’ve had a long exhausting week. We’ve been running the roads like jack rabbits. Yet, it’s been a productive week too.

We’ve got a bunch of school work done in a short period of time because I had so much to do this week. I’ve got to say my boys did a remarkable job knocking their school work out this week. They each have ONE assignment to do tomorrow and they are done for the week.

Of course, we rented the game Disney Planes from Gamefly, and they are loving it to pieces!! I’ve heard nothing but excitement and total enjoyment while they were playing that game. There was no bickering. There was no complaints of any kind. For us to find a game that they both enjoy like that is a gem to have. It’s a wholesome game too. I definitely recommend it.

Del also purchased the game Rayman Legends for his Wii U in the man cave. I absolutely LOVE this game!! It is totally awesome from the graphics to the sound tracks. I love the challenges that are involved too. It’s easy enough for the kids and me, but yet challenging enough Del to enjoy it too. I am eager to see Del play that game again too.

I decided to dig in and do some research on Empower Network, and let me tell you I’m not impressed at all! They want you to buy big high dollar products and sell them too. Granted you make commission off what you sell, but you don’t get paid UNLESS you’ve bought thousands of dollars worth of things. Not to mention, you have to PAY to get your money put into your bank account.

I’ll still with my Instant Rewards Network any day of the week. At least with this program, all I’m doing is getting you to try out companies and services that are ALREADY Fortune 500 companies and companies people already know and LOVE! I get paid instantly in my PayPal account for FREE! I didn’t have to dish out more than $5.00 to sign up for it to get paid $80.00 per referral the same day in most cases (or the next day at max.) That makes a whole lot more sense to me!!

The Challenge has been keeping me busy too. It’s a totally free event that is filled with LOADS of information worth having and learning! I’m learning about some pretty amazing services. It’s preparing me and helping me to create my e-book that I hope to have done by the end of the year.

I’m also working on creating my Holiday Guide for the year. This will be my first official Holiday Guide for this blog. I feel I’m finally ready to make that big jump this year. So, I look forward to working with some amazing companies and showcasing so awesome products. Hopefully, we’ll have some even bigger giveaways too.

That’s been my week in a nutshell. Productive but great at the same time!


How has your week been? Have you learned something neat this week?

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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