Tidbits Thursday for 10/24

I’ve had a wowser of a week to say the least. It’s been mostly fun and productive, but not overly productive on the blogging front for ME. However, I’d still had fun working for other’s this week.

Del has been home a lot more lately, and I’ve been soaking up his attention and having him home! I don’t want to miss any time with him if I can help it!

Onto other news, Zeva got really sick on us yet again. She’s still not doing well. She had another one of her seizures again and scared the living tar out of me because I was with her and the boys by myself. Luckily we were ten minutes away from the hospital. I was trying to get her fever broken, but nothing was working. When we took her to the hospital she had a fever of 104.7. She had me scared to death! She’s still not feeling up to par, but she’s at least being her ordinary demanding self again.

I have just sent out my newsletter for the month. If you aren’t a subscriber, and want to actually know what is brewing on Tidbits of Experience please let me know. I’ll gladly send you the newsletter from October. If you’re not already subscribed be sure to sign up, I’m working up a nice surprise for my subscribers in December.

Blogging Tips

There are so many ways to market your blog. However, many people forget the fine art of marketing their blog in person with others. Del loves to pass out business cards for our blog. So, I’m always having to make sure that I’m well stocked with them. When I was given the chance to review products from BuildASign, I was an eager beaver.

[Tweet “Market your blog offline with @BuildASign. Check out other blogging tips @Tidbitsofexperi.”]

BuildASign has a wide selection of products to choose from to create a sign to market your business/blog. I decided to go with getting new business cards from them. I also got a car magnet too, and it still feels awkward having my website on the side of my car when I’m driving down the road. I’m happy with both products. The business cards are made from sturdy material, and they are bright and noticeable. The sign is staying on my vehicle, and it definitely stands out.

My pictures are really not doing either of them any justice. However, I assure you that if you order a product from BuildASign you will greatly enjoy it.


Okay, now you’ve got customers checking out your website from both the online marketing you’re doing and the in person marketing. Now you want to keep them there right?? Well, you need to do a some personal reviewing of how your blog looks and interacts with a reader.  Once you do that, then you need to make sure that your posts give them the chance to find new articles that are related by including links to other posts within the post. Plus also have the related posts at the end of each post. Also be sure to learn how to get amazing comments on your blog too.

Here’s a final suggestion: Sign up for the Monster Giveaway promotion. You get to give your readers a chance to win something awesome for visiting your page and also gain more followers.

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To celebrate the launch of the new Monster Mixer

Mamamusing is hosting an iTunes Giveaway (minimum $50)
FREE Link with Announcement (Twitter or Facebook)
Deadline for Sign Up: October 28
Giveaway Dates: October 31 to November 19
Co-Host $10
(up to 5 links, daily comment, rafflecopter)Follow Page $8(only $5 for co-hosts!)
Extra link $1.50
(Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin or Email subscription, YouTube subscription)

Sign Up Here

 Blog Love

I’ve been on the search for the perfect additions to my Thanksgiving meals, and let me tell you it’s so hard to decide from all the wonderful choices that food bloggers share with us. Despite what Martha Stewart has to say, food bloggers know their stuff! I think they do a fine job of creating awesome food and displaying them well. I love making things with apples, and I’ve already expressed my love for cinnamon rolls. This lady created a Caramel Apple Cinnamon Roll and it looks heavenly delicious. Then another blogger shared with us how to make Pumpkin Snickerdoodles and they sound good.

I’ve also already shared some other blogger’s posts in the Blogging  Tips section too.


What have you been up to this week? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Tidbits Thursday for 10/24”

  1. I have a business card for my blog. I am not always so brave to put it out there in person. I’ll leave my card in bathrooms, bookstore coffee tables etc. It’s 2-sided and it has a QR code on the back. So I’ll leave it face down. I’m always attracted to a QR code wondering what it leads too. Good blogging tips here.

  2. I totally understand about being brave about handing out business cards. My husband is the main one who passes out our business cards. (That’s why I had to get a more manly look to them. Plus after the last batch was made, I was informed that the next ones have to have his name on it too.) I haven’t thought about adding the QR code to them. You’re right though, that would help add some suspense to it. 😉

    Glad you like my tips. I try to include new ones each week. I’ve found some really cool ones to share next Thursday.


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