Awarded the Liebster Award

I’ve been awarded the Liebster Award again. It’s been awhile since I got my last one, and I’m not sure if I got it while I was using Blogger or WordPress. Either way, I am honored to have been given this award again from, a blogger who is becoming a friend for sure, Michelle from The MaMade Diaries.

The blogger who nominated me was given the rules a bit differently than what I’ve seen in the past. (These rules are like gossip and they change many times as they get pasted from person to person.)  She gave me 10 questions to answer.

Questions from Michelle:

1. How old were you when you had your first child? If you don’t have any children are you planning to have them? I was 20 when I had my first born baby girl. 
2. What is your favorite season and why? Fall because the weather is cooler and there are loads more activities for me to be able to do with the kids. 
3. What is a funny memory that you have from your childhood? As I get older, I find I had a lot more favorite memories than I realized. With my mom, it was our cattle drive trip. With my dad, it would have to be one trip we took to Myrtle Beach where we actually had a heart to heart talk about relationships and marriage. 
4. Are you named after someone? If so, who? No, I’m not, but kids are all named after someone important. 
5. What is your least favorite part of blogging? Fees I have to pay. 
6. Do you have any siblings? If so, how many? I have one half-brother. 
7. What is one food you could not live without? Good question, lately it seems I can live without a lot of foods because my appetite is pretty much gone. Nothing is hitting my taste buds at the thought of living without it… 
8. Are you a crafty person? If yes what are your favorite crafty things to do? I wish I were crafty!! I love looking at crafts and ideas. I believe if I had the money to invest in doing more craft projects I’d do a lot more of them. I like to remodel things a lot. 
9. What is something you miss about childhood? I miss riding horses all day long. I miss the freedom of being able to do NOTHING but what I wanted all day long. 
10. What is one thing you have said or done that you always swore you never would? Have kids! 

My Nominations:

1.) Kiddie Foodies

2.) Violet Imperfections

3.) A Dash of Salt and Light

4.) The Humbled Homemaker

5.) More Than Mommies

6.) Pursuit of  Functional Home 

7.) Modern Common Place Book

8.) The Sadder But Wiser Girl 

9.) Blending a Family of Dorks

10.) Sexy Heffer

11.) Courtship Connection

(Please note this bloggers may have more than 200 followers!! I haven’t checked their stats lately, but I do feel they deserve this award for sure!) 

My Questions For My Nominees:

1.) What got you involved with blogging?

2.) What is your favorite hobby?

3.) What is your favorite animal?

4.) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

5.) What did you do fun today?

6.) What is your favorite holiday? Why?

7.) What is your favorite book?

8.) What is your favorite movie?

9.) What is your favorite TV show?

10.) If you could do anything you wanted for a living, what would you do? 

11.)  Do you play video games?

I hope you enjoy checking out my nominations. Again, I do feel honored to have this award. I appreciate all of you visiting my page. 

Can you think of another great question the nominees should answer?






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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

3 comments on “Awarded the Liebster Award”

  1. You totally deserve it! Your blog is great and you really are becoming a great friend! You’ve been a huge help and I appreciate it so much and wanted to honor you in some way 🙂


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